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Everything posted by P15-D24

  1. Corrected bookmark for 40 plymouth sedan build thread: http://p15-d24.com/topic/30508-rust-free-40-plymouth-sedan/#entry304959 If you have bookmark links that are broken the quick fix is to search for the entry number in the forum search, this case 304959 or edit the old URL to the new format and save an updated bookmark. For example, the old: http://mopar.pairserver.com/p15d24ph_forum/index.php?/topic/30508-rust-free-40-plymouth-sedan/#entry304959 becomes the new: http://p15-d24.com/topic/30508-rust-free-40-plymouth-sedan/#entry304959 (Red text is edited out and replaced by blue text in the URL address bar) Then re-save your bookmark.
  2. Go to the Downloads page and you can download a copy of the 504 heater installation info.
  3. Email drop is out...
  4. The domain didn't change so if you type in www.p15-d24.com you end up at the forum index like usual. I will get an email out to the membership today about updating browser bookmarks.
  5. As Tod noted the path to primary domain name, p15-d24.com, has changed. This should correct an ongoing issue with returning members not being automatically logged back into the site. Once you get back in be sure to update your bookmarks and delete the old one.
  6. From the album: G.T.'s B1 Project Blog

    Correct installation of oil pan gasket set before installing on block.

    © G.T. Koldjeski

  7. From the album: Webmasters Album

    Fuel pump with heat shield.

    © G.T. Koldjeski

  8. From the album: Webmasters Album

    © G.T. Koldjeski

  9. From the album: Webmasters Album

    © G.T. Koldjeski

  10. From the album: G.T.'s B1 Project Blog

    Stock rear bumper.

    © G.T. Koldjeski

  11. From the album: G.T.'s B1 Project Blog

    Interior shot showing tach and vacuum driven vent fan.

    © G.T. Koldjeski

  12. Looks like quality product. How hard is it to get the one piece in the cab?
  13. FYI, in the future post a support request at Help -> Website Support. Somehow your cookie for the site has gotten deleted or corrupted so your log in credentials are not recognized and automatically logging you in on returning to the site. I am currently seeing similar behavior on one computer, but my other one works fine. (Both are on OSX Macs) I will put in a support ticket with the forum software vendor for a fix.
  14. It goes on the left front cowl. The retractible type goes down just inside the kick panel panel. I think their is a securing strap for the bottom of the antenna. If you go to the Downloads page and download Mopar Approved Accessories PDF. In the radio section of the brochure is a picture of the antenna location.
  15. SN on the block?
  16. Old trick to stop the gears from spinning when shifting to first or reverse. Quickly visit second, then right back to first or reverse. Going into second stops then so you can shift grind free.
  17. HVLP gun (Sata of DeVilbiss) 5 hp two stage compressor, air, water and oil fitters, regulators, masks, 1/2" hoses plus all the piping for the compressor setup , Make a spray booth, (vent fans). Plus electrical to run the compressor. So your already at over 2K in equipment costs. Then you have to deal with the paint, body work etc. HVLP guns work great but require lots of clean, dry air. If you can find a booth to rent where you bring your gun you are way ahead of the game. Do a google search of painting your own car, their are a couple good resources for first timer on the net like http://www.autobodystore.com/videos.shtml
  18. You really need to watch the video...
  19. Many other sites have ads provided by Google's Adsense service. These are linked into your search history on google, which is why they are more relevant. I have been trying to get signed up on Adsense for over two years without success. The frustrating part is you don't have any way to communicate with them directly to find out the exact reason for the rejection. One of the reasons I have added the blog section is apparently this is viewed as a positive in the Adsense approval process. I will keep trying but it has so far been very frustrating on the Adsense side. I am actively recruiting more direct sold ads with the longer term objective of phasing out the commercial ad service.
  20. I looked at it and it is technically feasible. The issue is ads that I sell direct like Butch's would not be blocked as I have a contractual obligation to have them display to all users. However I could block the ads provided by the commercial ad services.
  21. The companies already exist, the problem is getting clients that want to buy ads. So many of the vendors are very small businesses with very focused niche products. Internet advertising is not in their normal scope of standard business processes. For many it's a big step and they have an expectation of an immediate return on the ad investment. Advertising just doesn't work that way.
  22. I think the problem is Bidadvertiser (the ad service supplier) doesn't have very many automotive clients. So we get the generics as fillers. I am working on getting more direct advertisers (the purchase directly, not through a service) and your support of those advertisers is appreciated. Ultimately I hope to have enough direct to turn off the service supplied ads. Just not at that point yet.
  23. Did you try the Resources -> Links, then search for "wiper"?
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