Jim, that guy that asked whether you wanted both sides plated knows his stuff......at least get him to polish the rear of the bumper then see if he'll just nickle/chrome the rear, BUT if at all possible always get copper/nickle/chrome on the front and the edges after having the areas to be plated polished........if you check bumpers that have been chromed, look on the rear or inside of the bumper, if it hasn't been polished but still chromed you can bet that the plating will start to lift as the rough unpolished metal doesn't allow the plating to adhere very well, once it starts to lift there then it will allow moisture under the plating and eventually make its way to the front.........its the copper plate that gives a nice smooth strat to the process, also provides a moisture proof surface, the nickle gives it its nice shiney surface and chromium the yummy blue sparkelly tint............chrome.....love chrome......chrome.........andyd, btw what ever you have make sure to put a good heavy coat of wax/polish on the back of the bumpers also.........andyd