Does having any older car put you in the "Peep Mirror Club"? The ones that clamp on the door edge with set screws. Come in a variety of sizes, arm lengths, and angle of the bend in the arm. I only have one on the passenger side, a 4 1/2". It took a while to get the rusty set screws out and replaced. Then it was moved a bit to suit my viewing angle. But I still don't like it. They are not the best for rear viewing. While out shopping I spotted one of those convex mirrors, a 4" round, self stick. I had heard that convex helps. Can't get a much simpler installation, or price. I did add a dab of silicone adhesive because their goo dries out and may fall off. The convex makes a big difference, I can now see more to the rear, including that outward blind spot. Maybe I can back into the skinny garage without ripping off the door handles. I recommend you try one. Have only seen one peep offered that already has the convex glass. Almost ordered it, but didn't like the angle style. The cheap addition works fine. Don't think one is necessary for the driver side. My driver mirror is on the door, not a peep on the frame. Good luck with your rear views.