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Frank Elder

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Everything posted by Frank Elder

  1. It looks the same to me.
  2. Here's the rascal that has the other two, of the only set in the world...lol. Pic originally posted by Bob.
  3. Touche! Sorry Pat, have had a wonderful time in canada, and hope to again. Sure not used to being called south of the border though..lol!
  4. Like a lot of guys here when I first posted, "the conversion" was one of my early posts. And I was guided to all the info that was relevant by our wonderful senior members. It comes up so often, I don't see why several, or more links couldn't be posted as a stickey at the top of the page? I know about the search function....but this seems like it would be quicker.
  5. Ford explorer rear end with discs 8.8 http://www.430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=5352 Some front end conversion talk also.
  6. I thought canadians were just unarmed americans with free health insurance....lol, thanks for clearing that up!
  7. Pictures
  8. It sold for 800 on the hamb, V8 and a dodge dually pickup chassis. I kinda figured it wasn't original after I saw the porthole in the body.
  9. Thanks Ed.
  10. Now,tapered bores, can I get a education? So new to me. The pistons are tapered?
  11. Esmey and myself in Morro Bay, CA.
  12. How about that 100 yd interception to close the first half!
  13. 1946 school bus.
  14. Lots of different stages of frozen motor, from sledge and punch to remove pistons, to various fluids applied into the cylinders via the sparkplug holes. Try some diesel and let it soak, a few days, then use a breaker bar on the crank to rock it back and forth. If it moves a little, add somemore and be patient, you don't want to break the rings. I freed a 440 that way.
  15. Nothing wrong with working materials on hand, do you still have it? It's actually like something a chrysler engineer would come up with...they were famous for overkill so that the product would be reliable. I think you've come a long way and your manifolds show it.
  16. On your first set, how thick is that header flange? WOW!
  17. Just practicing downloading pictures, some I had to change the sizes on to be acceptable, and those all seem to become thumbnails. I'll figure out how to print full size one these days. If anyone else needs to practice posting pictures....feel free to use this thread. For those who got the "magic" picture of course it was edited in after I hit the wrong button:D
  18. ............
  19. dots instead of words,it's quicker, so the picture will post. How about that push bar??? JC Whitney?
  20. You are right, hit the wrong button. Boy, are you guys bored today or what?
  21. ................
  22. My coupe springs are about 8 3/4 when the trunk lid is opened. With only a slight curve to the spring instead of a double curve like in your picture. It opens quite a bit higher than the ones in the picture. I don't see how there could be much difference between p15..d24 trunk springs.If yours measure close to mine and have the s curve...they are definately weakened. Hope this helps. Frankie.
  23. Click on edit, click on delete, you can delete your own posts.
  24. Why car guys don't write advice columns:D Dear Don C., I hope you can help me here. The other day, I set off for work leaving my husband watching TV as usual. I hadn't driven more than a mile down the road when the engine conked out and the car shuddered to a halt. I walked back home to get my husband's help. When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes! He was in our bedroom with the neighbor's daughter! I am 32, my husband is 34, and the neighbor girl is 22. We hve been married for ten years...When I confronted him, he broke down and confessed to a that they had been havin an affair for the past 4 months. I told him to stop or I would leave him. He was let go from his job 6 months ago and say's he has been feeling depressed and worthless. I love him very much, but since I gave him the ultimatum he has been increasingly distant. He won't go to counseling, and I'm afraid I can't get through to him any more. Can you please help? Sincerely, Sheila. *********************************************** Dear Sheila, I'm sure you checked the gas gauge, didn't you, so we'll move on. A car stalling after being driven a short distance can be caused by a variety of faults with the engine. Start by checking that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it is clear, check the vacuum pipes and hoses on the intake manifold for good connections or splits. Also check all your grounding wires too, make sure they are tight. If none of there approachessolves the problem, it could be the fuel pump itself needs replacing. I hope this helps, Don C. PS., Was she hot,not the car..the girl, and do you have pictures:D
  25. Nice car Micah, those power brakes sure do sound good, your gennie is probably a 12V 50's model. Frankie47 Ps your hubcaps look horrible...send them to me..heheheh!
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