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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Thats known officially as "the lawyer bar" and should be treated as such. No offense intended, Lou, my son is a lawyer also.
  2. There was a recall for those about ten years ago. It seems a lean start backfire causes an explosion in the upper manifold. I believe the recall involved a computer reprogramming by the dealer. There is a site here on the web that explains all that, but I have forgotten where. I'm sure somebody here knows about it. I have removed them with only 25-30k on them with huge holes leaking coolant enough to prevent running, and yet mine has 94k and looks like new in there. The problem stems from the EGR dumping hot exhaust into the manifold and melting the plastic coolant passages that are about 1/8" away. I noticed mine had a metal extension pipe on it that directed the exhaust past the plastic before mixing it with the fuel charge. I don't know if this is an "improved updated version" or not. I do know that no one has been in there since it was built. Parts are available aftermarket for under $200 including the plastic gasket, which you WILL need.
  3. Yes, but you have to use your head. With stock brakes and springs, you can't get carried away.
  4. Don, I always use a golf tee. You buy them for a few cents a handful and then find them all over the garage floor a month later. By the way, all post are "real posts".
  5. You can lock your doors from the inside by lifting up on the door handle.
  6. Jim, make some alignment marks on each u-joint housing and on the trans and rear end flanges so you can get the shaft back on the way it was. Chalk ,or a file mark, center punch mark, anything will do.
  7. Are you sure you're not just feeling the differential spider gears turning?
  8. Happy birthday, Tim. I wish I was 55.
  9. I took all the anchor bolts out and used a hacksaw with two blades together in it to saw a slot in the threaded end of each bolt. When I got the adjustment where I wanted it, I used a screwdriver to hold it there while I tightened the nut. It worked pretty good with only very slight movement.
  10. Theres another overdrive I can't get at!
  11. Thank you for being the kind of guy that would do the right thing because its right, rather than fear of retribution.
  12. Timing with a vaccuum guage is done at idle. Turn the distributor to advance the spark until you get the higest steady reading. Don't advance past that point.
  13. I have a catalog here that shows the lining as part number 1311086 to fit all models with standard trans missions, 1933 to 1954, except 49 dodge with fluid drive. Hope that helps.
  14. Congratulations! Good news is always good to hear.
  15. I was in a Hallmark store today and found "birthday card" CD's for each year from 1930 to 1990. Each CD has 20 top tunes from that particular year. They are $13 each and would be nice to play at a show. I suggest the 1944 and 1945 to get three Spike jones tunes!
  16. Make sure your gas tank is vented. At steady high speed the fuel pump could be straining against a slight vaccuum in the tank causing a lean surge condition. I'll go back to sleep now.
  17. If the float level is not too high, it sounds like you may have a bit of a warp in the bowl cover. If you aren't in a hurry and need a little project; Plan A, take the top off and rub the sealing surface lightly across a sheet of sandpaper to highlight any places that are not evenly flat. Do what you have to, and no more, (don't go crazy on it), to get it flat enough to seal. Plan B, try two gaskets stacked up, it won't hurt anything.
  18. My personal opinion is that almost any spark plug would be better than a Champion. Recently I have had several bad experiences using Champion plugs. Three out of eight plugs failed to fire when brand new out of the box. Replacement AC's all fired, and have been ever since, from the first crank. This has happened more than once, so I would not reccommend Champs for use since their quality has gone down the tubes. My humble opinion only. I gotta go with what works for me, and it ain't Champions.
  19. kencombs is right, just don't tighten the bolt when you put it in or you will nick the pushrod. It only has to be snug enough to keep the pushrod from sliding.
  20. Norm, if you fix upyour place that nice, you'll have to hire a guard to keep youfrom getting it dirty. Kind of like that naked guy my wife keeps in the closet. She says he's there to guard her clothes. I guess so, I only see him when I come home late at night.
  21. Something I learned in high school; nothing is as scary as hearing someone pump a shotgun.
  22. Something you need to do before you hook up the cables: make sure everything electrical is turned off. Lights, radio, heater fan. Don't open the passenger door while you're jumping. Don't turn the ignition on until you are ready to crank. Disconnect the 12 volts as soon as possible after the engine starts so avoid burning the points. The idea is to use 12 volts the absolute least time possible.
  23. Sounds like a case of a squirrel oiling his nuts. Oops. spose I shouldn't have said that.
  24. Tim, we are very sorry to hear of your loss. Remember that we out here are thinking of you and your family and pray for comfort for you.
  25. Dead bug build up. Yeah, thats it. You gotta slow down some. It does sound like poor grounds, though. Check those plugs on the back of the bulbs, they get wet in the rain.
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