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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Right on, I am now Celebrity Status, instead of Zen Master, better let GTK know to change my status.
  2. Well if Norm'sCoupe was still with us, he would surely tell us why anyone should put up with snow year after year.............
  3. Here you go Tim, coffee and a dip in the snow, makes a northerner tuff, or cold or whinin for summer or some darn thing..........LOL Pics, and my 73 JD in action, and clean driveway too..
  4. Hey Tim, been walking on snow and ice all my life, during the winter, hardly ever fall. Thanx I had my coffee already, might go for a nice walk about, checking out the nature, and such, then will come back and have another cup of coffee, then 3 eggs, hasbrowns, canadian bacon, and Winnipeg style rye bread toast,chokecherry jam, yumyumyum, life is good. I do not envy the boys on the east coast, we almost never get snowfalls like that up here, although the snow stays for the winter, once it falls, good thing as my septic field if frozen would not be fun, that would be a real PITA Here is the place for sun-tanning today. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?site=ffc&zmx=1&zmy=1&map.x=191&map.y=185
  5. What model is this car, are you sure you have an M5 semi-auto, or just a fluid drive and 3 spd trans that Royals often came with, get some pics of under the hood, and trans if you can and then post. Being converted to 12 volts is fine, but you will need voltage reducers for some of the electrical equipment on the trans. Converting to regular clutch and 3spd trans is fairly simple, but a fluid drive is cool too, like driving an automatic, just very slow on the draw
  6. Hey Joe, we have both wide open and heavily treed, behind my house the bush is a mile wide by at least 2 miles deep, open land across the road, with bluffs here and there. In the city of Winnipeg, many of it's neighbourhoods look just like the pics that you guys have posted. But I am 18 miles north of the city limits, not really out there as there are houses,farms, and bedroom communites and devlopments all over, and the huge Lake Winnipeg is only 10 miles up the Highway, lots of cottage and development on there. PS never seen 20 foot drifts here in my lifetime, but 5 foot I have seen lots of times, big storms produce 3 to 4 foot drifts ona regular basis
  7. Sorry to hear about your snow Guys in The Mid Atlantic States. We had a strom warning last night for Southern maniotba, but it's cancelled now, got about 2 inches of snow, and maybe another 1 inch of it today, but blowing from the north, which causes problems in open areas. Here are some pics I just took in my yard.........Fred PS stay warm, do not attempt to shovel all snow at one time, especially if your not in shape, take it easy, as snow shovelling is a major cause of heart attack, for people not in shape..... also is a pic of my 73 John Deere snowblower, woprks good, it's a little small for my big driveway, but works
  8. Hi I am also running a flat head engine, this 1 is a Canadian long block from a Ddoge, whcih is identical tot eh 251, except for bore/stroke. I am currently running a dry clutch,3spd trans, 3.73 diff. What is wrong with the fluid drive? Let us know, maybe we can help you out with it, those trans are sually bullet proof, as well the fluid couplers usually are,t much trouble. So elaborate on the trans and see what we can come up with.......Fred
  9. What part of Canada are you in, looks like 52 in Vancouver is doing well, you must be somewhere warmer than this....
  10. To be honest Joe, it's cold up here in Winter, but that amount of snowfall would be rare in 1 shot for Manitoba. Bad snowstorms here will bring 6 to 8 inchs at a time, but usually with wicked winds. The trouble is up here when snow falls it does not melt away again, unless it is fall or spring snows. That is why it accumulates to greater depths, but good thing, as it is very cold here at times, the snow acts as an insulator, good for water pipes, septic tanks and fields, and hibernating critturs, as well snow banked up around the house foundation, helps retain heat inside.
  11. 30 inchs of snow Joe, we may get 4 to 6 here, and I think that's bad enough. You guys on the Atlantic side of things sure get hammered in winter at times, the thing I wanna know is where the hill is Paughsataunee Phil, the little Varmit. Hey Manitoba Merv said it would be an early spring here on Feb 02, but early spring here is always 6 weeks later in mid March...........LOL
  12. Hi Andy, and thanx again, it is the right side lower trim, telltale sign for these would be more pitting on bottom side of the bottom most rirm on fender.......Fred
  13. Thanx for the info, the results with more power, faster acceleration,runing cooler, are all good in my books......
  14. Hey Larry, car looks good, nice farmyard too, always said Kansas looks like Manitoba, very similar landscape to the bottomend of southern Manitoba.......Fred
  15. Muddy, whats up with that Larry, you Guys getting spring melt-down already.....LOL
  16. Nice car and welcome aboard, I see your from Redlands. I used to know a couple of Guys that owned an autobody shop there, J&R Autobody. That was a long time ago, they were friends of friends.........Fred
  17. Hi Pat, my gravel road travel is limited to going from home to highway, and then on way home, total 5 miles round trip trip. I know we are are little behind here compared to Alberta, but the highways, and city streets are paved........hehehhe LOL
  18. Hi and welcome to all new members, this is a fantastic forum, witha wealth of Old Mopar and Flat Head info, and some mighty fine people too boot, well don't boot us, well you know what I mean,LOL. I, 2nd the idea, all new members if you can, please post a pic of your car, some basic info, this way we can help you with your questions and concerns, it does not have to be personal info, as we do not want to invade anybody's privacy.......Fred
  19. You mention, the electronic ignition, making a world of difference, care to elaborate on that. I am interested in adding solid state igniton to my engine. Is your system 6 or 12 volt, what is a good electronic igniton kit for a 6 volt system......Thanx Fred
  20. Hey all, been procrastinating on pulling the oil pan for a couple of years now. I have a gasket set. My plan is to drop the pan, clean it out, check bottom end, clean oilpump pickup screen, and hopefully that wil be it. I have cleaned everything out on this engine, except this. The valve chambers were sludge free, and quite clean. After I complete this job, will the oil stay cleaner longer before turning dark. I find my oil changes color very quickly after an oil cahnge, does not stay new looking long, although it is prpbably just carbon, and the oil is probably just fine, and most likely is still good when I change it every spring, as I have only been racking up about 2000 miles or so each driving season...Fred
  21. Hey all, here is my next task, gotta pull instrument cluster, then install new glass bezel, and plastic trim. I also have a different speedo , that is in better shape than the one in the car. I do not look forward to this job, as I have re-wired the car a year or 2 back, and although it is tidy under there, the wires are now all neatly cable tied etc. Now I know some of you ar probably wondering why I did not change this glass then, well I did not have it yet. So any of you ever do this job before, for the oil and temp gauge, whould I pull them first from the cluster and leave them under dash while I pull out the speedo and rest, what may be a good course of action.....Fred
  22. Hey Larry, can you post an exterior shot of your car as it it sits now.......Fred
  23. Hey Larry it looks great, where do you get the headliner from, looks like what I am looking for, for my Chrys.........Fred
  24. Heu thanx AndyDodge, the whisker trim arrived in the mail yesterday. Not bad all the way to Canada from Oz. Nice trim piece, will go on car soon, thanx again. I will be keeping my eye out for the horn bracket you need for your car.........Fred
  25. Hey Guys thanx for all the great repsonse, sounds like for the most part long trips have bena success. Minor problems have occurred from time to time on the road,but I have not heard of anyone having to be towed home 500 miles , because of a blow engine....Fred
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