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Everything posted by JohnS48plm

  1. Fella here in town took his P-15 4dr sedan to Maaco last year. He had it painted two tone light blue on the top half and dark blue on the bottom. It doesn't look too bad but they didn't take any of the trim off and you can see the tape lines.
  2. I only get on the computer after 10pm est. Usually the thread questions have been answered earlier in the day. If I see where I can contribute I'll throw my 2 cents in. I'm on my second P-15 and have learned a little bit about them since I bought my first one in the 1990's.
  3. I have a broken manifold stud in the P-15 engine I just bought. I plan on heating it with a propane torch then putting beeswax on it . We used beeswax in the shop at work for years and have had good luck loosening broken bolts. After the wax I'll drill it with a left hand drill bit.
  4. Got a new folding lug wrench for the coupe. Used it on the son in laws 98 Buick when we changed the front wheel bearings today.
  5. Merry Chistmas from Michigan. Hope Santa brings all of you lots of Plymouth parts.
  6. Don, your car looks good. I need to do something with my rear springs, it rides hard with air shocks that compensate for the saggy springs. I don't know if I should buy new springs or try to find someone to rebuild the priginals. It was 50 here today so I drove the 48 coupe to get some flowers for my daughter that graduated from college today. She's the youngest so I'm all done paying for school.
  7. Drove my p-15 coupe out Chistmas shopping thursday. It was 50 degrees which is unusual this time of year in Michigan. It started raining midway through my shopping but the vacuum wipers worked just fine and a little water won't hurt the car. They didn't put them in the garage every time it rained when they were new.
  8. Happy Birthday Tim. I hit the big 54 last Feb. 92 days til retirement, then I'll have time to finish the coupe.
  9. I have taken my coupe to POC nationals, it has radials, overdrive and non stock upholstery. I go to all the events during the meet but I don't get it judged. I have seen cars with dual carbs and headers at POC meets and the drivers have fun but just display their cars during the judging. When I get my dual carbs and dual exhuast on my coupe it will still be going to the POC meets and I'll still enjoy driving it.
  10. I put D24 rims on my p-15. I had to drill a hole in each one for the guide pin since the d24 had studs instead of lug bolts. I put Coker radials on them without tubes and haven't had any leaks in 3 years they 've been on. They do look a little wider but I've never measured them.
  11. It was 58 here in Michigan today. I took the 48 coupe out to the assisted living home to see my dad. Then to the Tractor supply store for some bolts. On the way home it was dark and all the other drivers were looking at my lit up hood ornament.
  12. I have one of the Sal Salerno mats in my coupe and it fits well without any cutting. I also had one in my 48 convertible a few years ago and that fit well also .
  13. If you want a brighter dash change from the original 55 bulbs to an 81, It's 6 candle power instead of 3. I did this and it made a big difference.
  14. The spring meet sounds like fun. I don't think I'll have my new engine rebuilt by then. It would be a long ride out from Michigan. Some of the Detroit region members were thinking about going. If I don't make it I'll be at the summer meet in North Carolina.
  15. The wings on my p-15 coupe are painted but the ones on the 48 P-15 convertible were chrome. JohnS48plm
  16. Welcome to the forum. A lot of great guys and good information. It's the first website I look at every night. JohnS48plm
  17. My 6 volt is just fine. Always starts and with a 12 volt inverter I can have a 12 volt radio/cd player. JohnS48plm
  18. Looked at the 48 engine today. It had the correct numbers. The man said they had rebuilt it in the car, putting in new bearings and rings after reaming the ridge and honing the cylinder walls.They lapped the valves and put in a new rope main bearing seal. Said it ran well but the rear seal leaked. Lost 2 quarts of oil on a 200 mile drive. So the man found a later 230 cu engine and swapped them. All of the extra parts were with the engine and a new rear main rubber seal. The distribution tube looked clean and the engine looked dirty but in good shape so I bought it. when I get it home it will come apart for a better inspection.
  19. The price for the engine was $225 delivered to my garage. He said the water pump was off and I will look at the distribution tube.
  20. My 48 coupe has a p-18 engine in it now. It runs well, I've put about 3000 miles on it in the past 2 years. I found a guy who has a p-15 motor with new rings and bearings. It also has the manifolds, carburetor, starter, generator, fuel pump, and water pump. It's only about 15 miles from my home and he says he'll deliver it. I'm going to go and look at it saturday. Is there anything special I should look for? I know it has a cracked exhaust manifold but I can use the one from my engine. I can pull the pan and plastigage the bearings when I get it home. JohnS48plm
  21. I've been trying to get on the forum for about a week.I finally sent a message to the administrator . Now I can explore this new site with everyone else. JohnS48plm
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