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Everything posted by JohnS48plm

  1. Kyle you car looks great. If you or any of the members on the east side of the state want a nice show to go to the Mopars at The Red Barns is coming up in July. Last years show was just featured on the My Classic Car show on the Speed channel. It's always a good show and it's all mopars.JohnS
  2. Congratulations Ed and Carmon, may you have many years of wedded bliss. Mary and I are looking at 31 years next month and we're ready for 31 more. JohnS
  3. Dan, the smoking ban started saturday. It covers all the days of the week for all bars and restaurants except for the indian casinos and the 3 casinos in Detroit. JohnS
  4. The transmission and the other parts still show up in the classifides on the website www.plymouthbulletin.com/ JohnS
  5. I was looking at the classifides at the Plymouth Owners Club site and saw an overdrive transmission for $350 and a dual manifold with other 47 Plymouth parts and carbs for $150. Has anyone else looked at these? JohnS
  6. We went to a local resteraunt tonight. We hadn't been there for about a year. When our food didn't come to the table for 25 minutes I remembered why. It was the same slow service we had gotten before. We spent an hour and 45 minutes at the resteraunt and didn't even have dessert. The only good thing was the state of Michigan banned smoking saturday morning. JohnS
  7. Putting the pump to the tape should work fine. I usually dip it in to about that level and turn the shaft to pull oil into the pump. I've never had a problem doing it that way. JohnS
  8. I have a friend who is driving his 51 Studebaker to the swap meet. I haven't decided if I'm going with him or going to another local show. JohnS
  9. My first car was a red 65 coronet 440 station wagon. My dad bought it new in and gave it to me in 1970. I put chrome reverse wheels on it, a glass pack on the 318 single exhaust and jacked up the back end. One night after a light to light race the oil pressure went to zero and the engine seized. I put in another 318 and drove it another year. I still have two of it's hubcaps. I still wish I had that wagon. The 65 coronets will always be one of my favorites. JohnS
  10. In 1999 I took a tour of Utah beach and the cemetery there. We also went to the d-Day museum at Caen. It was a sad experience to think of all of our brave boys lost on the beaches. JohnS
  11. I used the Krylon Fusion on my P-15 steering wheel also. It coated well when I sprayed it on. It was on the wheel about a year when I sold the car and still looked good. JohnS
  12. Here are some pictures from South Carolina. The snow picture is what we woke up to last saturday morning in Garden City just south of Myrtle Beach. So much for going south for warm weather. We could see snow in Michigan. The second and third pictures are from the car show here on sunday at Cooters restaurant after the snow left. There were about 8 cars there and KirbyD34 met me there. Most people were probably watching the Nascar Detona race instead of coming to the car show. JohnS
  13. Kirby, I may run up to Cooters to see if some brave soul shows up. The weather man says the snow is supposed to melt and Sunday will be warmer. I got to golf at Conway Country Club on Thursday. I had lots of strokes but it was fun. Back home in Michigan 5 inches of snow is no big deal but we see it a lot in the winter. my brother blew 9 inches off my driveway last Wednesday. JohnS
  14. Mary and I came down to South Carolina for the month of February. So I got a hold of KirbyD34 and he only lives a couple of miles from where we stay in Garden City, I stopped at Kirby's house last week and we had a nice chat. He gave me the tour of his garage and shop and even fired up the 50 Dodge. It'll be a nice ride when he's done. The picture is me on the left and Kirby on the right.
  15. I like to read Hemmings Muscle cars, Classic Auto Restorer, Plymouth Bulletin, and the WPC news. I used to read Street Rodder but I got tired of the big buck Chevys and Fords and all of the projects using their advertisers parts. I have 300 issues of Street Rodder in boxes I advertised them but no responses. JohnS
  16. Greg, your daughter sounds like my youngest. She always brings me her car problems when it's getting dark and usually when it's below 40F outside. She has a 1996 Saturn with 140000 miles and I'm hoping she gets rid of it when she starts her new job in Feb. JohnS
  17. Why not use one of the new Toyota Prius electric air conditioning systems. I don't know what voltage they use. JohnS
  18. So sorry to hear of Norm's passing. He will surely be missed. JohnS
  19. After more searching I found an original dash light socket from my 48 and put the #81 bulb in it. JohnS
  20. here are the pictures of the #81 bulb. I can't find any of the 55 bulbs to compare with it. JohnS
  21. If I get a chance and can figure out how to post a picture I'll try and post one in the next few days. JohnS
  22. I went through my old parts and found the box for the #81 bulbs I used in my P-15 dash. The end of the box says Westinghouse 6v no.81 6 c.p.. These bulbs have a 1/2 inch base with 2 pins and replace the #55 bulb. I bought these at a swap meet for $1.50 each and they really lit the dash well. JohnS
  23. I've always said this forum is the best for old Plymouths. I've learned a lot and hopefully helped some. I tell anyone I meet with a Plymouth to come to this forum. JohnS
  24. Greg, Good to hear you caught it early. My wife had a cancer spot taken from her nose then a skin graft. She had me go to the dermatologist for a check up after that. JohnS
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