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Everything posted by BobDeSoto

  1. They used to make what was called a HushThrush. Sounded great.
  2. Tell me how you bolted down the seats. I've been staring at mine but can't quite see from underneath.
  3. I've been using 30W non detergent and a lead additive in a 51 DeSoto engine. Can I safely switch to the Amsoil synthetic Z Rod 10W-30? Is it also non detergent?
  4. Port side or Starboard?
  5. Gran Torino - Get off my lawn Michael - I love pie Big Fat Greek Wedding - What? no meat? Blues Brothers - Soul Man Uncle Buck - here's a quarter, go downtown .......
  6. Try pushing.
  7. Thanks, I'll read it all.
  8. I have a 1951 DeSoto Custom, fluid drive. A couple of things: I have to use the clutch to shift from 3rd to 4th. Car downshifts at a stop sign normally. If I don't use the clutch when it is supposed to shift by lifting on the gas pedal it makes a tremendous grinding noise as if the transmission would just fall out the bottom of the car. Once in 4th it will occasionally slip out of gear so if I Iet up on the gas it goes back in gear and is fine. Also, At times it is very difficult to back up. I have to really give it the gas in order to move. I don't think this problem is the emergency brake but it could be I suppose. I've owner the car for 30 years and nothing has changed.
  9. I once installed a Zoom clutch and pressure plate. Driving from WI to GA - I broke the bell crank because the pressure plate was so stiff. Ended up driving most of the way with no clutch.
  10. and when we went to put in the bolts -----all the holes were gone!
  11. I have lap belts that were installed 30 years ago - 51 DeSoto. I wear them mostly in case the brakes fail!
  12. They're called T-Nuts
  13. Now you have to confirm that your dipstick is accurate.
  14. If it is a Ford part wouldn't it be rusty?
  15. The 10% ethanol fuel absorbs moisture over time and is hard on hoses, gaskets, etc. I'm 70 years old and add lead because my Dad told me to - suppose I could quit.
  16. Pretty sure my thermostat is 178 degrees. I run the 87 octane - unleaded with no ethanol and just a bit of lead additive. What do you run if not the unleaded?
  17. Sniper - we can actually get unleaded with no ethanol - 87 and 91 octane.
  18. A couple days ago I was asking about a heat shield to guard against vapor lock. I see the fuel line on this engine is the same as mine - straight up past the manifold.
  19. Thanks
  20. I like the electric pump option. Any 6V recommendations?
  21. no - I don't know The heat shield on EBay seems to be exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
  22. I had trouble with vapor lock last summer - 1951 DeSoto Does anyone make a heat shield "kit" or a functional heat shield?
  23. I have a 51 DeSoto - two door - with a rubber mat in the front. Let me know if you ever find a new one. thanks
  24. yes - it is original equipment - one bench and two folding backs. I'll loosen the front bolts and see what happens. Thanks
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