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We are getting rain here today...bad part is the tornado warning are going off left and right...I am in the predicted path way at the present...talk about dark outside...makes working upstairs even with the newly added four windows needing a few lights added...pernament power I have not yet run...

------------------------so----------------hope the barn and cars fare well...they are on a southern expoxure


Here in Tn it is cold and raining. Only warning we have is a winter storm warning for tonight. Maybe 2 inches or more of white stuff. Gota love that Tn weather. If not give it 15 min and it will change. THIS COULD BE GLOBAL WARMING that all of our old cars are causing?

well all is well here..got plenty or rain and no winds at all..the bad stuff predicted passed about 4 miles east of me....however...I am on dial up as the DSL is down for some reason...

Tim, glad to hear the Twisters have passed, we get awful electical storms here in Summer with Twisters, always makes me nervous out here in the country at night, you can't see them coming. But are bad season is from May till September.

It is 0 here right now, I would honestly trade you, I am getting friggin tired of this darn cold winter weather, hopefully it starts to melt in a few weeks. Such as life in Canada


A couple inches of snow here in SW MO today. Windy, too.


However, the son-in-law and daughter were here from Kansas City for

a visit, so Dale and I went out driving around looking for old cars. Found

a salvage place outside Quapaw, Okla that had recently purchased all the

old cars from a guy near Nevada, MO......who had about 40 acres full of

all makes, models. I don't know how many cars the fellow got in the deal,

but I don't think they are all down there yet. May have been 75 to 100

oldies, but I would guess there are more to come. They had placed a

price sign in the windshield of many of them. Anywhere from $500 to

$1500 for most of them.

One of the nicest cars on the place was

sitting out by the road.....a 46-48 Desoto four door sedan in pretty fine

shape. Did not have a price sticker......I'd guess anywhere from $2500

to $5000 might be asked. Was a light tan color....the seats had been

re-done in a dark brown vinyl material. Good enough you could just

get in and start driving.

Also had a couple pilot house pickups. One was very complete, with

a price of $1500. The other one was missing one or both rear fenders,

the price was also $1500. Was a 53 Plym 4 door that needed some

work for about $1200. Otherwise, were Ferds, Shivvys, Kaiser, Packard,

and others. Of course, I had forgotten my camera. Ah well. Was fun

looking anyway.


We have 3-4" here in the Boro as of 3:00 AM Sunday March 1st. In a few minutes I am heading to the airport in Smashville on my way to Seattle via StLouis. I hope there are no airport delays.


This is strange Ed and Don, no snow in Tennesee all winter then kabang snow at the beginning of March.

Up here they say, March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb.

Don wasn't this almost the same time last year you were standing on your deck with snow all over it and your yard..........Fred


Looks like your bad weather is heading our way. It is snowing lightly now, about an inch on the ground, but the heavy snow is supposed to start tonight and continue until Tues. They say we will get a foot! I'm kind of bummed out, the warm spell last week melted nearly all of the snow banks in my yard. The garage was actually warm enough to work in, if only I didn't have to go to work.

Oh well, spring is coming!


I left home a little after 3:00 AM this morning. I could not exceed 30 MPH for the first 15 miles as I headed up I-24. Snowing so hard I could barley see the semi ruts in the road. I was about ready to turn around and head back home but then I drove out of it. There was no snow on the ground in Smashville. No ariport delays and it is in the mid 50's here in Seattle.

I left home a little after 3:00 AM this morning. I could not exceed 30 MPH for the first 15 miles as I headed up I-24. Snowing so hard I could barley see the semi ruts in the road. I was about ready to turn around and head back home but then I drove out of it. There was no snow on the ground in Smashville. No ariport delays and it is in the mid 50's here in Seattle.

Glad to hear this Don, you have no idea how many times I have driven in that kind of weather, I just hate it, not only is it slippery, the worst part is often you cannont see either, and worst yet is on the small highways I drive to work on, that are single lane highways, recipes for disaster.

The pacific northwest can nice in March, grass is green, tulips bloom, way better than up here in the frozen tundra, mind you it's a gorgeous sunny clear day here..........

hotay...you folks have had your fun...you have flexed your powers and forced your will..it is snowing in Elko as I type...

Tim, this looks like October here in Southern Manitoba, then it snows, and stays till April........


In southern Alberta it is supposed to be 14C (56F) tomorrow. Maybe we will finally get rid of all our snow. Sounds like we must have sent an Alberta Clipper to a few of you guys down south.:P

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