Has anyone given any consideration to the "Heat Riser", design, and it's ability to keep the carb heated up.
Say if the heatriser is stuck, usually in the cold postion, that would heat up the carb big time ona hot day, would it not.
Or if the heat riser flap was not seized, but still allows hot gases to move up ward, to some degree, allowing exhaust maniolf heat to heat up the carb.
Is this design the cause of the problem?
Was this a big issue back in the day, or is the modern ethanol blended fuel a problem, did old Leaded gasoline, have less problems in this regard.
I am not saying I am having a big issue with this, but have had the hot start problems and gas boiling issues in hot weather.
I do know my lawn trctor, and other small engine equipment, do not seem to have this issue, and those engines and surrounding areas get good and hot..