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Posted (edited)

I got my inspiration from rockwood, I saw how good his seats are so I decided to look around for someone that can do my seats on a budget. I found this guy here close to my house that charge me $695.00 for both the front and rear seat complete. he replaced all the stuffing( I dont know the real word for it) and re-did the seats for me in two weeks. I am happy with the results and yes, I am really flashy kinda fellow!:D the color is really out there, now I got to get the rest done before summer.....:o

let me warn you. this is inside the house picture the final fitting picture under the california sun should be loud and blinding!:D




Edited by mackster


Rest assured you'll never lose the car in a dark parking lot.

Dare I ask the color of the car?

Just pulling your chain a bit because seats that bright will not go unmentioned and I wanted to be the first to put my foot in it. Looks to be a fine job of reupholstering you got for a decent price. Congrats!



Rest assured you'll never lose the car in a dark parking lot.

Dare I ask the color of the car?

Just pulling your chain a bit because seats that bright will not go unmentioned and I wanted to be the first to put my foot in it. Looks to be a fine job of reupholstering you got for a decent price. Congrats!


no problem Randy! I like being the oddball! I still dont know about the color of the car yet. right now is just primered....I am a lil flashy sometimes! :D

Nice job Mac! the pleats are nice and straight and they line up good from back to bottom. are the red or orange?

thanks Doc!, they are red, a really bright red. I believe the color I chose was tomato red....im gona need sunglasses just to seat inside:cool: :D


your name says it all captain NEON! I say you should go for neon!

you are right Tim! I had always thought this moments will never come. It has been forever since I have been thinkering wit hthis car, but its moving along now!

Rockwood, you were the person that got me thinking it can be done on a budget and make it look good! I got the door panels off ebay and I am following Ed's post, so maybe I can recover my own panels...

Frankie, It was tempting to go to good ol' TJ, but with all the violence lately, I prefer to stay out of there, plus the US needs the economy boost!:D

and I dont like cow dung for stuffing on the seats!

Mackster what door panels did you buy?

I bought some desoto door panels they should be home today or tomorrow. they were blue and grey if I remember correctly. I want my interior to look like BobT....(or a picture he posted in your thread..)

I thought they were red it is the same color as my boat seats.

now thats a boat! woah....that looks mean, fast and fun, kinda like a girlfriend I had, your just boat need some boobs and I dont see a reason why to ever leave the boat!:D

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