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Everything posted by Worden18

  1. Thanks to everyone who has responded so far, and double thanks for the pictures. It really helps without having to lay underneath my car, which I really don't want to do at the moment. I should have taken more pictures and notes myself when I took the thing apart years ago. So here's another question / observation. The compression of the engine itself must be the worst enemy of the fluid drive and clutch plate spinning more freely than what is possible? When you let off the gas pedal and decelerate, things slow down. But the engine is dragging it down because of the compression. You need the explosion of the gasoline to push the pistons up and down, thus spinning the impellers and making the car move. What I'm getting at: let's say the engine is removed, but everything else is still there from the fluid drive on back. If you had any enormous heavy flywheel attached to the fluid drive unit, and you spun that sucker and got it moving, there wouldn't be much resistance to slow that flywheel down, correct? If the resistance was little, in theory you should be able to put the car in gear and move forward, yes? If your engine is spinning 2,500 RPM, are the impellers in the fluid drive spinning the same rpm? It just seems awful fast.
  2. Fellas, at the moment I can't find my Meadowbrook manual. Even if I had it I'm not sure I wouldn't be inquiring for some help anyway. When me and some friends pulled the engine years ago for the rebuild, I'm certain we pulled the transmission out first from underneath, and then everything forward of the transmission came out still assembled. I think I remember my engine builder pulling the fluid drive unit off of the back of the engine, but I don't remember how everything was assembled. Is the clutch between the fluid drive and the transmission? That's a pretty silly question but I still need it answered. The reason I'm asking this is because I want to know more how the whole unit is put together (meaning engine all the way back to the rear axle). I understand that the fluid drive unit is connected to the crankshaft, and supposedly the rear impeller of the fluid drive is connected to the drive shaft. Well how does the transmission fit in there between the fluid drive unit and the drive shaft? Does the drive shaft go through the transmission and into the fluid drive unit? Also, can the fluid drive unit be unbolted from the engine underneath? Where is the clutch in the whole assembly? Could the fluid drive unit stay in the car without being connected to the engine?
  3. I sold the Rambler to a friend of mine, so it's not gone forever. He has garage space and will take care of it.
  4. 6-3: Me, my son, and my oldest daughter went on about a 2 hour cruise tonight. Just around town. Beautiful weather! Windows down, cowl vent open. Lots of stares, waves, and thumbs up. We stopped at Kwik Trip for snacks 3 times lol. It was just a great night. For a little while I forgot about gas prices ? First 2 pics: two different Kwik Trips. Not sure why my son had to show you his Hershey's Bar. Final pic: safe at home
  5. 6-1-22: So it was cruise night at Lakeview Drive-in here in Winona. My daughter works there so it was extra fun. A lot of cool cars showed up. Quite a few people looked at my car. After we ate I walked to the car to grab my younger daughter's jacket, only to be confronted by a gal in her 20s that really liked my car. She asked all kinds of questions and I answered them all. I'm always surprised at who might be interested in my car.
  6. 5-31: My 3 year old wanted to sit in the Meadowbrook and try it out. She rolled the window down, put on a seat belt, tried a bunch of controls and whipped the steering wheel back and forth (which I remember doing at that age). She wanted to know what each guage/control was. But she specifically told me NOT to start the engine!
  7. Keith and Donald, I'll check these out. Thanks
  8. That's what I thought. But nobody has touched the car. I know for a fact my brother didn't. That's why I'm so baffled.
  9. 5-30: Just looking at the extra patina courtesy of the weather (and me leaving the car outside in the weather). Probably doesn't look much different to you guys, but I certainly notice it. Also, most if not all of the Penetrol I applied to the body years ago has worn off. Not sure if I'm going to add a new coat or not. I just applied it with a foam brush. It lasted quite a long time and I believe it was more durable than linseed oil. I checked the oil and antifreeze levels: both full. The battery that was in the car last fall won't take a charge. Time for a new one.
