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Vietnam Veterans Day


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Today, March 29th, is the national recognition day for Vietnam Veterans.


My father, step-father and several uncles all served in "Nam".


So to all Vietnam Veterans, THANK YOU for your service during the war, and to our country.


I would like all Vietnam Veterans to "sound off" in this post...you deserve the recognition!

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Not me, but Dad was there in 1964.


My number came up right before they ended the draft, so I didn't have to go.

I noticed he served in 3 different branches.  I never knew vets would switch, is that something common??

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while it was not a everyday occurrence in a military career to switch braches..it is still a common event.  I served in the US Army and after an 11 break in service re-opened my military career by joining the AF Reserves and serving till a bit after my eligibility to take full retirement.  My military service I look back on as the better times in my life.  Hats off to all branches, all members, past, present and future..

Edited by Plymouthy Adams
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I noticed he served in 3 different branches.  I never knew vets would switch, is that something common??


He was too young and the Army wouldn't take him, so he joined the Navy. After one hitch he got out & joined the Army. They put him in the air corps, and at some point he was (automatically?)  mustered into the USAF, where he remained for another 27 years. He served over 30 years total.

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He joined the Army in '47. Don't know how that all eventually worked out though.

I just know my mom was glad not to iron khaki bush jackets any more.

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Well said.

The Vet Vets had a rough time here on retuning but thankfully now fully supported by all.

We down under are about to "celebrate" ANZAC day 25th April (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) which covers all wars and even though most of the WW1 & WW2 veterans are no longer with us the crowds attending the dawn services continues to grow each year as we realise how much we owe them.

My dad served with the Australian Infantry in Papua New Guinea against the Japanese WW2.

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My Gramps served in the Army Air Corp during WWII.


I recently found out that my family immigrated here in 1790.  While recently talking with my Gramps I also learned that there has been a member of our family, from every generation, who have served since we immigrated here.


On a side note, I would like to thank the members of this forum for all the support you give our vets.  I posted this same post on two other forums I am a member of and there has not been a single reply.  Not a single thank you.  Not a single vet sounding off.  This group has always voiced their support.


And a thank you to all of our Allied brothers and sisters who have stood by our sides!

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My father served in WW II and my 3 sons have each served. My war would have been Vietnam had I been called up. Lottery number put me in the middle pack as the pull out was beginning. Knew some guys who went over, some came back, some didn't. My thanks and appreciation to all the service people.

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I am sorry I missed this post. I truly want to thank those who served in Vietnam. I have done a lot of reading on it, and research. My father lost friends over there, as many have. My hat is always off to those who go without asking why, and just devote themselves. I went to the wall many years ago, and could remember the silence there. I have no more words, but "Thank You"!

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