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Everything posted by LazyK

  1. I agree. With your +1 occupying that side of the truck you will have better thing to look at, and if the seat is empty your attention will be forward.
  2. I believe the part number is U4015A A google search returned a couple of options
  3. You will need power to terminals 30 and 86. horns to terminal 87. Steering wheel horn switch lead to terminal 85. Make sure the relay is rated to 30 amps minimum. If you want the horns to only operate with the key on you would power terminal 30 from a constant power source(battery) (per Sniper before the amp gauge) and terminal 87 from the acc terminal on the key ignition switch
  4. Horn is a high current load,relay needed.
  5. The 5th? That's torture It's past the 5th. we're (not) patiently waiting
  6. Quick google search "Ball end rope hook" brought up several options here is one from Fastenal https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.fastenal.com/product/details/0130023&ved=2ahUKEwji7bLQj8eLAxXdOTQIHenjPIMQFnoECDgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1klnjEslSx01_tBu0r0O38
  7. There is no flange on the axle. The axle is tapered. Just keep whacking the cross bone on the puller.
  8. In a shed in western Nebraska
  9. In general relays and lamps are not polarity sensitive.
  10. Restoration specialties PDF catalog available on line https://www.restorationspecialties.com/
  11. Marc has not been active on the site for over 6 months. Maybe someone else can chime in.
  12. Dimmer required would need to be a 0-10 volt dimmer, not your standard household dimmer. Dimmer needs to be figured into your initial electrical wiring, tough to add it in at a later date. As for the lumen output there should be a switch built in to the fixture to select it. The electronics built in to the fixture will sense the input voltage(120-277)and adjust accordingly.
  13. There are after market harnesses to retro fit pre 1972 mopars with mopar electronic ignitions. Includes the 5pin connector, 2 wire distributor connection, and ballast resistor connectors. Classic industries and Year One are two companies that come to mind and cost less than 50 bucks.
  14. Thanks for the update. Nice when members can help.
  15. Chain and gears should always be changed as a set. IMO
  16. There are 13 bolts total.failure to get them all will result in a broken manifold.
  17. Water in the distributor. If you tried to start it while wet, good chance the water formed carbon tracks. Only solution is to replace the cap rotor and condenser.
  18. Reminds me of a saying "Lock you wife and your dog in the trunk, go back in 30 minutes, see which is most happy to see you."
  19. 51 Plymouth sales brochure refers to them as 3 passenger coupe
  20. Stuff(junk) expands to fit the space allocated.
  21. Rhode island wiring Riwire.com
  22. The shipped to dealer is not necessarily the sold by dealer. My build sheet lists Bryden Motors in Beloit,WI, but I know for a fact my dad purchased it new from Boulevard Motors in Marshfield,WI. My aunt was the office manager.
  23. Also check the rotor and the contact point in the distributor cap. When was the last time the cap and rotor were replaced as a set.
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