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Hi Guys. Is there an easy way to remove the circular reflectors from the pot metal chromed taillight surround without breaking either? I've bought a pair from a Forum member, and plan on fitting the reflectors from my original bezels as one is missing and the other faded. Similarly, are the reflectors available new from anywhere? Whilst mine are fitted to my D25C coupe, they are common to the P15. (I've seen the adverts for the LED 12v replacements which look good and may be an option if I change to 12v at some point). Thanks.



I removed mine from the back side by drilling a small hole and popping them out with an awl...if you are repalcing the reflectors and they are faded etc..odds are you can just break the reflector and punch ou the disk ..it is simialr to the freeze plug on the engine block where you dipmple the dome to expand the metal....

I also have found that a quarter (25 cent piece) will fill the hole and press right snugly when you install the new reflector...a small amount of epoxy will ensure the items stay in place for a long long time..

I have found these reflectors in perfect size at swap meets...they are the peel and stick items you can sometimes find at a craft store also...usually about 4/1.00


I have seen those reflectors on e-bay from time to time!

Try typing in 1946-48 Plymouth on the E-bay site and see what comes up!

The 12 volt leds are sold as a complete unit that includes the

chrome bezel with reflector!

They are a nice looking light that dont look cheap and nasty!

Hope this helps!


There is a guy on eBay that is selling taillights for about $60. These have been rechromed with lenses and reflectors that look new. I bought two of them and they are perfect. You might contact him.


mine were held in with small tabs of metal on the metal piece of the reflector. just twisted them carfully fromt he rear with needle nose. I sent my bezels out to be rechromed and had an issue refitting them as the new chrome effectively shrunk the hole. A little work with a small file on the retaining tabs and it was fixed.


There are 2 different styles of castings for the tail lights. Some have a deeper hole to put the reflector in.

Posted (edited)

I've seen some "original, N O S" reflectors on ebay.....seems like the price asked was

pretty high. As already stated, others can be used ...... some probably fit better

than others. Some have even used other color reflectors to match their car....blue

with a blue car, etc.

Might check with Neil Riddle.....Seaplym on ebay....reach him thru the ad by ask seller a question.

Just depends on what you want or like. The originals fit pretty flush with the housing.


Edited by BobT-47P15

Thanks guys. Very helpful. I'll get onto e-bay tomorrow and see what I can find. I reckon that whilst one of my originals is pretty good the other is getting milky. A couple of new ones would be the best way forward, if I can find them.

Posted (edited)

That looks like the P15 type to me..........

Oh, and here's a picture of the tail light assembly from the Parts book.....


Edited by BobT-47P15
  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)


As you know, its not as easy to get the small parts in Finland as it is in USA.

Thus I need to be creative in small things you would just buy new parts...

The small red lenses discussed above tend to fade.

I found simple product to re-new those in no time:

Tamiya hobby enamel which was made to paint tail light lenses of scale model kits, product code X-27:


This 10ml bottle will do tens of lenses(or hundreds if applied sparingly) .

Colour shade is exactly the same as lenses were new.

Paint applies easily smooth and dries fast.

You will do fair job by fine brush and show quality with small hobby air brush.

You can find it at hobby shops or eBay:


Photo of a painted lens, which was faded to almost colorless:


Edited by Uncle-Pekka
added a photo of the job
Try a bicycle shop. They look like the reflectors often used on the pedals. :D

No - I do not need to find close replacements.

Please read the text - this paint will restore the color and surface gloss of my old faded & dull lenses to original shine. See the picture.



Don are your tail lights glass or the plastic ones? I just wondered how the buttons would fit the glass tail lights with the groves on the outside of the lins. And also I was wondering how would I drill the hole for these in the glass tail light lines without breaking them. Any suggestions?


Larry Brauer



No - I do not need to find close replacements.

Please read the text - this paint will restore the color and surface gloss of my old faded & dull lenses to original shine. See the picture.


It was a general comment for anyone looking for small reflectors. Not directed at you.

Don are your tail lights glass or the plastic ones? I just wondered how the buttons would fit the glass tail lights with the groves on the outside of the lins. And also I was wondering how would I drill the hole for these in the glass tail light lines without breaking them. Any suggestions?


Larry Brauer



The reflictors I pictured are plastic. The "blue dot" lens I pictured are glass. I bought them on the bay a lot of years ago. The new (LED) lens are plastic. I have been told it is possible (using the correct drill bit) to poke holes in the glass lens. However I have not been sucessful in my attempts to do so.

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