Hey all, did this brake a job earlier this summer,but discovered recently front left stock brake dragging hard.
I tried to back off the minor adjusters, infact backed them right off.
Placed drum back onto hub,they are seperated,not sure how this happened, they have modern studs, but the shop that did the machining,may have seperated them. I figured out where the drum to hub should be placed,made marks for reference.
I placed the wheel back on, and the wheel would barely turn, pissmeoff.
So I go to work on the 1 major anchor adjuster, and get it to turn, to back shoe away from drum contact, this worked.
I put the hub back on lossely, attached drum, and installed wheel, tightened wheel first,then tightened hub nut to applicable torque,re-installed cotterpin.
I then did a slight minor brake adjustment,this worked out finally,adjusted both front brakes, brakes are getting better,high pedal too.
The back brakes are 80s modern type,no issue with them, they are all new.
Have any of you ever experienced tis type of problem.
My truck was running a bit hotter,and you could feel a drag from the 1 left front brake.....