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I have something to sayabout non automotive stuff here

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I like many people have many opinions and views about many things.

Some believe in No government some big government some are Republicans some are Democrats, some north, some east ,some west, some south,.Some wanty guns some don't -- the list could go no forever of divergent issues.

No matter what your convictions beliefs ofrviews on issues I feel it is very inapproiate to air them here. I contibute to this site because I want to get and recieve help and information about cars and trucks- in particular Plymouths.

It disturbs me when this becomes a sounding board for some ones point of view on some "issue".

I thought we came together here with a common interest---Automotive.

So I would suggest to anyone to remember that we are not all alike and do not all agree with one point of view and ask your self if what you are posting

is approiate for an automotive site.




This is the best mannered forum that I have found. When you lose your manners what do you have left?. The few times I have seen something a bit controversial, I just ignore it. No one wants to hear my opinion on such subjects at home or here. Eric


I agree. I've been coming to this site for about 7 years, even though I got bumped down to a new member status when the forum changed a short time back. I come looking for information and to share some of my experiences. If I see a subject not auto related, I ignore it. Try to stay focused on what this forum is really about.


This is a Plymouth/Dodge/46-48 forum. However it is bigger than that in my opinion. I have been posting on this forum sense the first series on the old forum. I have learned a lot and hopefully made some meaningful postings from my experiences. I have made and met many friends on this forum Lou Earle included. I have seen on a few occasions where new-comers have not followed the basic set of rules GTK has outlined. These problems have been addressed. Personally I enjoy the fellowship found on this forum. I have had face to face meetings with more forum members than I will attempt to list but you all know who you are. I enjoy the jokes and other off topic banter that is posted amongst friends even though it is not related to the forum topic. A long time ago the forum members voiced there opinions and elected to title any and all off topic threads with the letters (OT) in the subject line. If this rule is followed then those folks not interested in any thing but forum subject issues can simply ignore all postings with "OT" in the subject line. In my opinion all political and religious topics do not belong here.


I treat the forum like life in general and try to ignore things that will push up my bp. But as this forum set up does not have a separate forum for general bs then all non forum related should be labeled OT. And always beware of religion and politics there is a lot of truth in the old saying the best way to lose a friend is to discuss religion and politics.


I concur, well said Don............Fred
I agree 100% with Don and couldn't improve on what he said in any way so I will shut up!
You got my vote

So you Canadians need an under educated fat old billigerent political figure to handle your day to day business:D :D :D :D :D


See now with all these votes and different opinions, and multinational input this thread has truned political.

Damn, I hate when that happens!!!!!!


Ya, but Don, you know way more about anything worth knowing than any politician! You should do a trip to Canada and meet some of the members up here. Just don't come mid-winter unless you like freezing your b***s off!

Ya, but Don, you know way more about anything worth knowing than any politician! You should do a trip to Canada and meet some of the members up here. Just don't come mid-winter unless you like freezing your b***s off!


I spent several weeks last year upgrading money processing machines destine for the Caniadian National banking system. Possibility I might head north for the final install.


Let me know Don if you will be in Winnipeg Manitoba, for any of the installs, but more than likely you will be in Toronto or Ottawa


I spent several weeks last year upgrading money processing machines destine for the Canadian National banking system. Possibility I might head north for the final install.

Don, What the heck is a money processing machine? I process money fairly well without a machine!:eek:


Lou, I see your point and it's nice that our diverse group can get along with so little rancor. I think I know which thread caused you to write, myself being part of a group that gets a lotta bad press. I nearly replied to that thread a couple times but thought it best to let it lie.

A short anecdote, one time I made a from-the-hip comment on the forum about lawyers. Heck, maybe more than once:D Some time later I found that one of the nicest darned forum members is, you guessed it, a LAWYER! Open mouth, insert foot!

I like many people have many opinions and views about many things.

Some believe in No government some big government some are Republicans some are Democrats, some north, some east ,some west, some south,.Some wanty guns some don't -- the list could go no forever of divergent issues.

No matter what your convictions beliefs ofrviews on issues I feel it is very inapproiate to air them here. I contibute to this site because I want to get and recieve help and information about cars and trucks- in particular Plymouths.

It disturbs me when this becomes a sounding board for some ones point of view on some "issue".

I thought we came together here with a common interest---Automotive.

So I would suggest to anyone to remember that we are not all alike and do not all agree with one point of view and ask your self if what you are posting

is approiate for an automotive site.




I am still new at this forum stuff, I like the (OT) idea, so that I can skip if I want to.

However.... this forum has also allowed a few to voice a problem (death/ cancer etc) and receive support from "mates". Would we really want to cut off this option?? For some guys it may be one of their few outlets for their worries......and it doesn't happen very often.

I am still new at this forum stuff, I like the (OT) idea, so that I can skip if I want to.

However.... this forum has also allowed a few to voice a problem (death/ cancer etc) and receive support from "mates". Would we really want to cut off this option?? For some guys it may be one of their few outlets for their worries......and it doesn't happen very often.

I agree. Not sure why this was originally started. But........if it was something to do with political, religion or some pun on some type of profession, they are usually in fun and not meant to actually down someone or profession. The only post I've read on these subjects looked like someone was making a joke, or at least trying to.:D

I think the problem is, jokes don't always come out right if not done in person. In person you can also see that in the person making the jokes face. Can't see the persons face here when they make a joke, so it could sound like they are serious when reading the post. So.......its easy for someone to take the joke the wrong way.

Guest bizzycoupe

Well at least I know what ot means never could figure it out, but we are all about our cars and helping one another that's what is so great about this forum. All nice people too.


As long as someone puts OT in the subject line, I don't car what they write.

One thing about this forum that I REALLY like is that the forum owner allows us to say it like it is about vendors and suppliers. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I also have an XKE and the Jaguar forum PROHIBITS comments that are negative in ANY WAY about a vendor or service provider. Everyone there has to send direct emails when a vendor or supplier is bad. The owner of that site is just plain scarred of being sued.

So, I think everyone should Cherish the fact the the owner of this site puts a premium on freedom of speech and use it wisely.

Best, James

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