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Everything posted by wallytoo

  1. blocks were sticking to the bed (another remnant of friday's storm), so each had to be "loosened" before being unloaded all manual labor at this end. that's a workout just lifting the block about 4 inches onto the ramp. good crowd, too. lots of kids, plenty of smiling faces. went back for another partial load. got 13 blocks, but lost 6 when exiting the lake (there's a pretty good double bump exiting the lake, and moderately steep). however, the 2-speed came into it, and started shifting on this trip, so the driving was easier. ended up with 73 blocks into the icehouse this year. some will still be there next year when we harvest again.
  2. up at the farm, waiting for the sawdust to cover the previous load - 23 blocks on this load, for about 3.5-tons. 2-speed hi wasn't working, so low range all the way (2nd and 3rd gear). sawdust being shovelled into the ice house in the background unloading time
  3. after a 5-year hiatus for my truck, back at ice day hauling ice. event was cancelled for the last two years, because covid. beautiful blue sky, -5*F to start the day (warmed up to about 22*), no wind - perfect for ice day. blocks were pretty big - about 275 to 325 lbs each. getting loaded at the lake good look at the fulcrum to lift the ice onto the truck remnants of the last nasty ice/rain/snow we got on friday still on the truck close to a full-load
  4. you don’t have the same filter housing as the thread-starter (matt).
  5. what lines? this connects directly to the boss on the block. there are no external lines.
  6. hmmm. the way i read the invoice, they consider pulling all six piston assemblies as a unit, not that they only pulled one piston. still could have different sizes, but each could be “in spec” for their respective cylinders.
  7. i can’t say about the synchros, but the transmission in my b1f is a 4 speed non-synchro. with practice, downshifting from third to second will work with double clutching. as noted, i also rarely drop down into second once moving. 3rd low is low enough to manage most slow turns, even with a load. and, with your 2-speed, you can make the downshift a bit easier by splitting, from 3low to 2 hi. should reduce the gear clash a bit.
  8. yes. that's why i mounted them where i did. on a large piece of metal.
  9. great information, rob. the starter in my ‘48 is longer than the 6103/6106. i might just look for one of those to replace the original, so that i can use the filter.
  10. says you solved it. what was the leak? the post you tagged as the solution doesn't offer a solution.
  11. on the trucks, the ground usually attached to the bellhousing (or transmission, can't remember). however, 24" would probably reach a bolt on the starter, too.
  12. i wish my F had the 5 speed, if only because it's pretty cool/rare. can't really complain though; with the 4 speed and the 2 speed rear, it's very driveable/useable. and, even then, i rarely use 1st gear unless freighted or on a rough back road.
  13. i’m confused. you show the same shift pattern as bruco does.
  14. the starter in my F is too long, and there is no way i can mount that filter with it in place. i've tried. the nose sits right at the center of the "diamond".
  15. it might well bolt up to the truck block, but it might not fit if you retain the original starter. i tried to use that same filter on my 251, and it fit perfectly....until i needed to install the starter, and discovered that the starter is too long to accomodate the full-flow filter attached directly to the 251 block. maybe it will work better for you?
  16. a 6 volt starter will work just fine in a 12 volt conversion. it’s only running for 3 to 10 seconds each start. the 6v starter in my truck has been working just fine with 12 volts for the last 15 years.
  17. i run 15w-40 in the 251.
  18. same way i ended up with the spare 251 that is now in my truck. it was on c-list several years ago for cheap, and it was a complete engine. when i put a rod through the side of the 237, i had the 251 that had been on a cart in my garage for 5 years.
  19. the markings are etched in the pulley, along with some numbers.
  20. wouldn't jsd's b4ga already have the 1-1/2" master cylinder? edit: also, i'm surprised the b3ga wasn't equipped with the 1-1/2" bore MC. i thought all the medium and big trucks used that size. the MC on my b1fa was/is 1-1/2" bore.
  21. it would vary by application. in the chrysler/dodge cars/trucks of the 40s and 50s, the cooling systems were unpressurized. i have no idea what bombardier used in 1968 for a cooling system.
  22. the ticks that kill moose are winter ticks, different from deer ticks (lyme) and dog/wood ticks (a host of nastys). as far as i know, winter ticks don't feed on us yet, although that could change. they absolutely hammer the moose - the blood loss causes anemia among other issues (up to 40K ticks on a moose). i've been wearing permethrin bonded clothing now for about 10 or 12 years. works pretty well - instead of finding 30 to 40 ticks per day on me, i find 1 to 5. vigilance every night checking for ticks before i go to bed is the key to preventing imbedded ticks.
  23. no medication, since the infection was over 30 years ago. doxy is effective for most patients if treated in early stages of lyme, rather than in chronic cases.
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