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Here are 2 pics of :eek:My Dads car a 1950 Pontiac, and my Grandpa's 1951 GMC 1/2 ton Pickup truck.

I know they aren't Mopar, but cool old pics nonetheless, Dad with his suit/overcoat and fedora hat, folks dressed up in those days. He became a Manager very young for a major lumber building material supplier in Winnipeg Canada




Here is a pic of the older members of the clan, My Dad, his 2 older brothers and woves, grandparents, 2 older cousins, the 2 little grils to the bottom right are my 2 oldest sisters, the man and woman on the right side of the pic are my parents.

This is the summer of 1956, today the survivors are my parents, my dads brother in the top middle, and the 2 cousins and my sisters, all the others have died....


i love the first pic of your dad, with the trench, very awsome.

I'm parial to this pic too, Dad looked very debonaire, Today he is a healthy 77 years old. One winter while driving this car home on icy/snowy residential streets a little Girl ran out onto the street, Dad hit her, he go out and pushed his Car himself, off of the little Girl, she was not injured too badly, but went to hospital, he actually went to the Hospital a few times, and made sure she was alright. How many times today would that happen....


A different mode of transport, but I just love this picture of my late father-in-law, taken in the West of Ireland in the mid 1950s, when he was about 14.

When I knew him, he lived in London, but I had the privilege of accompanying him to a bar in his home town a few years ago when we were on holiday in Ireland.

We met up with some of his childhood friends and they started sharing some amazing stories of their youth.

It was only then that I realised that they rode their horses like motorcycle gangs ride their bikes - for thrills and adventure.

Those boys were wild!

And this picture just about sums up their skill and fearlessness.


Very cool pic Robin, was he from the Limerick area of Ireland, where the famed McCourt's hale from....

No, he was from County Sligo, on the West Coast.


Here's a photo of my parents all duded up for a Sunday stroll in "The Big City" dated Jan. 1940 shortly after they were married.

Hey.......what's that door man looking at.



The print says June 1960, but I'm sure that is me on the left, my brother on the right, all decked out for Easter 1960. We are standing in front of my father's 1952 Chrysler Windsor.




The dates on the old photos are when it was developed. So that picture probably sat in a camera for a few months.

I remember my dad worked day and night 23 hours a day raising 7 kids, he bought that truck so he could make extra money. I don't know the make of the car he is leaning against, do you?

The car sure looks like a 46-48 plymouth. And the cabover truck is 41-47. I think probably 46-47 because the earlier ones didn't have those access doors behind the grill.


Terrific pictures! What kind of car is your Mom and Dad posing in front of in 1936? Someplace I have a picture of my Mom and uncle sitting on the front of the same kind of car in 1937, but I don't recognize the emblem on the grill.



Great thread — I love these old pictures.

Here is our 1954 Packard Cavalier... For summer vacation in 1959, we drove from Edmonton AB to Hay River NWT and back (roughly 1,500 miles return). I was only four at the time, and my main memories are horseflies, a ferry and plenty of mud.



Great Pic's and Comments Guys, hope we get more on this thread.

Here is a scanned pic of my Dad's parents, and 2 older Brothers, when they landed in Canada in August 1929.

They sailed here on the Cunard Antonia, they landed at Pier 21 in Halifax Nova Scotia, before taking a train west to the Winnipeg area of Manitoba to live with family. They were happy to out of Stalin's grip of Eastern Europe.



Here's a picture of the family's 1942 Plymouth Special Deluxe. My Mother sent this photo to my Dad when he was overseas during the war. On the back of the photo it says "Side view of Old Faithful."

For the longest time I thought this car was my Dad's car, but recently I discovered it was my aunt's (she was almost 17 years older than my Dad). When I asked one of my Dad's friends about the old '42 Plymouth, he said "that was Hazel's car. She supplied the car, the gas, the oil,the tires, and your Dad and I supplied the fun."

My Dad had the reputation of having a lead foot, and my uncle (my Mother's brother) told me that the first time he ever was in a car that did 100 mph was in this '42 Plymouth with my Dad driving. Not surprising, after the war my Dad wrecked this car driving too fast on an icy road.


Posted (edited)

My young brother and sister in Drumheller, Alberta 1965 in front of what would eventually be my first 49 Chrysler. It was our family car here.


My Mother in front of my Dads 46 Chevy, 1954, outside Golden B.C. Chevy was painted Godess Gold and Alpine White. Just one of those useless facts I'll never forget


Edited by PatS....

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