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Everything posted by Phntm48

  1. Thats what I'd do too.............You know, if I was tired of my Aston Martin Vanquish.
  2. Also Horace Dodge jr became obsessed with boats and started manufacturing them in the 20's into the late 30's. Under the name Dodge Boat Works. Some really beautiful Mahogany there.
  3. Yellow trucks are going to take over the world! Love it!
  4. Yup. Factory color option.
  5. On my B1B mine goes all the way down inside the column and comes out the bottom. ( imagine looking down a pipe) then it snakes its way up and around the engine compartment to the horn. Dont know if its right, thats the way it was when I got the truck.
  6. When I die, ALL my projects will be finished.............At least as far as I am concerned.
  7. Sweet! Another AZ PH! Cant wait to see this come along. That aint no lie! I dont understand the people in other (more rusty) parts of the country who for some reason can find old dodge trucks under every rock they turn. Seriously Ive lived in the Phx metro area for 45 yrs now, and with the exception of one time I have never actually seen another PH around here. Maybe about once a year somebody will post a truck or some parts for sale on craigslist or some other want add (newspaper etc.) and believe me I look (daily). Although, I did get the word the other day from someone that a salvage yard in Casa Grande has 3 PH trucks but with it hitting 111deg. the last week I havnt been out to verify.
  8. Ive been staring at that picture looking for the junk.......I found it! An old TV antenna.............Do I win?
  9. Yeah I'm sure your right. Around here in the 50's everything was either orange groves or cotton fields. So between wind machines, stationary well pumps and umpteen different types of farm machinery........ Oh I'll get it there! Actually what Id like to do is find a motor thats stamped with the correct range of numbers, rebuild it and stuff it in the truck. Then I'll rebuild this one and save it for the next project......Id like to build a mahogany boat to tow behind the truck.......What would I do with myself if I couldnt daydream during class?
  10. Last time I took my brother for a ride there were TWO dipsticks on the passenger side!! LOL Well I have no doubt that your right about it not possible to just spin the pan. If anything it would explain to me (in my mind) why on Gods green Earth when they put the motor in and finding that the pan was backwards they wouldnt just turn it around corect, But instead go through all the trouble to just make it fit with a 2x4 and a hammer. I do vaguely remember reading about Dodge/ Chrysler sending out new blocks to rebuilders. The way I read that its probably a good thing because the chances are real good that all the bearings, pistons etc. are all Standard size.
  11. RE: Some posts in this thread: http://p15-d24.com/topic/38630-1953-pilothouse-oil-pan/ about my backwards oil pan and the ID of my motor. Here are some pic's of whats sittin in my truck. Pic. of the ID boss above the generator. Pic of the casting #'s in the block. Oil pan/ dipstick on passenger side. Wonderfully clearanced oilpan. What I do know, the head is 23" and I stabbed cyl #6 through the plug in the head and have a stroke of 4 3/8". So It appears I have 218 that was made in 1953. But other than that I have nothin. Even the distributor is lacking any identifying plate or marks......that was fun. I'm pretty sure after a few trips to the parts house I have a IAO /IAP distributor.
  12. Hey Merle, The screwy thing is There arent any numbers stamped into the boss above the generator. I dont want to clutter up the OP's thread here so I'll post some pictures here: http://p15-d24.com/topic/32139-intro/#entry320729
  13. If the OP will forgive me for jumping in here, I have questions about this because my truck also has the pan on backwards. Thing is I believe that my pan is a truck pan...the dipstick goes directly into the pan, not through the block. My question is, is there anything else that needs to be done when rotating the pan or is just a simple tale the pan off and turn it around? Also the yahoos that replaced the motor (2 owners before me I'm #3) On finding that they had clearance issues between the pan and the front axle/and drag link apparently took a hammer and beat the bottom of the sump until it fit! So is this something that I can pound back out after I take the oil pan off? Or would I be better just trying to find another pan.
  14. For the past year or so, between school and life in general, I havn't been able to do much to my truck. But for IWOYTD I was able to tear myself away and get the ole girl started, moved out to the street and I swept up all the dirt and windblown leaves and crud that have been hiding under the truck. I also cleaned the drip pans then I put her back to bed.........its heart breaking that I cant get out there and work on her, but I take solice in the fact that at least shes safe and sound until I can get back at her.
  15. Might want to reconsider those armadillos, they cary leprosy. Wouldnt want you to .........loose face. LOL Sorry couldnt help myself.
  16. It appears he IS building the truck in a more "human" time frame. Quote from his post #3 " Thanks! I am really excited about it. Should be a cool truck when done. I have been working on this truck for about a year now. So I have a bunch of progress pictures. I will post as I have time. "
  17. Welcome to another member in the Sweaty State! I remember seeing that truck on CL. Glad to see it went to someone who'll give it the proper love. Interesting about the belt...I just put a Gates TR24889 on my B1B and it was tight going on (almost couldnt get it over the pully's even with the generator loosened all the way off) its outside dia is listed at 49-1/4" Belt Outside Circum. Also as to it being a water truck. It probably had a big ole water tank on it. Back in the day a lot of the properties out on the outskirts (the small one man mine opreations and homesteads) dont have water or wells and they would have to have water hauled out to them so they could have that thar fancy indoor plummin. I know that there are still lots of properties out around the Superstitions and out around Florence junction that are all still "haul water" today.
  18. I have my tank on the ground and was planning on taking it down to a local place to have it vatted, a small hole in the bottom welded up and coated. I have not heard any horror stories (wouldnt be suprising, im not really in ANY loops). What kind of horror stories have you heard? Has it been "operator error" (person doing the work, or some thing wrong with the process? Edit: looks like we posted at the same time
  19. Every summer while growing up I would go up and spend the summer at my Grandparents ranch. It was then in the '80's that I learned to drive in my Grandfathers pilothouse truck (somewhere around here I have a picture of my mother at 16 learning to drive in that same pilothouse truck). So the love started there. Sadly when my Grandperents passed, my uncle got all that stuff and promptly sold it. Fast forward 20 years and I was driving around a '52 Chevy pickup...I happened across someone one day who was driving an old Dodge pilothouse, and in talking to him found out that he didnt particularly like Dodges but loved Chevys. So what else could we do? We traded trucks. And a friendship was born. That old gent and I are still friends to this day.
  20. What'r those wheels off? looks like modulars........police car maybe?
  21. Sounds like you live in paradise.
  22. Barry, I sure hope that you have copies of all your photos stored elsewhere also. (ie external harddrive, hard copies, photobucket. something.) I learned the hard way. Had all my pics on my computer then one day the harddrive just gave up the ghost........I lost everything.
  23. Joe your truck is a thing of beauty!
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