I have a 50 Plymouth Business Coupe and need to redo the brake system. Trying to the get the rear drums off. So far, sprayed them down with PB blaster, backed off the minor adjusters and removed the nuts from the pad anchor bolts and knocked them in toward the drums, backed up the axle nuts and did some figure eights in the yard. Banged away with the drum puller tool, all to no avail at this point. Question, when using the drum puller, the brakes are loosened enough that the drum will turn so at one point I put the tranny in gear but the drum will still turn some when striking the tool. I only did this a few times because I didn't know if doing this with the car in gear would damage any drive train components. Should I have the car in gear when doing this or not? I think I was using third gear, maybe 1st or reverse would provide more resistance? What would you suggest at this point. Thanks.