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50 coupe

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Everything posted by 50 coupe

  1. From the album: 50 Coupe

    2002 Sportster, Cafe' style.
  2. If this is a dumb question, feel free to tell me so. Hahahaha. If this process is incorrect, no need to spell out the correct procedure, I will find it but just want to know if what I was doing was off track or not. Thanks
  3. Hey guys. I searched but not sure I Understand. To check coil voltage with multimeter, POS lead to POS coil (dist lead), ground lead to neg batt. Terminal. Car not running and points closed. I show 6.2 volts. Is this a correct procedure? Thanks.
  4. Since I also did a front disc conversion (Scarebird kit) I am using an Explorer mc for front and back disc brakes. There are lots of options for an MC. Just make sure you have one that works with your disc and/or drum combo. I currently am not using a power booster just for simplicity sake but may go to one in the future. Honestly I haven't done a lot of road driving with this car yet as I have lots to do before I can take it on open road, ie lights, wiring, etc.
  5. Hahahah! Sorry, not laughing at you Don but when I saw your post I looked and thought the same thing.
  6. Yup, same here. I tried everything posted here and could never get the rear drums off. Then the prospect of messing with trying to maint. the old style drum brakes sounded more trouble that it would be worth to me, unless you are trying to keep original. I like the newer rear end with disc brakes and will work fine for a future v-8 swap.
  7. Yes!! One of the reasons I went with this rear end. Same stud pattern and don't have to use the reverse bolts on the one side!! Stock rims fit right on.
  8. My manual pump wasn't working and read nothing good about the 'repops' so I removed the mechanical pump altogether and made a cover plate with gasket and bolted it on the block where the manual pump attaches.
  9. OK, I'll check that out also. Thanks for the suggestion.
  10. OK, I'll give that a try. Thanks.
  11. Hey all. I want to wire a switch for my electric fuel pump. I would like for it to only have power when the ignition switch is on. So far I can only find connections that are always hot. What are my options?
  12. 50 coupe


    Yes, this was some the of info I am looking for. Thanks for all the other tips also!!
  13. 50 coupe


    OK, thanks for the tips. I will definitely be soldering and shrink tube. Never thought about pulling wire from a bone yard. There is one nearby where my car is that has lots of cars from 70s-1990s. I will have to stop by and check that out. As always, thanks guys!!!
  14. 50 coupe


    so auto wire and connectors from the local Orielly or NAPA will work?
  15. 50 coupe


    I will be doing one wire/circuit at a time. Other than using appropriate gauge wire, are there certain specifications/brands/USA made wire and components I should be looking for or staying away from? Ie, asian made, good or bad, or is that even relevant? Trade grade/specs I should be looking for? Does this question make sense?
  16. 50 coupe


    I'm going to start on re-wiring my coupe. I know you can buy wiring and connectors just about everywhere but want to know what is a source for quality wire and connectors? What should I be looking for and/or staying away from? Thanks.
  17. Thanks Rich, that is very helpful. Thanks guys for the links to the posts from May and April of this year with part numbers and other info about the points and ground wires. Looks like I will need to use these or make the leads from the thinner wires referenced. The leads I made from 14ga wire are going to be too rigid for the application.
  18. Thanks for all the helpful replies guys!! Looks like I have dizzy IAT 4003, part no. 1343554. I am out with the car now, about 60 miles from my home is where it is so progress is always slow. Couple other questions: I need to rig up a starter button so I can crank it while I am in the engine bay and cannot figure out where to hook it up. I have the stock 218. Can anyone tell me this? Thanks. Also, how do I remove the breaker plate? The serve manual isn't clear. Thanks again!
  19. From the album: 50 Coupe

    Explorer disc front/back mc
  20. Merry Christmas to you also!! Awfully warm here in central Indiana but it has given me extra time to work on my car without frozen fingers out in the barn! Guess it ain't all bad.
  21. Hey Guys. I am replacing points, condenser, cap and rotor in my distributor on my 50 coupe with the original 218. The distributor is part number 1343554. I need to replace the two wires that you see here. The question I have is, where can I find a replacement for the wire that has the hooded U-fitting that runs from the coil lead to the points? If there isn't a replacement available, can I just use a regular U fitting or is there some special purpose to the hooded end originally used? Thanks.
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