Out cruising; stopped for gas. A gentleman pulled up behind me to fill up.
He asked, "is it a 48, 49 maybe?
I told him 51. He said the first car he ever drove was his dad's 50 Dodge, which he sat on his father's lap and steered when he was about 4! Then he told me his dad later bought a 57 Coronet with a V8 and push button tranny. He drove that throughout high school. In 1971 the transmission went out and he pushed it into a ditch on his uncle's farm. It's still there. That same car hauled he and a friend's motorcycles in the 60s (they raced). He said they would strap one to the front bumper and one to the rear, and pull 3 more on a trailer. Wish I had a picture of that! We chatted for about 10 minutes. He sure was funny ?