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Everything posted by Worden18

  1. -Make sure your plug wires have not worked themselves loose, especially the one to the coil. -Do a coil test with a multimeter to eliminate that. - If those 2 things are okay then you're going to have to dig into the distributor. Check point gap, condenser, possible electrical short. That's what got me the last time, I had an electrical short from a wire touching the inside of the distributor. Start with these things...
  2. Battery is about 1 1/2 years old. Fleet Farm tractor battery. They last about 2 years. I did not take the caps off and test. I have the right size cables 00. I don't believe there's any corrosion. I'll get to this probably on the weekend.
  3. I use a finned aluminum shield under the carb. Wrapping the lines should help, too. Yep, electric fuel pump as well, although I haven't made it that far on my car.
  4. Attempted to start the Meadowbrook last night and I could tell that the engine was cranking over slower. The battery died before I could get it started. I checked the battery with the volt meter and it said 6.32. I put the charger on it overnight. Tried to start it again this morning and same thing. Only this time after it died the battery measured 6.17. How is this possible? Maybe the starter is pulling it down?
  5. An 11% grade in 100F heat I'm thinking would cause problems for most of us. That's a pretty serious combination. Today it was about 90F here and I pushed the Meadowbrook hard up some long steep grades. Got a run at the bottom at 70mph and ended up at 52mph at the crest. Temp gauge went up, but to the usual 195ish (my guess of reading my stock guage), but it was nothing different from any other performance I've been through with the Meadowbrook. I wasn't worried about it overheating. Wish I could run it through your scenario to see how it would do.
  6. Oldest car there was this 1914 Model T. I always like looking over the super old stuff.
  7. This '54 Chevy had the original paint. But it had a six cylinder from a late 70s van, and an automatic. The owner said the original engine was locked up. He said he bought the fender skirts on eBay...which were an amazing patina match! He didn't even touch them. Just bolted them on.
  8. The Planters nutmobile was super cool, too. This 1924 Model T was fun to look over.
  9. My favorite of the show was this all original 1935 Dodge that was in the movie "Public Enemies" with Johnny Depp. I wanted to drive it!
  10. So today was the Engelhardt Performance car show near Rushford, MN. It's always fun because they have a mini drag strip, the show is free, and they feed everyone for free. Pulled pork, baked beans, potato salad, macaroni salad, watermelon and cookies for desert. This year was the largest attendance that I had seen. Here's a pic before we left, and once we were there. I didn't get a panoramic picture taken, but the show was definitely dominated by Mopars, which was strange and awesome to see!
  11. July 30: Been waiting for my generator to get fixed. The shop is so backed up its been a couple of weeks. My amp guage has been pointing to discharge. Killed the battery. Today there's a car show about 30 miles away that I wanted to attend. So I removed the generator from the B1C and put that in. Still discharging. A friend said I need to repolarize the generator. With his instructions I touched a wire from the armature to battery on the voltage regulator. Good spark. Same discharge. VR must be bad. Stole the one from my truck and sure enough it worked! Good to go for the show today.
  12. Thanks for posting this Merle!?
  13. Looking good! What a cool car ?
  14. Amyone know offhand what the OD of the Fluid Drive impellers are?
  15. Awesome! Thanks for sharing
  16. Get better Paul!
  17. Just like to throw in my 2 cents Keith. I would have liked to see put in Evans Waterless Coolant from the very start after your rebuild. It's guaranteed for the life of the engine, even if you sold the car. Your radiator and block will never corrode. You never have to change it. The boiling point is 375F, freeze point -80F. My Meadowbrook has had it since the rebuild in 2016. I've idled stuck at RR crossing in 97F heat, and driven 55mph in -33F (maintaining approx 165F engine temp with no cardboard in front of the radiator) without issues. Just my personal experience.
  18. Bumping up this thread. How much HP is actually making it to the wheels? My engine had to be bored out .030, so I'll assume it has a bit more power...maybe 110HP? I really don't know. Is half of the engine's horsepower making it to the wheels? More than that? Also, anyone know what peak torque is? Thanks!
  19. 6-26: Picked up my daughter from work about 8pm. She wanted McDonalds so to the drive-thru we went. 2 bikers were behind me downtown and gave me the thumbs up when I turned off. We cruised while we ate. It's a nice cool evening so no hot steering wheel. Picture is just after we got home.
  20. 6-24: Hopped in the Meadowbrook to pick up my daughter from work. The steering wheel was so hot I had to put on my leather gloves!
  21. This will be an easy one for you guys. Not so easy for me. Out of curiosity: Would the engine from my Meadowbrook mate to the 4 spd tranny of one of my pilot house trucks? I mean if a guy removed the Fluid Drive unit first of course. NOT that I'd even consider doing that. Just curious what would have to be done to make them come together. Are the engines so different?
  22. 6-18: Parked downtown on third street here in Winona for the Steamboat Days show. Made a lap on foot before I parked my butt in a lawn chair behind my car on the shady side of the street. Some of my favorites (not in order of course) - Model A - Gremlin - '70 Super Bee - inside of a Chevy Van - 1930 Caddy - 1926 Packard hood ornament A lot of people poked their heads inside my car. It was a great day! Last pic is after the show I drove further downtown to park for the fair. Hung out with my kids and my brother and sister and their kids.
  23. This Saturday (18th) is the Winona, MN Steamboat Days car show. Gosh I'll have to wash the Meadowbrook! Wait, it rained. I'm good ?
  24. The flywheel would do better in the vacuum of space!
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