Joe, Karla Homolka sadly to say is on full parole right now, supposedly living in Quebec somewhere, she did her time at a Womans Federal Prison near Montreal.
Bernardo, was and is at Kingston Pen, in Kingston Ontario, he is in deep segragation, I was in the area where he is hosues but never saw him, they keep him away from all but necessary staff.
I would not even dream of looking at there files, as I have access, but would be repimanded severly if I did havea peek, and really have no interest.
I am surprised you in the USA even know of these people, as a lot of our notorius criminals are not known to you folks, but these 2 had internatioanl attention.
You remember the Grey Hound bus killer, the Chinese Guy who cut that young Guy's head off, it happened about 50 miles from here, he is currently housed 5 miles from my home, at Selkirk Mental institution's Max security facility, wish he were eslewhere, hope he never escapes, or hurts anyone again...Fred PS we have an Army Colonel, Commander of CFB Trenton, he was arrested last month for killing 2 young Woman, there may be more, this guy was very close to the top, of the Military brass of this country