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Bob Riding

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Everything posted by Bob Riding

  1. Dropped the body back on the frame...perfect alignment- i was expecting to at least have to fiddle with it a bit. Now on to engine mockup.
  2. It's a deal. I have a kid (late 20s now) from my old Boy Scout troop who is a professional welder. He did my floors on the '52 and I'm sure will be able to make the R&P work. News at 11...
  3. Now you have access to the body mounts. It will make a good bit of difference to have new rubber!
  4. Me too, too! My kit came last week- I'm waiting for the Detroit Axle R&P unit to arrive. Detroit Axle Remanufactured R&P I have the other bits that I will need from my junkyard rack. I will send the junkyard rack back to Detroit as a core, which will get me some kind of extra special warranty (I believe). I guess Scott and I are in a race! Actually, I'm not in a hurry, but will document my progress as I go.
  5. Good idea! I just ordered the Herculiner Truck bed coating. I will report out on my results.
  6. Love those 40's advertising terms - "Bonderizing", "Sand-Mortex", "Hi-test safety glass", "Super hydraulic brakes", "Automatic overtake", "silent -ribbed tires", and of course "Deluxe" everything!. Although this is from Nash, mother Mopar was no stranger to creating marketing jargon that sounded impressive, rocket-age, but was probably not that much different form other automakers products.
  7. Exactly my experience with my 54 Town & Country. So how do we duplicate this material? It’s worked well all these years and kept the rust out too. Any current spray products that we could substitute?
  8. I have a Chrysler '54 Town and Country wagon like that. I think probably factory applied as it is everywhere on the sheet metal panels, but not the mechanical bits. Sound deadening, most likely.
  9. Timely, as I was just researching which undercoating to spray on my '52 Suburban. It too has a thick coating of asphalt-like stuff in various stages of decay. Some areas are very solid and others more flaky. I've scraped the loose stuff, sprayed primer/paint to stop further rust, but now I'm wondering what to spray in the thin areas. Being in CA I'm not worried about trapping salted road slush/water, but for dent protection from road debris and soundproofing. Flex Seal, Rustoleum...CRC?
  10. Like this? Still has the 65 yr old patina. Seems a little pricey... 55-56 Bendix Stromberg WW
  11. You ARE my research!
  12. Very interesting about the '40 gearset. I have the stock 'P10 (1940) third member with a George Asche OD that works great in my 1940 Suburban. I can easily spend a significant amount of time in 2nd and 2nd-over around town. In my current '52 Suburban project, I installed a Ford Ranger rear end (for the parking brake setup) so I have the spare 3:73 pumpkin that came out of the '52. I was wondering if it would be an improvement to transplant it into the '40 - obviously final gear would allow lower rpm cruising on the highway, but I wasn't sure about whether it would be worth the trouble, especially after your comment about the one year only gearset. I thought the the '40 and '41s were pretty much the same under the sheet metal...
  13. Theme from "Route 66" as done by Chuck... Route 66 by Chuck Berry
  14. The right rear corner had a small hole that we cut out and patched. The hinge was fine- surface rust only. The floors and rockers were the issue. We cut out and replaced 3 out of 4 floor sections and both rockers. Funny thing was- the PO swore that the floors were solid- "you can dance on the floors". Yeah, you could if you wanted a Flinestone mobile!
  15. I took mine off so I could replace the body mounts- also made brakes and fuel lines much easier.
  16. Is he a Forum member? Do you have his contact info?
  17. That's exactly what my parts man, Jerry Turner did. I believe Jerry is 90, although he may be 91 and is still working everyday at his business, Turner's Auto Wrecking, Fresno Cal. The guy is amazing, and has helped countless customers looking for parts for their vehicles for at least the last 50 years. It's a family-run business with his grandson Kyle pulling parts and working the front desk. All here in dry, (we are in another drought, or so it seems) sunny, central California. Here are some pictures of his amazing Disneyland for car guys:
  18. I stand corrected!
  19. Good to know. Any reason restorers always seem to want Cavalier racks?
  20. My 360 is apparently from a 1977 Dodge van. It has a rear oil sump. I was told the car 360's usually had a front sump.
  21. Here is my Olds rack. Does it look like the Cavalier? I assume the equal length arms are what we need for our Plymouths.
  22. I just got verification that my rack is from a 1992 Olds Achieva. They said it cross references to a Cavalier rack. It looks the same, but no one has ever mentioned any other marques as substitutes. Anyone use any other GM racks besides Cavalier?
  23. Great info. I will contact them. Maybe they will have stuff that will fit a "52.
  24. Found these pictures on the web. They are dated from 2014. Maybe somebody on the Forum? Look at the mounts- they look hand fabricated. I wonder if Fatman has mounts that would work?
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