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Everything posted by _shel_ny

  1. _shel_ny

    Rear drums

    Difficult to find as the thread title has little to do with the content therein. Not an uncommon thing. Threads here (edit) often sometimes have a "lead in" title that does little to address what a thread is about. That isn't of much use when someone is searching to solve a problem. Not being the forum police, just an observation
  2. In addition to the nut/washer positioning be sure to observe the proper reassembly tightening/torquing sequence to assure the best seating/sealing of the manifolds to the gaskets. Edit: add second pic
  3. just two on each end for the exhaust, and yes, cone end into the tapered washers
  4. _shel_ny

    Rear drums

    I take it that they are experienced enough to loosen the nut on the axle.
  5. http://www.allpar.com/mopar/powerflite.html https://www.google.com/search?q=allpar+1954+powerflight&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb
  6. Pump will require priming to get oil pressure.
  7. 853853 NOS $150 Case Trans 1403573 1139155 1635577 42-55 Ply Dge Chry 853880 NOS $160 transmission case extension PDS 40-48 ply, dod, des 40 48
  8. Timing light may work OK. Mine did. Can always use a 12V battery for a power source just for the light if needed
  9. Did you have a look at the valve springs when the manifolds were off. The year after I got my 48 it developed a problem. I put a "for sale" sign on it, and it sold quickly. Well , it almost sold. Got a deposit. Then the next day when the buyer sobered up he had changed his mind. I ended up not selling it at that time. I found 1 or 2 (at least 1, maybe 2) broken valve springs. I replace it, or them, and enjoyed the car for many more years before selling it last October. Also replaced the engine along the way, but that is another story.
  10. http://p15-d24.com/topic/12756-heaterdefroster-hose-source/?hl=%2Bheater+%2Bduct
  11. Remove the sending unit.
  12. Recent similar thread. Found crap in the tank. As Tod suggested, have a look in the tank. Also maybe pour a bit of dry gas in. Water will not pass through the filter on the end of the pickup. Long shot, but it could possibly happen with the different position of the tank on an incline. And just to beat a dead horse again, try a volume test on the fuel pump before buying a new one.
  13. http://p15-d24.com/topic/36784-oil-pump-leak/?hl=%2Boil+%2Bpump+%2Bring#entry379865 http://p15-d24.com/topic/30887-oil-pump-kit/?hl=%2Boil+%2Bpump+%2Bring#entry308489 http://p15-d24.com/topic/29836-looking-for-oil-pump-gasket-218/?hl=%2Boil+%2Bpump+%2Bring#entry298094 http://p15-d24.com/topic/25071-oil-pump-leaking/?hl=%2Boil+%2Bpump+%2Bring#entry248601 http://p15-d24.com/topic/14851-oil-pump-leak/?hl=%2Boil+%2Bpump+%2Bring#entry175821 You would probably need # 1124984 Collectorsautosupply, or fmmpar (mitchell's motor parts), now AMS obselete
  14. Horse has to put it's head down, or it's all for naught
  15. Found my ratio marked in 2 spots. On the flat On the top (hard to see)
  16. I guess I better get the wood stove fired up, and use this before the laws change here. Hopefully after I am dead, but NY has started to pride itself on foolish laws, so the end could be nearer than I think Some areas have local ordinances covering the use of outside wood fired boilers.
  17. Joe, you probably have all these pics, but just in case.
  18. Firewood usually warms me 3-4 times before it is in the stove
  19. I'm going with this one as well. Something in the horn button/ring area. The wire through the column is going to move when driving. May be as simple as turning the spring a bit so that it does not make contact as easily.
  20. It doesn't show in these pictures, but I'm a bit green with envy. You guys got all the fancified firewood processing/hauling equipment
  21. Is this moving, or still? Print it, and look. Is it moving, or still?
  22. Welcome to the forum. A user name change would be nice
  23. Armature should be the larger terminal. Sometimes stamped if you look close, but it looks like this one has already been cleaned up pretty good, so maybe no mark.
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