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Everything posted by _shel_ny

  1. Now has Pontiac parts listed in classifieds as Plymouth parts.
  2. Don't understand your upper/lower question. Tie rods are inner/outer, left/right. Seller should be able to provide position information. If you have #'s, someone here may be of help. Source you obtained from generally does not provide the original packaging. They need to keep their sources confidential.
  3. The seller should be able to provide that information for you. Hard for anyone here to tell you without seeing, and maybe still hard.
  4. Nothing wrong with searching around to find the lowest price on an identical item. That isn't being cheap. Rock Auto has 32 in stock. Advance Auto has them. ($40-$50 off coupon codes available most of the time)
  5. http://p15-d24.com/links/category/15-salvage-yards/
  6. OP has yet to confirm if the problem is solved, or not solved. (I hope it is )
  7. Thanks, did not know that little devil was hiding down there below the ads Now I just need to remember that it is there.
  8. Can we get this feature that sends you back to the top of the page with a click rather than scrolling back up after reading a thread?
  9. Have a pic somewhere from my travels and foraging at the yard, but probably on a disc due to a computer swap out along the way. Forum member in PA was looking for a hood, so I had looked at the New Yorkers.
  10. http://p15-d24.com/topic/29637-oil-bath-cleaner-mystery/
  11. Appears to be for the hood on 46-48
  12. This may help. 1954 MoPar and prior Passenger car parts list EDIT: add second pic
  13. The brake cable goes to the band on the transmission tail shaft. Does not go to a wheel. On my Dodge the outer sheath for the cable was secured on the left side of the transmission. DeSoto may be different. The inner cable continued on from there to the back of the transmission. It can be seen here after it exits the firewall, curves down and runs past the bell housing.
  14. Mine works fine. no problem. Have had a problem like that if I was on the wrong page, such as classifieds, or links, or members list
  15. http://p15-d24.com/topic/34357-car-will-run-but-not-idle/?hl=%2Bsoak+%2Baccelerator+%2Bpump#entry346861 http://p15-d24.com/topic/31460-bogggooooo-carb-issues/?hl=%2Bsoak+%2Baccelerator+%2Bpump#entry313525 http://p15-d24.com/topic/24702-accelerator-pump-issue/?hl=%2Bsoak+%2Baccelerator+%2Bpump#entry244257 http://p15-d24.com/topic/10123-acceleration-problem/?hl=%2Bsoak+%2Baccelerator+%2Bpump#entry87514
  16. 1947 Special Deluxe Business Coupe $1,209 2,982 Detroit: 11643104-11854385 Los Angeles: 25009753-25035585 Evansville: 20185186-20233167 Club Coupe $1,254 3,057 Detroit: 11643104-11854385 Los Angeles: 25009753-25035585 Evansville: 20185186-20233167
  17. This is what I had to put up with on my drive to and from work. Then before the other images fade the last one appears.
  18. Get some water contained in there somehow, and run it longer before you put it back together.
  19. I suspect the seller is playing CYA with the end at 54. I suspect the parts book used ends. Mine only goes to 54. (Not my listing)
  20. A bit past peak here Edit: second pic, last week, a bit more color
  21. OK, those 2 posts give me a better understanding of the t stat operation.
  22. On a hot hay day your 180 thermostat opens somewhere around 180 and if things are hot enough, stays open. On a hot hay day your 160 thermostat opens somewhere around 160 and if things are hot enough, stays open. Please explain to me how the 160 degree stat will keep the engine any cooler when it keeps the water in the radiator for a shorter period of time than a 180 stat. Edit: fix spelling before Don asks me what a "hot hay" is
  23. Seller on ebay says pre sewn available for coupe. will ship international. not mine. have not used
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