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Everything posted by rb1949

  1. Mine says Max 3MB, per image. That's huge. Prior to this, attached images were always resized to the forum size limit. At that size my photos are about 450KB, about 1/6 the size limit. Plenty big. If you need a larger image to explain some detail, then host it on a free site and use the img link. I use both, having left from Photobucket and now using Picture Trail. After a photo shoot, plug in the SD card to alter. I use simple 'Paint' program and can resize oodles of photos in minutes. No techie guru stuff here.
  2. Does having any older car put you in the "Peep Mirror Club"? The ones that clamp on the door edge with set screws. Come in a variety of sizes, arm lengths, and angle of the bend in the arm. I only have one on the passenger side, a 4 1/2". It took a while to get the rusty set screws out and replaced. Then it was moved a bit to suit my viewing angle. But I still don't like it. They are not the best for rear viewing. While out shopping I spotted one of those convex mirrors, a 4" round, self stick. I had heard that convex helps. Can't get a much simpler installation, or price. I did add a dab of silicone adhesive because their goo dries out and may fall off. The convex makes a big difference, I can now see more to the rear, including that outward blind spot. Maybe I can back into the skinny garage without ripping off the door handles. I recommend you try one. Have only seen one peep offered that already has the convex glass. Almost ordered it, but didn't like the angle style. The cheap addition works fine. Don't think one is necessary for the driver side. My driver mirror is on the door, not a peep on the frame. Good luck with your rear views.
  3. I lost 'for sale' and 'wanted' too, til someone mentioned it's on the home page only.
  4. Does this apply to photos that are 'attached' and photos inserted via a link from a hosted site? Does the process reduce the file size as well as physical size?
  5. 10 minutes? Hmmmm. A Mopar tool next to a box of Chevy parts. Another Hmmmm.
  6. Good bunch. Keep on rolling.
  7. With Dale's mods, disc brakes sounds like a viable improvement/benefit. Scarecrow?
  8. Been a week now, and happy to report stopping power is still good, straight and true. Guess the issue could be called 'solved', but don't see that option any more to mark post as such. Keeping the old shoes and getting them re-lined seems to be reasonable. Waiting for one more quote. Another one of those items we keep in our pile of backup parts. Don't think I mentioned prior to the front problem, I replaced the e-brake, external band at rear of tranny. Good deal on a new one. Old was nothing but a worn band of steel! Not worthy of a reline. Prior owners didn't notice? Not a bad job, just dealing with rusty components.Now I don't have to look for flat parking spots, no rolling. edit: one reline quote, very good. The other, NOT, much cheaper to buy new shoes.
  9. Thanks for the reminder Post #5. Disconnects are on my list.
  10. Bosch owned the old Studebaker Proving Grounds in South Bend IN from 1996-2015.
  11. Mopar still makes trucks.
  12. Doc, parts & quality vary. Care to give a name brand and source?
  13. Always agree, s--t happens. Next time take the classic and stay in a first class hotel.
  14. It's any stout narrow spring about 8" long, not one piece. Use a piece of wire as an extension. (that exploded diagram shows the parts)
  15. First guess, it holds the e-brake cable.
  16. NOW you tell the easy way! Still holding up. The Beach Cruiser is off to it's sunny destination today.
  17. Corrections welcome on photo #2. Guess I'm now an advocate, if the fibrous brake lining gets "soaked" (contaminated) you're SOL. Replace them and be done. Riding the brake to create heat won't help. Just don't screw up if you're in the process of installing new shoes and ruin them.
  18. I like easy suggestions. Worked fine today. Connections good. Battery & cables cleaned. Watch and wait, it was random. Thanks.
  19. 1941 Chrysler Interior Ad Color 1941 Chrysler - Full color 9 3/4" x 13 1/2" ad that is designed to show the reader all about the interiors available in this model year. There are photos of eight different color and material interiors with the headline "You can have your Chrysler in your choice of colors...fabrics...plastics...tailored to taste!". This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view. March 24, 1941 Life magazine edit: whoops, that ad does not show the Navajo interior.
  20. Hemmingway's 1955 Chrysler Convertible in Cuba The original two-tone Navajo Orange with Desert Sand color scheme was no longer visible beneath a shoddy white on top of blood-red paint-job. The original interior trim of Navajo Orange leather with beige leather inserts was lost forever, eaten away to virtually nothing by mildew and the stresses of time. So, too, the Ivory vinyl convertible top.
  21. CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION 73 CHRYSLER NEWPORT! Our lowest-priced Chrysler. Your easy step-up to a big car! Big Chrysler size, room and power for the lowest Chrysler price, Chrysler Special Edition with shag carpet, special Navajo, cloth interior, a special new metallic paint, and a boar-grain vinyl roof.
  22. OK, 3 components. Rebuilt starter, new solenoid, new ignition switch CYLINDER. At random unexpected times, the car will not start with the key. Turning the key does activate the solenoid plunger to click in & out, but not turn over. Leave key in 'RUN' position, jump start from battery to starter coil terminal, it turns over and fires right up. Electrical is working. Is it the solenoid or switch causing the random no start issue? Cylinder is new, "switch" is original. Could there be something defective or worn inside the switch? Yet it activates the solenoid, and makes contact to start/run via a jump. Why would the solenoid activate but not turn over with the key? My mind is blank on what to look at. Does anyone have a picture of the switch and connections? (49 Chrysler) The wires won't let me pull it down under the dash far enough to see the connections. IF needed, would an aftermarket switch wire up correctly? Have to study that. Getting rid of that goofy Armor Cable would be nice. It's only a piece of wire. I'm open for suggestions and ideas. Thanks.
  23. You're in a position to chop it up and modify. Then try to sell a converted bunch of parts? Your money. Have fun.
  24. Who gets a paper? ONLINE!! Late notice, but did make it over to the Fest but not with the jalopy. Hadn't road tested brakes yet.. Day started nasty which probably deterred more cars at the show. Pictures attached. Typical vendors with "stuff". Did find fresh grilled hot dogs for a buck. Got home and did cruise the beach with the jalopy, brakes seemed to be fine. Phooey on those who advocate that you MUST install DISC brakes to be SAFE. They were daily drivers back then, and still are. Adjust your driving habits. Photo #1: '42 Mercury.original. #2: '36 Plymouth original. # 3: '35 Plymouth original
  25. Darn, no cherries for pie. I well remember the coal truck deliveries, rattle clatter bang dumping chunk coal down the chute into the coal bin. And stoking the behemoth furnace morning and night to get some heat, yet still sleeping under a featherbed.. Then carrying ashes out in the galvanized tub for fertilizer. I still swear the heat was much better HEAT than todays energy efficient gas contraptions. Not looking forward to the season you mention. .
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