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Hey everyone. I wanted to say a quick hello and share my car. This is my first classic car and I am learning as I go. I wasn't actually planning on getting into a four wheel project for a while (I usually work on old Triumph cycles), but... well... it cried out to me from the side of the road and the next thing I know I have alot less room in my garage. But that's how these things happen and I have been smiling alot more lately because of it.

This is how I got it. Motor runs great. I drove it home (although it wont go anywhere again until I get the brake situation worked out). I have all the trim and bits that arn't on the car. And the really cool thing is I have a book of receipts for all service done to the car dating back to 1951!

Thanks for having me on the forum and all the info.






Welcome Schlitzzz. Nice looking Plym. Appears very straight.

Where do you live?

Are you going to keep it basically stock/original?



Welcome to the best forum on the WWW. Nice looking project you have there. If you can't find an answer to a question on this forum about old mopars, there is no answer! The guys on this forum are very knowledgeable and willing to share know how.


Thanks for the welcome. I live in Myrtle Beach, SC but am new to the area. Right now I am getting it road and work towards a daily driver.

First problem I am addressing is a torn front passenger brake hose. Can anyone suggest somewhere I can find a replacement? Thanks.

I will also be going through the wiring and replacing the shoddy lamp wire hack job.

Posted (edited)

Rock Auto, NAPA, Roberts Motor Parts, Kanters, for the brake hose.

On thewring, if you are sticking with 6 volt, use the correct gauge wiring for 6 volts, make sure you have good solid grounds, and use 2/0 battery cables....Fred

Rock Auto has them raybestos Pro Grade, $14.39 link http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/x,carcode,1435493,parttype,1792

Edited by Rockwood

Yep, there is usually someone here who knows about whatever the topic.

There are still some on here who have not bothered to give just a little helpful

information about their car or location. Would be nice if they did.

Posted (edited)

I will post Some pics of my '50 Deluxe, Your Special Deluxe sure looks like it has alot of potential. Of course all of these cars are all 100% potential, that is one thing that is so cool about the old car deal, each one is like a fingerprint, a little bit different from the one next to it or "like it". I love how everyone makes their own cars their own, be it with some funky little keychain or a custom pinstripe job, This is what make life worth living partner.

I also love motorcycles, I have worked for Harley-Davidson for the past 12 years. I have 8 bikes in my garage, Two Harleys, 5 Hondas and one Yamaha, the bikes are alot of fun too.

It is really difficult some days trying to decide if I want to drive one of the old classics in style or blow the cobwebs out with one of the bikes.

I must say if anyone isn't having too much fun they are just trying too damn hard!






Edited by 1955 plymouth
Thanks for that link Rockwood. Huge help and they have a couple other things I need. Would you suggest this parts book for my car? http://info.rockauto.com/Bishko/532.html I have the service manual coming in the mail.

By all means, certainly can come in handy while you own this car, and of course you can always help out your fellow Old Mopar friends on here, who don't have a copy.....Fred


1955... That dash looks great. Did our model come with painted wood interior or was that a touch that you added? I like the car. What Harleys do you have?

Kirby... Nice to hear from you. Have you found any resources in the area for these cars? What model Dodge do you have? What will the DMV visit be like when I go to get this thing registered? I have a title from another state. Will I have an inspection?

Rockwood... I was going to order the parts manual but they wanted 15 dollars or something to ship it. Didnt seem worth it. But when I do get it I will certainly share.

I have been going through the car and checking things out. Its very exciting to do this because a car from 1950 is very different from anything I am use to. Its simplicity is what I really enjoy and makes it very accessible.


Your 50 looks familiar. I believe all the 50 dashes except the convert were woodgrained like his picture. Dads is.



Schlitzzz, as Ed said, the dash and window trim had the woodgrain from the factory. I have a 1986 Sportster 1100 cc, This is the first year they went with the Evo top end, still has the 4 speed gearbox, it is said to have the larger valves they used on the big twins 1340 cc models. I have a 1340 FXR type I built myself in 2000 with take off parts and a few choice aftermarket parts. Finally I have a 1966 m50s 50cc two stroke harley for me and my son to restore together for him.

I will post some pics a bit later.


Schlitzzz...I have not found any yard around here to get parts. I did alot of traveling in the area looking. I have lived here about 10 yrs, own the Dodge 6yrs. It is a 50 dodge club coup D34. I dont think you will have any problems with DMV You have a title, bill of sale, that way they can charge you sale tax on what you paid for the car, you will have to go to county and pay county tax. proof of insurance. SC does not have inspection any more. Best to call them are go to their web site to know what you will need. Kirby D34

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