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So let me get this straight: you are writing to a bunch of car nuts asking for advice on whether to buy a car or not?

That's sort of like asking a dog if he should get the T bone or the tofu.

This is the place - I'm sure everyone will try to talk you out of buying a new toy. This ain't no AA meeting. :D I can't have any more cars until I buy more land.

AA btw: Automobiles Anonymous :rolleyes:


LOL Don, I guess I'm preaching to the choir! I would truly love to buy that Power Wagon, but keep asking myself, what the heck would I do with it? I'll likely go by there one more time because the young guy who was on duty last visit doesn't know shoes from Shinola about anything. Maybe if I talk with the boss I'll get the real lowdown on the condition of the truck and the bottom line price. Considering it needs those big truck tires and a lot of fixup, I'd have to get it really cheap. Otherwise I'll just whine from time to time about that deal I once passed up...:P

I still think there is a 41 Plymouth Buzzcoupe in my future. It's the #1 car on my wish list. Always has been. Not to say I'm happy about the current state of the economy, but there have been some very nice deals popping up lately. Grandadeo pointed out a 41 coupe last month that looked like a very good driver, complete, for around $5k.

You could use it to fetch the wagon if it ever breaks down...

Is that radiator fan aftermarket, or did the powerwagons come with them?


Thats a factory Dodge fan- at least for some of the trucks. Some of my big trucks have the 6 blade fans. I don't think this PW runs as it looks like the gas line isn't hooked up eithjer! Price still seems good if the truck is mostly complete and not rusted out.



That's the real kicker Bob, the thing is just about rust free. Probably spent most or all of its life here in the SW. I thought it was converted to a wrecker but others have mentioned it looks like a well drilling rig, and that makes sense because there are a lot of privately owned wells in the area. If I were to have a weak moment and buy it, I'd consider removing the pickup box and converting it to a nice little stakeside. I like woodworking.


Combine two hobbies. Get the best price possible. Get it running. Spray bomb paint it. Have fun. You're retired. You have a spare engine if needed. Put a flatdeck on and haul your tractor. Use it as a parade vehicle. Need I say more! Just do it.:)


Since the beginning of this thread, people that have your best interests at heart have been telling you to just go get it. How could you possibly be sorry if you did? You know you will be sorry if you don't. Isn't it obvious to you what you need to do? We all see it, and I think you do too, so, just go do what needs to be done. In the words of Red Green, "Remember, we're all in this together".

Norm sorry I'm a sleep at the wheel(didn't see post):o

These trucks are a dime a dozen.

For $1400 buy it.......:cool:

What did you mean about the frame swivles?

If it does can you take pictures and I'll buy it.



Here is a picture of the PW swivel frame. That PW should be bought absolutely at $1400.00!!!!


The frame swinging out quote is about the windshield frame. Would be sweet to have one of the swivel frame trucks though.

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