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Yesterday my dad and I went to town and took a bunch of tires and the tires and rims off of my '47 D-24 to get them mounted.We found out that one tire was a 15" that was on the car and the rest of the tires were 16" and the rim that we found in the trunk was 16".We think that the 15" was maybe the spare??? It took the guy 3 hours to mount 5 tires and he charged $50.00.

The four 16" tires are 225/60R16 and the one 15" tire is P235/75R15.We are going to put them on the car and drag it 1/2 mile to my house.

What is the best way to move it?:confused:

My dad has made me start a diary and an expense book to write down every thing I do on my car the day that I do it and how much money I spend:(


Assuming the brakes are not siezed, just put in neutral. Hook the tow chain around the frame not any suspension members. Towing and steering are not usually the problem. stopping the towed car is usually the trick. If the parking brake works and the way is level or slightly uphill the 1/2 mile shold be easy. If its down hill.... have fun, the adventure begins.

In addition, to the journal, a digital camera is a handy tool for projects of this type. You should also invest in a shop manual. Reproductions are available on the web or e pay.


Best way is a tow truck or roll back. Next would be a trailer. If the car does have bakes then yes it can be towed by a truck or car with tow rope, Do not use chain ( no give in it). Remember you will have to use the tow car to stop the pulling vehicle so you keep tension on rope. I personally do not like pulling it using rope, but if that is all you have so be it. Really important to make sure brakes are in real good shape. Would hate to see something happen and car get damaged and maybe someone to. I don't know if a tow Dollie can be used,if it is wide enough to fit car on. the car Dollie would be better than the tow rope. If you rent one from U-haul just take measurements to see if it will work. Do not tell them what you are putting on it. say it is a miata or 626 something like that. If it is something big they will not rent it to you. Make sure it is in neutral how ever you tow it.



When I picked up my car just pushing it by hand into the trailer was a challenge because there were no brakes. If you're not going far you might be able to get by with just the hand brake.

Another option is a tow bar. It hooks to the front bumper and when the lead car stops the towed car stops. Plus you can back it up. It doesn't matter if it's 1/2 mile or 112 miles all the damage will be caused in the first or last 10 feet.:D

Just take your time and don't be in a rush. A journal is a very wise thing to do. The only problem with that is you are soon going to realize how much this is costing you. That's depressing.

Another side to that is my first car (1950 Buick Special) cost $25. And gas was .26 cents a gallon.


I like the journal idea too. I sometimes with I had kept better track of my expenses. But then there's part of me that doesn't want to know how much I spent. I have a pretty good idea, based on the major expenses. But if I could add up all of the money I spend at the many trips to the hardware store, for misc. hardware and supplies, I'd probably be stunned.

I also agree that you can NOT take too many pictures when disassembling. You'll be glad you did when you're putting it all back together again. Also take plenty of photos when reassembling. They are good for your project photo album.

Another valuable tool used during disassembly is Ziploc freezer bags. Put your hardware and other misc. small parts in the bags and mark on them with a Sharpie to remind you whats in them. (i.e. driver's door hardware, pass door hardware, dash parts, ...) It helps keep things organized and you're not searching through a big box/can of mixed bolts trying to figure out which bolts go where.



Everytime I moved my truck I put it on a trailer, a little more effort but perfectly safe. On farm as a kit, we always put an old tire, smallest we could find, even a bicycle tire at the hitch, then a log chain. Tire is essentially a cable covered with rubber, and serves nicely as a shock aborber.

Take lots of digital pictures as you take it apart, really helps the memory of what YOUR car has. They are ALL DIFFERENT!

Lots of luck.



I know you are on a fixed budget but I would vote for the flatbed,trailer or tow bar. If pushing or a tow rope breaks and you hit another car, person or damage property it costs a lot more.

I always keep a journal of everything I do so that ways its easier to go back and fix what I screw up. I do not keep track of costs too depressing just work done


My budget is OK for my truck, but I decided to do all the nearly free things that must be done before I do the expensive things. I have a 'side list'. Whenever I am frustrated, waiting for a part, or stumped I do a side item that is time related, like polishing a door or cleaning up the hubcaps. Including the purchase price I have not spent $1,000 yet and I have learned a lot and had a lot of fun.


I've towed my p15 both ways with a tow strap and a dolly. Strap works well for short distances but like they said you gotta have brakes. $10 a tire to mount is the going rate around here so I'd say you did ok there. Not sure why it took him so long. I did a tire for my 94 dakota and had it off the rim patched the hole and remounted in about an hour


Tires on wheels is a good start, and $50 is a good price.

The journal is a GREAT idea as is the expense log. You'll find that after a while some things you'll forget that you did and do over or not finish.

One other thing you should have is a rough PLAN of what you'll do first and second etc.

Resist the urge to completely disassemble the car...it's often the kiss of death to a project because it takes too long to get it back together and you'll lose interest. You will also end up misplacing alot of parts that can best be left attached until you get around to that particular area.

I would say number one is to do a thorough cleaning inside and out (wear a mask or respirator), then get it running, then get the brakes done, then the steering and suspension, then the wiring.

With all that done, you can theoretically drive it while working on the rest or at least it will move under it's own power.

You'll have the coolest car in high school if you get the old Dodge back on the road!!


Thanks to everyones answers. We hooked a chain on it and dragged it home yesterday. We went really slow and stopped a bunch of times.I steered it and my dad pulled it with his pickup.We could of pushed it faster.I need to start cleaning it out.Maybe my dad will let me use his new shop-vac he got for christmas.

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