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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Exactly my experience with the lake effect. At Thunder Bay, on the north side of the lake, it is not quite like that, and the temps do get warm in that city, I have heard of people swinning in that Lake in shallow bays and such. Years ago, I drove through Superior, hot then cool by the lake, then hot again, onto Lake Michigan, I stopped, and went swimming the water was nice and warm, and that was early May........ PS coldest water I have swam in, West Hawk Lake Manitoba, 400 ft deep, swam in May a few times, ice cold, even on shore. Next would be the Pacific Ocean in Long Beach Cal., in early April, that was super cold too....
  2. nice scenery Ed, been through Superior a time or 2 myself. I recall on 1 hot day, that driving close to Duluth and Superior, could actually feel the air get real cool, the closer I go to those cities. If you ever get the chance, drive from Duluth to Thunder bay Ontario, very scenic, beautiful country. The drive on the north side of the lake from TBay, to Sault Saint Marie Ontario , is also great....
  3. Here we go again,no offense to the thread or anyone else, but does this topic ever get resolved.........
  4. Ditto, 1980s Mopar 8 1/4 diff on the back off the 55 Fargo, with 3.23 gears. Was driving at about 45-50 mph, can hardly hear the engine, try that with 4.11 or 4.30 gears, even 3.90s, at 60 mph she don't sound overly busy either. Now on the 47 Chrysler, I have 3.73, if I ever need to swap, will also get a 3.23 gears, makes a big difference, and the modern brakes are nice too.. Mark, if you could find the diff pumpkin from a 46-48 Chrysler, lot of them were 3.55, or even a set of 3.73s would not be so bad either.
  5. After working night shift, I had to wake up the Ole Fargo, and go fetch a washer and dryer my wife bought the night before. Whirl pool Duet front load washer and dryer, made July 09, 2007, hope they are good mahines and last fora while. Got them fora good deal, a divorce sale, a little scratched, a few dents, but otherwise okay. Here are the hauling home pics, it was getting hot out by the time I go home at 10:00AM, they were about 12 miles from home....
  6. Good Go Greg, thngs have a come a ways. Let us know how the 1st journey goes......
  7. Very cool Merle, thats only a 3 1/2-4 hour drive from here...
  8. Thanx Guys, will do the 'wear in" method, this worked extremely well in the 47 Chrysler, those brakes are stock, and quite good........
  9. Hey all, did this brake a job earlier this summer,but discovered recently front left stock brake dragging hard. I tried to back off the minor adjusters, infact backed them right off. Placed drum back onto hub,they are seperated,not sure how this happened, they have modern studs, but the shop that did the machining,may have seperated them. I figured out where the drum to hub should be placed,made marks for reference. I placed the wheel back on, and the wheel would barely turn, pissmeoff. So I go to work on the 1 major anchor adjuster, and get it to turn, to back shoe away from drum contact, this worked. I put the hub back on lossely, attached drum, and installed wheel, tightened wheel first,then tightened hub nut to applicable torque,re-installed cotterpin. I then did a slight minor brake adjustment,this worked out finally,adjusted both front brakes, brakes are getting better,high pedal too. The back brakes are 80s modern type,no issue with them, they are all new. Have any of you ever experienced tis type of problem. My truck was running a bit hotter,and you could feel a drag from the 1 left front brake.....
  10. This should meet your needs...... http://www.tscstores.com/6-volt-Group-2-780-CCA-40-month-wty-P5603.aspx
  11. Watch out Jay Leno, the RB Collection is comin to town.........
  12. I concur, Buy some "quality" oil, and forget all this crapola about the Zinc. I still use Rotella T, and I do know it has plenty of zinc, not sure what I am using next, as I am out of Rotella, used the last of my 5 gallon pail..
  13. Glad to hear all is well Bob, and that your able to go with the Grandson on drives. Also glad all is well after the big "Twister", hope your summer weather has been more civil. It is a lot cooler here today with a high of about 79, been 90s with humidex over the 100 mark, I am sure you know what this is like. The funny thing though, very few t/storms or rain this summer, and no twisters so far.... Just came back from a 30 mile cruise with teh Coupe, man this old beast runs and drives well, sems better than ever ,"touch wood", the truck I have is so rough to drive compared to my ole Chrysler....
  14. Darn tootin, all for this, next time you are in these parts, will take you to Hooters............yeehaw
  15. Okay good and hot earlier today, drove to local small car show in the 55 Fargo beater truck. The truck runs at about 170 or so, park, notice she is bubbling in the see through fuel filter on fuel line just before the carb, no leaking at base, it may have dried fast before I took notice. I was talking with an old timer, with a 1948 D 25, He tells me his fuel never gives him any trouble, look at his 218 flattie, and fuel line no different than mine. So what the heck??? Wonder why He doesn' experience this, He still has a 6 volt system, says He has no trouble with hot starts, I don't either, with the 12 volt, but with the 6 volt on the 47 Chrys, if it gets good and hot, and fuel boils, I have a bitz of a time startin her......
  16. Yup, I proclaimed it hotter and dustier than A "*&^%^&**&", you know what I means, and me thinx you does......LOL In the pool was the rule..........
  17. Took the ole girl to town late this afternoon. Ambient temp, dropped to around 80, very hazy and smoky, looks like the Valley Of Smog in LA. There are major forest fires, apparently in Alberta, the smoke has blown about a 1000 miles to my area. Some pics, car runs and rives great, engine temp, steady at 160, oil pressure 50 psi on hwy, 30-35 psi at an idle. This engine is a long 218, a bit tired, how much more pep would I notice with a slightly modified rebuilt 251?????
  18. Just a few more, there were about 60-75 cars at this small show, the 50 Pontiac is 1 of my favorites, this car has been at the show the past few years.
  19. A few more cars and trucks.
  20. That was the sign along Hwy #9, at Petersfield a car show hosted by the Lily Pad Cruisers Car Club. I took the truck, it was hot and dusty today, not too many seemed to like my old beater, too rough I guess. Here are some pics, a nice 48 D25 Seedan, 1950 Plym Biz Coupe, done right up, absolutley beautiful paint job on her, has a 350 automatic,Owner probaly can't drive standard, he has a very bad leg, walks with a cane. Heas onwed the car since1974, while in Hgh School, he pulled the 218 to install a 283 SBC, 1st mistake....LOL A great looking 1973 Javelin, owner had to buy a body for it from the US somehwere, his was far too rusty.... Other cars, and trucks, a real small country show, very hot and dusty today...
  21. Lookin Good Moose, the land ,trees and such look like my area, Manitoba, well you are just straight south a 1000 miles or so. Gonna be 90 today and humidex to about 100 or so.
  22. If the 4 speed housing will bolt up to the fluid drive clutch housing, are they the same? Will the 3 speed trans input shaft, fit into the 4 speed trans ? This sounds interesting, or how about a T5 trans fluid drive, could that be possible, using a 3 speed stock trans input shaft, adapted or made to fit the T5 trans.....
  23. I agree that cloth wire appears to be in good condition, at least the section we can see in the picture. Lee you know if it needs replacing or not, if good keep it, if suspect along those circuits replace, or repair before the headliner goes in....
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