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50 coupe

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Everything posted by 50 coupe

  1. I used a 98 explorer rearend. Yes, had to relocate perches but not that big of a deal and well worth the effort to get disc brakes!
  2. Wow! Gettysburg is one of the best American historical sites in the USA!!! Everyone must visit at least once in their life.
  3. go to you tube to look up 'bench bleeding' so you have an understanding of what you are trying to do and what the process is. That should help.
  4. The carb is original, I had it rebuilt a year or two ago so I assume it is what came originally in the carb but don't know for a fact. It isn't attached to the top of the carb. Not sure what kind of clearance there is from the top of the 'U' to the top of the carb. Next time I have it off I will check that out.
  5. I used a ford 8.8 out of a '98 Explorer. I think it measured 59 1/4 inches???? Yes, do the measurements first. Lots of info on this site about RE swaps and sizes of various options for replacement.
  6. Don't know what carb you have but I experienced the same on mine after letting the fuel bowl run dry when working on fuel line. The little 'U' shaped clip that slides down on top of the pin the float pivots on, worked it's way up. Apparently this prevented the tab that contacts the little plunger from fully extending into the fuel inlet to stop the flow into the bowl when the float was all the way up. I removed the top of the carb and pushed the 'U" clip all the way back down which moved the bowl pivot pin back into place. I have had this happen a couple of times and that was the cause in my experience. Hope this helps.
  7. Thanks for the many detailed pics of your body repairs. It is always great to see the different approaches guys take in fabricating these repairs! Helps us less experience guys learn and gain confidence to go forward.
  8. 98' Ford Explorer rear end in a 50' Ply Bus Coupe. Had to fab up rear shock mounts using the Explorer shock mounts but other than that, pretty easy.
  9. His book ' The Complete Chrysler Hemi Manual' has lots of on early Hemi and Poly series motor info and build tips. A must have if you are messing with one of these old motors.
  10. Love the wall art. Nice car also.
  11. 1950 Ply Business coupe, under construction.
  12. Hey Swaluda, I have a '50 bus. coupe and will be using the same kit. Did the instuctions call for the caddy brake hoses and challenger bearings or did you just piece those yourself?
  13. Good thing you got that photo, otherwise no one would believe it!
  14. sweet, love it. Thanks for the pic!
  15. Beautiful car! Looks like it is in great shape. I'm not really a wax and polish guy but I don't believe you can go wrong with a wash soap designed for cars (ie no dish soap) and a quality carnuba wax will get it clean and bring out the best in the paint and protect it. As far as the rest of your questions, the sky is the limit. Depending on your time, experience and resources you can do it yourself or pay a pro. Actually, that ACCA show you are going to would be a great opportunity to pick the brains of car owners for tips or recomendations for restorers they have had experience with. Car guys LOVE to talk about their cars so you should have no problem getting helpful info.
  16. Robert, have you any pics of the adapter you made for the driveshaft? I need to do the same for a temporary set up. Need to mate the stock drive shaft to the Explorer rear end so I can move the car around the barnyard and test out new braking system.
  17. I did a quick search and came up with several results. Looks interesting. Here is one: http://www.classictruckshop.com/t3_page3.php
  18. OK, got it. At this point I since I will have disc/disc I will probably go with an explorer MC that is used withe the explorer disc rear and disc front. I will need to check out clearance underneath to see if I will have clearance issues for a booster. May try it without the booster to see how it works. Since I want to keep the original pedals I will utilize the original MC. Thanks for your info.
  19. Robert, so you are using 94 Bronco MC w/out booster. Are you using it with disc brakes front and rear or disc/drum?
  20. Robert, Are you using an Explorer rear with disc brakes? Jim Yergin Robert, good to hear. Thanks. Wondering if Explorer MC without booster would work?
  21. I have had the stock wheels on and off a few time without noticing any clearance issues. Granted I have not driven the car with them on but have rotated the wheels and didn't notice any rubbing or other contact. I will take a closer look.
  22. Thanks Guys for the info, this is a huge help.
  23. That is awesome! Thanks man, now I see the path!! I will see if I can find a set up like this or I can put something together. I was at a loss on how I would set up a booster with an under floor MC. I seem to recall some pics and threads about this set up either on this board or on HAMB. Where in FL are you? I grew up north of Clearwater and went to school in Gainesville. Moved to the midwest in the late '80's.
  24. I am considering that route but if I do, will I need to rig up a booster or 'power-brake' unit to make it work?
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