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Everything posted by rb1949

  1. The ol' buggy has been immobile, waiting for a repair on the starter. How boring, just sitting out there in the driveway with nice summer weather. A project was on the list. Why not now? Via the picture, many of you well know this kind of project. I ran out and bought a compressor and spray gun.
  2. I'll guess a Packard model.
  3. Longest "in a Desoto". Glad you had time to enjoy what old cars are all about, having fun.
  4. Good experiment story. Hope you can sell the tires.
  5. Looked at some for the '49. With no loads, trailer, or moon, was reluctant to create a stiffer ride. Or push up the rear too high. Monroe 58567, $75-85/pr. If you use them, please do a before & after pix, and advise of the ride.
  6. That's indeed a project. And she'll cook for you too.
  7. I believe your bulb choice will also dictate which flasher is needed. Speaking of turn signals, my 49 (car) blink quite slowly. Was that normal, or should I replace the flasher?
  8. Screw in a bolt to find out?
  9. Doesn't that bring up clutch linkage fabrications?
  10. Had you ever driven a Fluid Drive prior to this?
  11. This town is a dud for repairs, nothing local. (nobody within 50 miles will cut or install glass either). But starter is at a shop now, will pick up Tue. due to holiday. Good thought, will ask if they sell parts too.
  12. Your buggy is attracting attention, and visitors. Enjoy many more rides.
  13. Midwest here, but attempting the same thing. There are clubs, I seem to be the only one with an old Mopar. Will hang out at local cruise-in's. Tons of flyers for car shows within 20-30 miles. Will try to find out who organizes them for contacts. Also ask at all the local parts stores you frequent.
  14. The link I see in the post says H-F, nothing about gloves, so didn't click it. Never looked, does H-F have free ship to store for pickup?
  15. Be more clear next time. But after slopping underneath and upside down, gloves will be on next time. And long sleeves.
  16. My '49 Chrysler has the shroud. The center hole has a cover too. Now nice and shiny repaint. Better than looking in the big hole.
  17. Didn't see the product as available at Harbor Freight. They may carry something else. Lots to coat underneath, will need another bottle.
  18. Watching your progress. Just pulled the starter on a 49 Chrysler, the solenoid looks 'similar'. Will get it tested today. The solenoid seemed to be working, but not engaging the gear. Checking options, I do see solenoids, and rebuild kits. But if something Kaput inside, where does one find a rebuilt starter? Don't see a part number, or what years may interchange. Thanks.
  19. You need Help! That's why I'm here, with a Chrysler. And the house will stay put. True. low races the motor about 15mph. 3-4 is perfect for in town. It's just not working as good as it should. Gets to the beach! My out and about has not come across any old Mopar people, yet. A picture of turning the flywheel with a bar in the vent screen hole? That screen is riveted on? And that 'pan' is not a small piece of tin with 4 screws. It's a huge chunk of aluminum heading over the rear mount. Will get converter plug lined up someday.
  20. Pulled solenoid today and it passed the test. Didn't have wrench big enough for the governor. With electric tests good, things are pointing to internal dilemas. Who has done a swap to newer automatic, and what was involved? Kits are available. Asked those with the T5 swap, but sounds like too much fabrication for my skills.Your guidance has been good so far.
  21. Was underneath today, so slopped this Corroseal onto parts showing rust. Frame, floor panel, front suspension. NO pre-cleaning or wire brushing. Nice and black now. These areas will not be getting any kind of topcoat paint. It will be a good test to watch durability.
  22. In an older post, you replaced wires to improve operation. Now you run it with no electrics? Mine is obnoxious either way. Undetermined if it's internal or a component. Getting a 3-4 shift, but not a 1-2 shift. Next attempt is to try and pull governor/solenoid/interrupter switch for inspection/testing. Total re-wire via diagram, but check it again anyhow. Sure can keep one occupied.
  23. BLUE, just Google the product name/number, results show where it is available (Amazon, Ebay, etc) Prices vary. I found the best price to be Home Depot, with free ship to store for pickup. (They don't stock it.) Being water based, and drying clear over paint, caught my attention. Just wash your hands, brush and spray bottle when done. Doesn't irritate skin. 32 oz is coating more than I anticipated.
  24. That's not good after all the time and work.
  25. Can't say about the knob. The pix is a '35 Plymouth headlight switch. Any clues? Slotted bezel tools can be bought from here, or made. I had to fab a tool to fit my '49 bezel, which was a hex shape.
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