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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Here are 2 diagrams from a Chrysler 41 to 48 Shop Manual, should be the same for your D25 set-up.....
  2. Very nice, now how did you come to acquire this Canuck car, ? I will see what I can find for you on the linkage and will post later, I am sure someon will chime in before me. Welcome to the forum, your engie looks real good with the added chrome, is that 218 Canuck long block engine?
  3. Is the ECI kit not in this category? The above noted items are not that bad to overcome, even for a novice, as any machine shop scan drill and thread these tiems, or if you go with Old Daddy, he will do them for a nominal fee..
  4. Not doubting your info, but to be honest a lot of front disc conversions, have been done with success using the stock MC and residual and proportioning valves. I would think the best would be a dual pot MC, but the stock MC's have worked very well for a number of the Guy's who did this conversion. What disc brake kit and MC are you currently using?
  5. They are both very "Twisted Souls", unfathomable acts, that could ever be understood...
  6. Joe, Karla Homolka sadly to say is on full parole right now, supposedly living in Quebec somewhere, she did her time at a Womans Federal Prison near Montreal. Bernardo, was and is at Kingston Pen, in Kingston Ontario, he is in deep segragation, I was in the area where he is hosues but never saw him, they keep him away from all but necessary staff. I would not even dream of looking at there files, as I have access, but would be repimanded severly if I did havea peek, and really have no interest. I am surprised you in the USA even know of these people, as a lot of our notorius criminals are not known to you folks, but these 2 had internatioanl attention. You remember the Grey Hound bus killer, the Chinese Guy who cut that young Guy's head off, it happened about 50 miles from here, he is currently housed 5 miles from my home, at Selkirk Mental institution's Max security facility, wish he were eslewhere, hope he never escapes, or hurts anyone again...Fred PS we have an Army Colonel, Commander of CFB Trenton, he was arrested last month for killing 2 young Woman, there may be more, this guy was very close to the top, of the Military brass of this country
  7. Canada is also feeling tough economic times, but we are probably better off this time around than most western countreis. We are doing pretty good compared toa lot of places, but who knows what can happen next. An indication we are holding our own, is our Canadian Doallr is worth .96 cents US, so doing not bad. But even in Canada there is a lot of people without work, and going through tough times. Crime is alive and well here, lot's of drug ,gang, and violent offences, no shortage here, we are a friendly country, but lot's of criminals here.....
  8. Ed, your right, I work for the largest employer in Canada, the Federal Governemnt, lay-offs unheard of, lot's of games with contract talks, though in tough economic times, last contract took 4 1/2 years to settle. PS we are never running short of clientele..........LOL
  9. Thanx for all thew compliments Guys, glad this is over, but home renos, never seem to be over, just ongoing, just thankfull the Boss in the Sky, I have it and still am employed....
  10. Here is a link, with video, it shows Jubilant Fans and Patriot Canadians celebrating Victory moments after Canada won Gold against our Best Friends and Allies the United States. This is my Hometown Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I was at work when victory was announced, I gave a big Yay, over the PA system, all in the prison heard this, most Prisoners were also watching this game........ http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/Portage-and-Main-packed-with-pride-over-hockey-gold-85785907.html?viewAllComments=y
  11. Thanx Joe, it turned out pretty good, some glitches here and there but not many.......Fred PS hope you get that flathead roaring soon
  12. Watched this video, very informative Ed....
  13. Thanx Tommy, how is that valve replacement coming along?.......
  14. Hey all, well this basement rec room project is just about completed. I still have to build a bar, install window coverings, decorate hang pictures, new TV and stand. Now I can get back to more serious matters , like work on my 47. Here are a few pics of the completed rec room project.
  15. Me Three , will be doing this myself
  16. For sure is easier to pull front clip, but it can be done without removal of the clip. The trans need to come off, what about the top rad brace, should it be removed? I know if I had to pull my engine, would be looking to do it with the clip still on car, do you think it could be done, with a cherry picker style engine hoist........
  17. Sorry to hear of your misfortunes, glad to hear you are not giving iup on your car. Hey how about posting a pic of it, as I have never seen it before. So you are gonna try and spray it, did you give up on the roller idea for a paint job.....
  18. If the trans is removed, you should be able to pull the engine out of the car with front clip intact. The top rad brace may need to be removed , to allow the engine to move upward and out. The trouble with removing the entire front clip, is it is not always easy to get aligned again, plus removing it almost inevitably will scratch something. The plus of removing it is, you can really clean up the firewall and re-paint it, and the front frame area too. I may at some point need to pull my engine, having the pleasure of aligning my front fenders,hood to cowl, then doing filler work and paint, not crazy about disturbing any of it, if I could avoid it............Fred
  19. Thank you very much for the HAMB links, I am member on there go by Flat Six Fix, but did not think to do a search over there
  20. Warm thats battery in the house carry it out and crank that baby too life. I start my engine at cool temps all the time. Your engine is begging to be fired, now go get at her......
  21. The sill mats, can be bought , but are very pricey, have heard of them(yours) be revulanized. The aluminum strips that lay over the sill mat, are not so easy to come by, that you will have to find NOS or used from somwhere, maybe Epay........Fred
  22. Whaddaya mean off:rolleyes:, the actual strapping that is part of the mounting? The straps themselves unscrew from the seat backs. BTW, I need 1 you got an extra:D
  23. Thanx Zeke, will try this soon, not worried if I do make a mistake with this carpet, can use it in the trunk then, perfection in my work is not going to happen, but pretty good, is okay. The cut for the trans hump going up onthe firewall is an upside down T cut, this allows the carpet over the horizontal cut to be pulled closer, and the horizontal cut allows the carpet to relax on the bnd of the flor going up. At least it does witha paper sample am playing with......
  24. Never tried this Ed, but sounds like a viable idea.......
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