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Everything posted by _shel_ny

  1. I did not venture in to see if there was anything store in this vehicle other than what was visible from the outside. I don't know if the bench seat had been bolted down, or was just stored there. Don't even remember if I opened the doors for the photo op, or if they were already open to invite me in. It does appear that the hood was up.
  2. Replacement cylinders are readily available for less than the cost of a locksmith 3 minute job with the dremel I guess by picking the lock there would be the advantage of it then possibly matching the door locks, but by that logic one could just pull a door lock and take it to a locksmith for an impression, and hope it matches the ignition. Also I suppose there would be the satisfaction of having done it. Edit: and as an afterthought, if you are going to be able to have a locksmith do the cylinder, it would be easier to just take the wires loose and take the whole thing in to get the impression. Of course you would miss out on the fun of trying to pick the lock
  3. And then what do you do???
  4. I have no suggestions, but welcome to the forum
  5. To add to the previous info The little button (pic 1) will not depress to remove the cylinder unless you have a key. It will move a bit (spring loaded), but not enough. Removal is done by turning the key to the "on" position, depress button, slide cylinder out. If you do not have a key, you must grind/file the pin down some (pic 2) to remove the cylinder. When installing the new cylinder you must manually turn the lock to the "on" position to allow the new cylinder to align, and slide in all the way.
  6. If installed upside down it will go in about half way before stopping. I don't know what will happen if it is for a 25" block.
  7. I can not open your diagram. Here is a typical hook up for our vehicles. As said, horn button provides ground (earth) Edit: They were set up so that the horn only worked with the ignition on. You can wire it so the relay has power all the time so you do not have to turn the ignition on first when someone is about to back into you and you want to give a warning honk.
  8. My peanut butter/can/bucket got a total of one mouse. My snap trap got 2 a one time
  9. The 12 or so years that I had my car I always started the season (April or so) with the gas that was in the tank when parked. (November or so) EDIT: I guess that is not the total truth. I filled, or primed the carb with fresh gas to replace that which had evaporated to get it fired up, then ran the stale gas.
  10. As Don said.......... stuck valves....... You have listed classic examples of what would happen if the valves are sticking............. open...............
  11. ...
  12. Wind it 335 degrees the other way?? EDIT: add pics. First 2 wind direction and positioning. Pic 3 defining OPEN (cold manifold position)
  13. This is an area where size matters. My pics are from my computer. 368 for 31%. Many of mine are under 100kb. Being stored on this site allows them to be seen for a long time. Don pays the Photo Bucket fees, and has lots of room. I was doing some with web hosting, but had limited space. If a pic was deleted or moved then it was not searchable (not seen) in threads here. I think one site I was using shut down. Way easier to post them from my computer anyway. I have loads of free space. Sometimes it is just a matter of locating them. I have given up on the idea of arranging over 12,000 pictures. A back up is in order before I lose them, as my computer has started to take 4-5 minutes to boot up after an overnight shut down. It is interesting to look to see how many times a pic has been downloaded. (did that today for the 1st time) From mine, the highest was for bolts cut off and used as temporary guide pins in the bell housing to assist with transmission installation. A front brake exploded view diagram from the manual was right up there. Bell housing to trans. gasket, and heat riser "open", "closed" were popular. From the less technical side was a pic of wheelless J. Edgar showing the CG point with a floor jack used midway down the right side. (likely down loaded as a "what not to do" , "or look what this idiot is doing" example). Also popular was the pic that I took of the "mouse electrocution" in the wiring of my kitchen gas range.
  14. Did the oil stay in the filter?? Relief valve and spring in good condition to prevent draining back into the pan ??
  15. I think you are limited as to the overall amount of space you are allowed to use. Over time you may have used up your allowance, and may have to go to "manage attachments" and make some space. And then again, I may be out in left field EDIT: Profile, My Settings, Manage Attachments to see how much space you have left of your allowed 110mB
  16. It narrows once it gets in a bit.
  17. http://p15-d24.com/topic/32716-the-sword-in-the-stone-a-water-distribution-tube-adventure/?hl=%2Bwater+%2Btube+%2Bremoval#entry344638
  18. If you list it just be sure to leave the Plymouth off, as it would differ from the bigger family members.
  19. Are they short block, long block, or does it not matter?
  20. http://p15-d24.com/files/file/42-fuel-pump-heat-shield-template/
  21. I see some ads for subjects related to the site, and other sites that I visit. Not a problem for a site that I am using for free. No cheese needed here.
  22. OT subject. maybe a mod can move it where it belongs
  23. Measurements in case you do not have any u bolts to look at. EDIT: 1st column Plym. 2nd column Dodge.
  24. Changed all the fluids !!!!!!. If your transmission uses gear lube, be sure not to use GL-5.
  25. http://www.autoandtrucksprings.com/catalog/Grade_8_Round_U_Bolts-90-1.html http://www.stengelbros.net/U-Bolts_c_23.html http://www.dsuban.com/Custom-U-Bolts-c72/ http://www.nickstruckparts.com/uboltkits.html http://www.truckcomponentsonline.com/U-BOLTS_c_16.html http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS-Performance-Products/555/60511/10002/-1?parentProductId=753280
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