I confess to not answering most questions for several reasons. There are things I know the answers to, but I also know that there are much better qualified people to do the responding. A lot of times my answer is the result of trial and error and I cannot always say what the right thing to do is, sometimes I just get lucky.
Another reason I don't answer some questions is because I know that the way I do things is not the best, but only the cheapest. This isn't right for everyone because doing it right is the best if you can afford it.
It boils down to this, my answer is good for me, but not always good for you, so it is best for me to keep quiet sometimes.
Lincoln said "It is best to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt".
Twain said, "Never pass up a good opportunity to keep quiet".
I would rather learn from everyone else than steer someone wrong.