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Ted last won the day on August 20 2016

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25 Excellent

About Ted

  • Birthday 07/25/1972

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  • Biography
    Have a 1953 dodge b4b truck
  • Occupation
    Body shop & Hydrographic shop owner

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Appleton, WI
  • Interests
    God,Family,Guns and old vehicles. In that order
  • My Project Cars
    1953 Dodge b4b 1/2 ton truck, 1958 Chevy bel Air two door, 1955 Chevy 4door wagon.


  • Location
    Appleton wi
  • Interests

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  1. Just wanted to say to all of you from past to present that have proudly served our country. Thank You. I can speak for my family and say, we will always be in debt to you and will always have your back.
  2. Ted


    License to cruise 2016
  3. Ted


    License to cruise 2016
  4. Ted


    License to cruise 2016
  5. Ted


    License to cruise 2016
  6. Ted


    License to cruise 2016
  7. Ted


    License to cruise 2016
  8. Ted


    License to cruise 2016
  9. Just found some old pictures from 1991. This is on the day she was chopped at my father-in-laws Body Shop.
  10. That is a great setup you have there. Can I ask were you found your headers at. Thanks Ted
  11. Thanks Todd. But I've been in Appleton for 23 years now. It's my truck that's new to WI. But while I have your ear, you have a sweet tractor/trailer setup what year is the trailer? Do you still have the truck and trailer?I hope to see you around also, we need to find out who else is in the area and get together. I saw 2 52/53 B series and a 1954 at pierce park in Appleton this year, So they are around. Thanks again Todd Ted
  12. Thanks Merle hope to see you around too. This forum has been such a wealth of knowledge and a wonderful tool in toolbox. Everyone is eager to help Had some help from Brent B3B. He sold me an extra steering wheel he had laying around that I desperately needed. He even sent it before he had payment. Great guy, I own a Body Shop in Appleton been there 13 years now. so if you ever need a hand in that area please let me know. Ted
  13. Got my 53 B4B when I was 16. Left her in Arizona in 1993. Had it shipped to Wisconsin in Feb of this year. Just finished it a week ago.
  14. Ted


    Thanks a lot TrampSteer. Taking her too her first Show in Oshkosh Wi this Saturday called The Shakedown.
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