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Everything posted by aero3113

  1. Not sure if it is official yet but Osama Bin Laden has been killed!!
  2. I just went down to the garage to see how my valve stems looked and this is what I found. This is the left front wheel,the right front was centered the rear right had to be turned a little and the rear left was centered.
  3. Where can I get a set of those? My Wheel covers always walk on the rim
  4. Should be a easy fix for you, the engine can stay in the car. When you take out the old plugs stick a hose in one of them and flush out the block. It may be tough to set the new plugs not a lot of clearance to swing a hammer. Also be sure you use a good sealer when you set them in. Also try and cover up the bottom of the oil fill tube so no water will get into the pan.
  5. I did shake it and didn't hear any fuel in it.
  6. I do have this timing light that I am thinking about selling. Same brand but 12 volt,it does work with 6 volt also.
  7. My wife and I went out for a drive today, we passed a thrift store and my wife wanted to go in. At first I didn't want to go in was just gonna stay in the car, glad I did go in. I found this timing light (6/12 volt) and this dwell/tach meter, both for $13! Got home and hooked the timing light up and it worked great,hooked the dwell/tach meter up and it didn't work, I opened it up and no batteries, put some new batteries in and it also worked .
  8. Before I went for 10 mile drive I sprayed the carb with brake cleaner to dry it up then touched up the intake manifold. After the drive it was as dry as could be . Looks like 1/8 was a good setting, thanks Fred .
  9. I just lowered it to about an 1/8th, I will take a drive later and let you know what I see. The carb was bone dry before the rebuild.
  10. Should I lower the float to 7/64?
  11. I noticed that after driving the base of my carb is wet and is staining my intake manifold. I checked the float height and all is good (5/64). If I change the accelerator pump setting will that help? Right now it is set on the middle setting. Also this is the first time my manifold heat valve is working can this have anything to do with it (Warm fuel)?
  12. Not 100% sure what you are asking? Is this to choose the correct size prop for a specific aircraft?
  13. Does your 36 have steering box insulators? I changed mine in my 50 and it took up a lot of play.
  14. Here are mine and my wife's Mini (not all classics sorry)
  15. Welcome to the forum! Do you have the correct size battery cables installed? Also check or add a ground strap.
  16. The engine shop where I had my work done showed me the worn tappets from my engine and they were dished. They were able to gring them flat and true.
  17. I gave this one to Fred (Rockwood), he said at first it was not working correctly then it started working for him. Not sure if he did anything to fix it but you should ask him if he doesn't see this post.
  18. Same here with about 300 miles on the rebuild
  19. My wifes dream car is a 1950 XK 120 but that is way out of our price range right now. This car was posted on yahoo autos, I did a search on eBay and found the real listing. The scammer stole a pic from the add and used it for his listing.
  20. My wife and I were searching the internet for a car as a hobby for her (mainly for me ) and we came across a 1973 Jaguar XKE for $5499. I had a feeling it was too good to be true but we still looked into it. We emailed the seller and this is how it went: Seller: Hello , Thanks for replying to my ad. The car is still available. My price is $5,499.I want you to know the car is in excellent condition with no rust or any kind of damage anywhere and it doesn't need any maintenance.Title is clear and free of liens. Where are you located? If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask. Best Regards Me: Hello, I am located in Smithtown. I do have a couple of questions, is it an original Jaguar(not a kit) with the original engine? also why are you selling it? Seller: Hello, Original Jaguar...original engine...one owner! Now I am not in the town. I'm in London , Ontario (Canada) and I have been very busy. Anyway , thank you for your interest in buying my 1973 Jaguar E-Type XKE. The car is located in Indianapolis , USA right now and has US papers. Why is the price so low? My mother is terribly sick and the doctor is asking for about $5,299 before any operation can start because she has breast cancer and one of her breast have to be cut off to prevent the other from being infected since it has already been in a critical condition . So I had to move out of USA to be with her in Canada at the St Joseph's Health Care .So i need to sell this car at this price $5,499 because i want to sell it fast. My mother life is preferable than a car. It does matter how much i bought the car. So all that I want to do now is to sell the car at this price,($5,499) .The title is clean and you will have absolutely no problems to register the car . I want this transaction to go smoothly enough as I am caught in the middle of some very important events and have little time at my disposal. The car is like new, in perfect conditions , accident free , no scratches , no special marks , no need for additional repairs what so ever.. a genuine road runner ready to be yours, but only if you shall understand and you won't make me loose time as it has already happened to me . The car is exactly as shown in the pictures . I have a contract with Yahoo Finance so this deal must go through them. According to Yahoo Finance you have 5 days from the time you receive the car to inspect it and decide if you want to keep it or not. Here is how it will work: 1.First of all I will need the following details from you: - Full Name - Full Shipping Address - Working Phone# 2. After I will receive the details from you, I will forward them to Yahoo Finance . 3. After they will process your info, they will send us both invoices. The invoice will send you the details on how to make a refundable payment. 4. You will send the payment to Yahoo Finance . They will hold in trust the funds and advise me to ship to your address. 5. Yahoo Finance will contact me and I will ship the car to you. After you receive the car you will have 5 days to test, verify and do whatever you need to the car.. 6. If you decide to keep the car you will contact yahoo and confirm that you will keep it and they will release me the money 7. If you will decide that you will not buy the car, Yahoo Finance will refund the money and I will have the shipping company come pick up my car. If you wish to make the transaction, please send me the necessary info so that we can proceed. I look forward to hear from you. Thank you!
  21. Before I replaced everything I had 4 people in the car and a speed bump hit the frame when I went over it, luckly it wasn't the oil pan
  22. When I first bought my car this is how low it was, this is just from sagging springs and leafs. Pic with new springs, retempered leafs and new tires
  23. Here you go, highly recommend them
  24. Read pages 7-9 in my engine removal post, I had a slow turning engine also. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=23856&page=7
  25. I used rusteloeum BBQ paint on my exhaust manifold. I had it sand blasted then painted it right away to prevent any rust. I painted it about 2 months before I used it and used the whole can doing many coats on it. It had plenty of time to cure and when I started the car for the first time it smoked a little but went away in minutes. I have about 300 miles on the rebuild and the exhaust manifold still looks like the day I painted it, I hope it stays that way.
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