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Hmmm asking for opinions here could be like asking about the weather in Manitoba :P but I'm gonna ask anyway. I'd like to hear all your pros and cons about functional cowl or teardrop spotlights. I noticed one in a recent photo Ed J posted. I'd really like to install one in my wagon since I do take it into the wilds of SoCal sometimes. I'd like to hear about installation quirks, leaks, wiring tips, amperage, vintage vs repops, sources for new or used, 6 volt 12 volt, etc. I've got maybe 5 amps of available 12 volt neg ground from my step up or I could use the regular 6volt pos ground. Is there a particular brand that's better quality as far as the swivel mechanisms?


...is that they're great! My first P15 had an original Mopar spotlight on it. It worked great, had been on their since 1948 and never leaked. After reviewing many old photos, I have come to the conclusion that spotlights were rather common, especially in rural or semi-rural areas. The obvious reason was the lack of street lights on dirt roads. The original Mopar spotlights were manufactured for Mopar (and most other car makes) by a company called Unity. Unity is still in operation and makes a nearly identical copy of the original spotlight. They have them in 6 or 12 volts and in 4 inch or 5 inch diameter models. They sell a crest with "Mopar" on it to add to the original look although it is not exactly like the original crest. In all other respects, it looks and functions just like the original. For this reason, I installed one on my current P15. There are a few tricks to installing the:

1. Before drilling, make certain your drill angle is perfectly aligned to enter the cab area at exactly the spot you have in mind. I spent quite a bit of time here and came through precisely where I intended. Note: there is not "correct spot". It's a matter of preference.

2. Make certain the the electrical wire harness that runs through the window pillar is not going to be destroyed by the drill bit. I was replacing mine and didn't have to give much thought to this, but if you're planning on keeping your wiring, BE CAREFUL!

3. Use the drill guide they provide with the spotlight. Makes things much easier.

4. Buy your spotlight NEW through Kanter. I see people spending $50, $75 and more on used ones with pitting and other problems. I paid $129 for my brand new one from Kanter and that included the optional name crest. They're clean, pit free with good wiring, working bulbs and fresh gearing etc.

5. Kanter also carries the original style Unity Fog Lights at a good price.

Good luck!



I installed a pair of the dummy teardrop spots just because I always thought they looked neat on old customs, and I wanted a pair on some car. Being as this is my only old car lately, put them on. No hole thru the pillar, just two screws per light. These are modeled after the Appleton brand spots of the 30s and 40s. (They are slightly out of character for the car, but what the heck?)


Original Appleton item....


In the 40s or 50s you could even get a spot with rearview mirror attached.


The Unity manufacturing company is still in business and has both complete lights as well as parts. It appears they will sell direct. Have either 5 or 6 inch styles. You can order whatever top-knot piece you want with "MoPar" or "Unity" on it. I think new is the only way to go to get the correct bracket, template and nice light. Some of those beaters people try to sell would cost more to fix up than a new one.

Whether you use one light or two is a more personal choice.



I believe my car had a spot light at one time as the hole in the dash is still there. I considered installing another. Even bought a beater on the bay but elected not to. Reasons being I would not use it much and it looked like it could be a knuckel buster as the handle sits close to the steering wheel.




Funny you should use my picture as an example. I hated that spotlight and took it off my car. Currently the hole has a plastic plug in it and eventually I'll have it welded. Some of this could just be how mine was installed but the inside handle interfered with the vent window. Drove me nuts!


Don Coatney and Ed make a good point about the arm of the spotlights. I like the looks of spotlights if you have a matching pair. Don't care for just one because it makes the car look like a police car or fire chief car. My brother in law has a pair of spotlights that came on his 38 Ford Coupe. They look nice, BUT, he has a problem with the drivers side because the arm and controls are too close to the steering wheel. As mentioned, they become knuckle busters then. Not only that, but if you have a pair, the arm sticks out in front of the passenger on the passenger side. If you were to make an emergency stop or have an accident, the passenger side one could become a spear hitting the passenger. IMHO the arms of the spotlights also mess up the looks of the dash inside the car. I would suggest before buying spotlights you sit inside a car that has them to see how you like the looks, and possible interference with the steering wheel.

I have a new pair of dummy spotlights but not sure I want them on the car after I bought them.

All that said, if you do go with the real spotlights there are two different lengths for the arms. Make sure you get the one's with the short arm. They are safer and won't get in the way as much.


Bob T. is right! Having installed spotlites before, I found that you MUST have the bracket for the car and then the template to mount it. After mounting the b racket, a 1/2 inch drill goes thru a sleeve furnished with the lite package and the hole comes out right. Brackets have a no. cast in the back for I.D. I have a factory list of which bracket should be used for car makes as far back as the 30s. The spotlite arms come in diff. lenghts for GM ,Mopar and Ford. 40s Ply. uses "A" size which is 12 1/2" long and will not bother steering. GM used a 14 1/2 size and this would be a prob.on a Mopar. Just ramblin on here. I will help anyone I can if interested in the info I have from Unity. Frank M.


