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Everything posted by Worden18

  1. I work in a machine shop, so I can turn the drums myself. If need be, I could even make longer pins. I'll do what it takes. There will be a lot of questions along the way ?
  2. Looking good man! I want to ride in your car pretty bad. My son does too! Glad to see it out and about. My son just said he wants to drive it!!?
  3. July 6: Success! We have it up on jackstands, but tomorrow night we'll take off the driver's side wheel. Lug nuts are loose?
  4. July 6: My son helping me get a rear wheel off. Lugs were tight!
  5. July 5: This side is pretty ugly too. The shoes are worn down, the drum will need to be skimmed.
  6. July 5, 2020: The passenger front was tight and kept getting kinked, so I got it off with the puller. I placed a brass shaft against the spindle to protect it.
  7. In the middle of maintenance. Next year I'll attach a flag and parade around ?
  8. July 4th: Front drums are easy to take apart, even for someone like me. I've seen worse assemblies than these. Certainly time for an overhaul. Looks like I'll be skimming the drums at work as well. The look a little rough. Anyone know what the max diameter is?
  9. July 4th: Dust covers off. Lots of grease in there.
  10. July 4, 2020: Happy 4th of July fellas ? I got the front end up on blocks, wheels off, and dust covers (hubcaps some call them) removed. I ended up using a channel locks to remove them after all. I think they worked themselves a little bit loose after the drive home last weekend.
  11. Unfortunately the horns aren't working. I have some serious wiring issues beyond those that I'll have to work out; including TWO key switches that have to be turned on in order for it to start. Why on earth anyone would go that route I can't say.
  12. July 1: Engine ain't pretty, but at least there's hope I can get it running right. Odometer reads 32K...but currently not working. Measured the hubcaps (2 1/4) so I can borrow the right size socket from a friend. I gotta get these wheels off and brakes apart!
  13. July 1, 2020: Out for a short cruise around the block. Runs okay up till maybe 1500 rpm or so, then bogs out like I said before. It was still a fun 2 minute ride! My son wants to drive it really bad, but he's not tall enough yet. Nor does he understand double clutching. Once I figure out how to shift it without the clutch I'll teach him.
  14. Always happy to read Keith's posts! And yes, he's very informative and helpful too. Thanks for being here man ?
  15. A pic my realtor snapped the day I drove it home ?
  16. Happy you made it home!!?
  17. I'd go with the electronic ignition option.
  18. Wow! Looking good ? When I see guys like you tackle such in depth projects it gives me the inspiration to work on my stuff.
  19. 6-27-20: It barely fits in my garage, and I have to back it in! Reunited with the Meadowbrook ?
  20. 6-27-20: Yes! I got it, but it wasn't fun. I borrowed my brother's multimeter and made sure I had power from the key switch to the coil and from the coil to the distributor. I reset the points, but realized the little screw that holds the points in place feels somewhat loose and possibly stripped. I think that is my biggest problem at the moment. Upon startup I believe the points are thrown off and have a smaller gap. I'm going to put a completely different distributor in it with fresh points and cap etc. Anyway I finally got it to start after putting new plugs in it. Here's the foolish adventurous part of it all....I drove it 45 miles home! I took the back roads. The truck was only good for about 1/4 throttle; after that I couldn't tell if it was starving for fuel or just didn't have enough spark. I'm gonna go with not enough spark. Temp gauge read between 150-160. Oil pressure was 40lbs the whole way. I tilted the smoker's window all the way so I got plenty of fresh air. Speedometer wasn't working but I estimate I traveled between 30 and 40mph the entire trip, which was plenty fast on the old tires. Even though the truck wasn't running correctly, it got me home, and I enjoyed every bit of the drive! I got lots of thumbs up too. With the temp near 90F and the likeliness that this truck probably hadn't been driven even 25 miles in over 50 years, I have to say I'm quite impressed! Pic #1: driving down a country road wondering if I'm going to make it home! Pic #2: Made it! Photo is from my garage looking out. The neighbor lets me park there if I need to since he doesn't even live there.
  21. I taped mine with black duct tape, but it wasn't in terrible shape so it worked well. Any worse and I would've had to find a better solution.
  22. Congrats on purchasing Alice! Post some pics if you can. The compression test is a good idea ?
  23. That is so nice! Congrats
  24. Okay fellas, thanks for all the info. I might be just smart enough to figure it out ? And Keith, thanks for those details, I'll need 'em ? I'll keep you guys posted.
  25. 6-8-20: Well guys, after my truck sat for only 1 week now it won't start. I noticed that one of the distributor cap clips had actually come off...so I thought "I found the problem!" Not so. Clipped it back on, wouldn't start. So I made sure there was gas in the tank and then dumped a tiny bit down the carb. Should have fired, it did not. So now I know its a spark problem. I re-gapped the points...twice. Wouldn't start. My brother borrowed me his multi-meter, so I'll check the coil with that. Coil is new and has been running in it for a year. Points, condenser and rotor are new. I plan on replacing them all (if coil checks out) with NOS parts I'm going to order from eBay. I also need to change the plugs. Should do the wires as well, but they are not super old and I can't imagine all of them going bad at once. I'll check them for ohms. Any advice before I order parts? Anything else I should check that maybe I hadn't mentioned? Just wanna cover my bases since a lot of times I overlook the easy things. I won't be able to work on the truck until this coming Saturday. Thanks
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