  10. 5-29: My daughter and I drove to my brother's place this evening to pick up the Meadowbrook. I was a little leary about hitting the highway with it since so much time had passed when I drove it last. She fired right up. It was past dusk. Lights on. Daughter behind me in her Buick. I drove the 25 miles home with no real problems other than my amp guage giving me strange readings. It seemed to be on discharge more when I gave the car gas, and at idle the needle would be on the + side. Exactly the opposite of what it should. But at 50 mph and steady gas the needle was neutral. I suppose I'll pull the generator out and have it looked at. There's a guy in town that does rebuilds. It sure felt good to be behind the wheel. The musty smell of the interior, the cool night air rushing in thru the open vent. The sound of the engine and the way the seat is molded to my body. The simple dash...no extra BS or navigation, no radio. It ran the temp it always does (still a big fan of Evan's waterless coolant), and the oil pressure was normal. Welcome home Meadowbrook! My daughter said the car looked awful strange from behind on the highway. I told her it just outclasses everything else on the road. We took a short cruise around town after she parked the Buick. The bar-goers had fun staring at us! Pic 1:. Stopped at Kwik Trip to grab a Gatorade...dang I was parched! Pic 2: On the cement pad in front of my garage.
  11. Thanks! We had a girl; Jackie is her name. She was 2.4lbs and only 29 weeks. She spent 54 days in the NICU and beat sepsis too. Wifey had super high BP; including one ER visit where it was 231/166. Yeah, I don't know how she survived that. It's beyond stroke levels. I did a lot of praying I'll tell you that.
  12. 5-28-22: 7 long months without the Meadowbrook. Last fall it was leaking gas and running rough for my brother, so he shut it off in the grass next to my Mom's driveway which is where it sat until today. The tires were slightly sunken into the ground when I put in a fresh battery and dumped gas down the carb. Nothin'. I checked the coil...ok. Took out all of the plugs and cleaned them. More gas down the carb. Choke pulled. She fired up! Brakes work, e-brake works, etc. Generator not charging. Other than that issue, things seem okay. I need to just get it home now and give her a proper tune-up and oil change. Sorry I've been gone so long, but wifey and I had another baby and the babe was born 3 months early. We had quite a rough time there for awhile. Excited to bring the Meadowbrook home!
  13. Okay, thanks Tim. I just need to somehow plug/block off the fuel line after that initial filter (vice grips maybe?) then I can get to that small filter that's part of the pump. Got sprayed in the face with gas earlier ?
  14. I have an electric fuel pump on my 48 b1c. The truck ran good all last year with the new pump. Now all of the sudden I am not getting gas to the carburetor. I pulled the line off after the pump and it's not pumping fuel, although the little motor is making that "whirring" noise like it always has. I have a fuel filter right out of the gas tank and before the pump (which is a very short space), so I pulled the line off after the filter and gas is streaming everywhere. Is it possible to pump isn't working even though it makes the same noise it always did? I'm kind of stumped here as I have never used an electric fuel pump before.
  15. Can't see the video...says its private?
  16. Pilot house trucks are super easy to steer. She'd have no problem ?
  17. Sweet! I've never seen one of those before. ?
  18. I wouldn't drive that beauty on sloppy roads either. My car on the other hand rusted out 60 years ago lol. Still clear here, but my brother is enjoying the Meadowbrook yet! ?
  19. 11-30: I got three of the four anchor bolts off of the rear brakes using my trusty Craftsman impact. The the last one is soaking, and I'm sure will be a bear to the very end. Can't say I didn't do anything. ?
  20. 11-29: I have the day off today, plus it's 50F, so we had to take the truck out. When I filled up with gas a woman filling her car approached me and said she liked my truck. She asked what year it was and if I was going to paint it. I told her I was going to leave it as is and that I actually use it to haul things, which she was pleasantly surprised to hear. She said all I need is a wreath for the grill... not a bad idea! Then it was on to Fleet Farm for a couple of Christmas presents.
  21. The previous owner did a lot of the work on my truck. Radiator flush, thermostat, etc. So I don't know what installing the VPW one would entail. Someone will chime in.
  22. Try the VPW 180. 160 is too cool for decent heat. My truck has never overheated with its 180 thermostat even in the hottest weather. And I'm grateful for the heat now that the weather is cold
  23. 11-27: Drop off at the city compost.
  24. 11-27: Out to the city compost with two full loads. Most came from the neighbor whom I volunteered to help since he doesn't own a pickup. Wish I had enough to haul so it would take me all day ? First pic we're waiting for the train.
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