... I should point out that if you mount it correctly, it will NOT interfere with your steering or the vent window. As for the look of the dash, yes, it's a matter of opinion. I happen to like what it adds to the dash. I especially appreciate the fact that its handle matches the ivory knobs in a P15.



I think mine is up higher then yours David. You can see mine is right where the vent window opens. My like was working when I removed it except the handle wouldn't twist to spin the light. The little gear in there is missing.



I've been searching the web today, sounds like the new Unity is the way to go. The Unity website says the 53-54s require a door mount instead of a cowl mount, and only a 6" shaft. On my 53 there's a lot of room between dash and steering wheel, 13 to 15". Maybe a door mount forward of the sideview mirror would look right, up below the front of the vent window. Anyone know how much amperage one of the 12 volt lights draws? Would a relay be a good idea?




I believe it was this one that I posted in the glove box thread.



I set up my p15 driver's side per the unity instructions, bracket, template, etc and the sob started to exit right under the windsheild garnish molding. So now there is a small exit hole in the dash and molding. Followed the same routine for the pass side, did some extra eyeballing, and it turned out correct. What's the saying? Measure twice and cut once?


I like Norm, have a few sets of dummy lights. I bought mine when he did as Whitney had them on super sale...I have gone a bit further on mine and have made super nice o-rings for the lenses. I have not installled any yet...at the moment I am not sure if I will or what car will get them. Ihave an older set that was a bit rough ont he chrome side..sandblased them and they are ready for any body color finish you want. If you are dressing out a car with chrome..the dummies arre great and do not alter your body to any great degree and there are no long protrusions coming from your post or dash.



After you told me what you did with the O rings, I did the same thing to mine and it worked out great. As mentioned though, I put them back in the box and that's where they've been ever since. Just can't make up my mind about drilling the screw hole into the car to hold them on.:rolleyes:


You could build that retro-bird and use a set....


Back in the 50s and 60s, some guys painted designs on the spotlights to match the car, using translucent candy colors.

Another old trick was to take real spot lights, cut off the shaft, and make them similar to the dummys......they just attached to the post with screws, no hole clear thru. That way, you are not limited to the teardrop style and can use any type you want. I always thought that was pretty cool.


Back when I was young and dumb we used hand held spotlights'every night' either in our quest for raccoon hunting or rabbit hunting. I was so broke when young,lucky to beg borrow or steal the gas let alone put a real deal turn the handle mounted spotlight on the car. Not sure it would have been fast enough for the real world anyway. We even chased animals(of one type or another) more nights than we chased skirts. Days on end we spent our boring school or work days sleeping when we werent suppossed to and hunted all night. spotlights,,,my favorite car accessory. Hard to imagine life without them,,,on a car,,mounted,,,I would pass,,,just doesnt seem right,,or make it look like a cop car!! Altho the frozen fingers saved from having one might have been good,,,know how cold a car gets with 2 or 3 windows down when its dead of winter and below zero outside,,,and ever try to shine a spot thru a window?? Dunt work!!!we did use the 4 inch open(when extremely cold) and stick hand out and above the car.(for looking). We never heard of two heaters in one car either,,,back then!!! The 'back' seat is where you didnt wanna be then,the passengers side front seat is WAAAAY warmer!! Have some other knucklehead drive that thought he could,,,but really couldnt,,so you could 'shoot' thats where the fun was. Knotheads drove in more ditches and ravines than I could ever thought of.(stuck). But "FUUUUUUUN" ,,,those were the days!!!


Don's spotlight hole is.

I think mine is up higher then yours David. You can see mine is right where the vent window opens. My like was working when I removed it except the handle wouldn't twist to spin the light. The little gear in there is missing.



My wife loves the thing. Sometimes she'll like going for a ride if promise to light something up with it. Have to be careful though. Police will ticket you if they catch you driving with it on. I also have one of the original Mopar handheld spotlights as well. I've never tried it out though. Hmmm...., maybe a good excuse for a little cruise tonight:)


The Unity site is great. I was able to narrow down what size light I want and they emailed me the template so I can determine where the light would mount. The template is very specific to the car. This is sort of a functional toy since I might get some benefit from one in certain campsites. Unity will sell direct but I might get a few bucks off if I go through Kanter. Now, next opinion...I can get badges that say Plymouth, Mopar (original type for all the Mopars) or Unity. I'm leaning towards Unity. What do you think?


My wife loves the thing. Sometimes she'll like going for a ride if promise to light something up with it. Have to be careful though. Police will ticket you if they catch you driving with it on. I also have one of the original Mopar handheld spotlights as well. I've never tried it out though. Hmmm...., maybe a good excuse for a little cruise tonight:)


When were kids in the late 50's/early 60's my cousin had one of those hand held spotlights. We would ride through lovers lane in the local park and he'd shine that thing into peoples cars who were parked, making out.:) Then one night while doing that the guy starts chasing us. Good thing my cousin had a straight 8 Pontiac at the time!:D He didn't do that too much after that happened.:)

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