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Everything posted by p24-1953

  1. i can see the choke butterfly as i turn the key, with out the air cleaner. it doesnt matter if its half throttle of full throtel is it is cold it will not close completly
  2. I removed and cleaned my sison choke. This is the closest thing I have to an arch enemy on this car. Prior to cleaning when the lever arm was connected to the carb the unit would click but not pull the arm down more than a 1/8" if at all. If the arm was disconnected the lever would move fully if activated. I removed the unit cleaned and oiled it and reinstalled it. (it was really dirty and covered in surface rust.) Now the unit will activate the choke 50-60% of the time. It seems to be related to the temp. I have set the unit up according to the manual. This morning for example, 30 degs pressed the peddle fully once and then held at half throttle when I turned the key the choke did not close . it left a ¼” gap and the car would not start. ( I cranking for 15 secs. Then pump the peddle twice, and repeat, it took 8 tries to get it to start ). Yesterday afternoon at 50 deg. it snapped shut every time you touched the key. So could it be that my electromagnet is so week it cannot fully operate the choke? I have run a manual choke in the past, but i want this to work right.....
  3. lou, market city cafe? im using 90 wt. im hoping that i just had a little overfill from when i was working on the govenor. I figure if its only a drop or two i will live with it and keep it filled up. it wont cause any permant damage will it?
  4. it looks like i have few drops of oil on the ground at the tail of the transmision. should i be concerned? is this a sign the rear seal is bad? or will it stop after i run it for a while. what else would cause this?
  5. i was reading the b&w overdrive man. on this web site and came across this "at speeds below the oversrive cut inpoint the free wheeling action of the unit makes it possible to do all gear shifting without releaseing the main clutch" so if i slow down to 20 in third i can just lift off the gas and shift to 2nd? what exactly is free-wheeling used for?
  6. external would be great. i was hoping i could use them to mock up an idea in cad.
  7. does anyone have a schematic or blueprint for our engines with dimensions ?
  8. talked to george today, and he agrees that the govener might be a little out of wack, but if it works okay in second and with the switch i might just leave it. i wonder where i could get a new govener? first of all i need to get the speedo working again so i can really tell the cut in speed.
  9. talked to george today, and he agrees that the govener might be a little out of wack, but if it works okay in second and with the switch i might just leave it. i wounder where i could get a new govener? first of all i need to get the speedo working again so i can really tell the cut in speed.
  10. i got mine minus the bottle bracket for 80 a few months ago
  11. im wondering if that is my problem. i do not have the fast second, and with no speedo i dont know if im getting fast enough to make the overdrive automaticly kick in in second.
  12. update... okay it clearly works on the freeway in 3rd. the difference was amazing . i could not get it to work in second, and i could not get the kick down switch to work, but i have now learned that when you floor my car the carb only opens up about 1/3 of the way and dosent even come close to the kick down switch, so i will correct that. it must be messed up from when i replaced the carb. i wonder if that is why it wouldn't go into second. not enough speed.
  13. maybe im just not going 25 yet. i dont know, i guess i will know once i get the new speedo cable. i will try third on the highway tommorow
  14. okay heres what im doing. maybe i'm running it wrong. i have the handle pushed all the way in. i shift into second and run it up till it sound like it reving farily high. (no speedo) then let off the gas completly for a sec or so and then step back on the gas. that should drop me into overdrive correct? i wished it wasnt raining or i would take it out on the highway and try it in third again
  15. man im frustrated
  16. okay, then what could be wrong
  17. look at some of my older post and you can see how to hard wire a ipod into the exg. 6v radio. easy to do and works great. i say keep the 6 volt.
  18. okay i think i got it working... when the overdrive is set up and wired the way the factory did it does the overdrive only work in third? i couldn't get it go into overdrive in second. i followed the manual trouble shooting steps and it all tested good. if i ground out the step down switch the solenoid clicks and i hear a "wind up and buzzing sound coming from the bottom of the car" if i ground out the Governor i hear the solenoid click so that tells me the circuit is good. if i ground out the Governor in 2nd while driving it will go in to overdrive. i think it was working properly in 3rd either that or the people on the freeway were driving slower. the speedo isn't working its like the cable is a little long and gets in a bind. so having said all of that does the factory set-up have a overdrive in 2nd.
  19. yep i conected to the bolt on the end. dork dork dork
  20. the book says a throwout bearing makes noise in neutral only. a pilot bushing in gear only mine does both, but the sound is the same. if it is either of these and i continue to drive it will it be a catastrophic failure? should i just keep driving it for a little longer to confirm thats what it is.
  21. okay im a dumb a$$ i connected the wires to the cover bolts. i know i know.... i will fix it and try in the morning. thanks for the pictures
  22. could it be that i have the selonid connection backwards. how do you know which is the #4 terminal and the #6 terminal
  23. got it all installed and have a few problems , 1. the squeal that i asked about in another post 2. the speedo quit working 3. the most important, the overdrive will not engage. I consulted the manual and it says to test the solenoid by grounding out the "a" post of the kick down switch, and it should click twice, but when i do this the solenoid on the fire wall clicks once then the fuse blows. i have checked the wiring diagram and it is all hooked up right. what could cause this? could the solenoid be bad? how do you test it?
  24. maybe... i didnt take it all the way to the crank shaft, was i supposed to lube something at the pressure plate? if so what can i do?
  25. after putting everything back together i now have a squeal when you hold the clutch pedal in. but it is not every time, it will do it if it is in gear or not. but it is only happens about every 3 or 4th time. what is it? is the throw out bearing going out? or is it possible that this is because it has been out of the car for 6 weeks and will go away as things get lubricated again? (i can hope cant i?)
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