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I'm about to install one of these on my car and truck. I think they look neat and I already have a disposable filter in between the pump and carb so I might as well make it look good. However when I mentioned it at our last car club meeting someone mentioned the 1 guy hates them. I didn't really get the reason for why he hates them but now I'm thinking I should ask if there is anything to watch out for when installing these? FYI I've got brand new filters installed inside with a new gasket between the metal top and the glass bowl. I have the proper needle and seat set for them too.


I have had them on a few vehicles and never had a problem. There is I think a cork or rubber gasket that seals the bowl that has to be good but when you think they about not any different the the glass on the fuel pumps.


I've also used them without a problem.The only reason I can think of is the cost of additional fittings and a little more care in installing one.


talking about these things, yesterday I tried to get the glass off, but it is stuck. Little help asked...is the glass bowl just held by the screw at the bottom...meaning a press fit, or is the glass screwed in.



I have seen them both ways. Threads and no threads on the glass bowl rim. Yours would appear to be the non threaded type because of the clamping fitting on the bottom of the glass bowl.


That's what I thought, won't come loose though....I stopped when I chipped a glass splinter off the rim.

This is an old picture....every thing looks much nicer now. So I just wanted to clean the glass from 50 years of residue.

Might dip it into gasoline and see it it gets loose.


Guys, I have been trying to get one of these vintage filters. I would buy one if anyone would be willing to sell me one.....Thanx Fred


..They can be come stubborn to remove sometimes,because of a close fit and the fuel residue can be like a cured varnish.

Guys, I have been trying to get one of these vintage filters. I would buy one if anyone would be willing to sell me one.....Thanx Fred

I have one. Current market value on this forum is about three hundred fifty bucks.

If you are not going Barrett auction you could possibly get one for less money if, and only if, after several forum members have posted direct links, you elect to do your own leg work.


What color?

Posted (edited)
I have one. Current market value on this forum is about three hundred fifty bucks.

If you are not going Barrett auction you could possibly get one for less money if, and only if, after several forum members have posted direct links, you elect to do your own leg work.

Now Don, I am not a BJ robot/follower, when you wanted a Dizzy for your engine, I knew it was going to the right place for the right reason, nothing to do with BJ or some aftersale.Nor did I mind doing the leg work in snow, and -15 f weather to retrieve it for you. Heck it was probably still cold when you got it all the way down in Good Old Tennesee.........LOL

The beautiful thing about "Our Forum", is we help each other out, with info, parts, hospitality, Guys who only think of the bottom line, and big auction re-sale values, are on the wrong forum, we look out for each other on here, and help where we can, when we see Guys that are sincere, and are in need.......Fred

Edited by Rockwood
That's what I thought, won't come loose though....I stopped when I chipped a glass splinter off the rim.

This is an old picture....every thing looks much nicer now. So I just wanted to clean the glass from 50 years of residue.

Might dip it into gasoline and see it it gets loose.

Try lacquer thinner. It'll dissolve the gunk much faster.

Guys, I have been trying to get one of these vintage filters. I would buy one if anyone would be willing to sell me one.....Thanx Fred

I have one. PM me if still interested.



You know Fred,At first when I read your post and the term BJ robot-I wasn't sure what you were talking about:confused:I thought maybe this was current slang and being of an older generation I thought perhaps I was missing out on something-then the light bulb clicked on and I realized you were referring to Barret Jackson.:)

You know Fred,At first when I read your post and the term BJ robot-I wasn't sure what you were talking about:confused:I thought maybe this was current slang and being of an older generation I thought perhaps I was missing out on something-then the light bulb clicked on and I realized you were referring to Barret Jackson.:)

Was just trying to be a bit choleric...

Dutch if you have a chip on the glass lip you may want to replace it. I had one that cracked down the side and sprayed gas on side of block and exhaust. I was lucky no fire.



Now seriously.... really thanks but the chip is only off the rim, like a little splinter 1x3mm dagger shape. No crack in the bowl of the glass. So no safety issue.

Going to try the thinner thing tomorrow. Let you know if it works.


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I be seeing more and more threads that are taking mean spirited directions. I'm now also getting complaints from visitors about the tone of some responses. This is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. It is not a your place to chastise someone for not using the search first before asking a question or posting info about an eBay auction. Also, I'm tired of paying for bandwidth so some can profess their political leaning. If you love/hate healthcare reform, love/hate the current/previous president I don't give a damn. Their are plenty of forums where you can post political commentary. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM.

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You got to be kidding me about the 300 dollar price. If that true than I will go to that Old 42 dodge and rip it oft. 300 dollars???????????????????????????????????????????


Well so far I haven't gotten either of these installed. I got one ready for the p15 but the fitting for the inlet doesn't seem to go in very far. I think I need to chase the threads in there. Anyone know what they are? Interesting side note I have 2 Carter filters and one has the flare fitting part built in and the other requires a fitting. I have an AC one that has it built in and then a kenning or something like that that requires a fitting.


FYI a modern paper filter and the fittings are readily available from napa.

Posted (edited)
There was no crack in my bowl either for a long time, if you have a chip you have a weak spot that may let go at any time, not worth taking the chance.

Thanks for the safety concern. The thinner did the trick after sitting for 3 hours inside. Got it off, this time I used wood instead of a screwdriver.

In the pictures at the arrow the place where I chipped off some glass.

Put on some pics now it is open, with original rubber from the inside.

Don't think it will seal good enough with all these cracks, although it is still soft. I'll change it for an O-ring, for I do not need the bowl to filter the fuel. Have a modern inline fuel filter connected to the inlet of the pump.



Edited by DutchEdwin

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