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40P10touring sedan

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Everything posted by 40P10touring sedan

  1. I was gonna say...I don't see any of you counts...or lack there of. So maybe it's a thing only "you" can see. Boss{P15-D24}, are those two dots above "your" post count what were talking about?......{dang, the boss is already in trouble.,.hehehe.} ...ah, right after I posted I saw on my reply the questionable warning points...I'm betting I' m the only one who can see that- huh?
  2. That's a big dollar OHV conversion for the flathead 6s...I want to say it's something in the nature of $4000...I could be off there.
  3. Yeah, I removed the "/index.htm" and it worked fine. While the bugerking guy was interesting, it wasn't as interesting a Capt Rickenbacker's interest in cars....never knew he was into cars...just being an air ace was all I ever knew...learn something new every day I guess.
  4. I swear I saw "early 40's" vehicles when I saw the trailers, but this is coming from the guy who watched roger rabbit quite a few times before he finally noticed the plymouth coupe eddy valiant drove...and this was a year after I bought my 40 sedan before I noticed it!
  5. As far as I know...the marine ACE engines had forged cranks and not the industrial nor auto...
  6. Ooh, a Thor power tool...haven't seen one of those in a long time!
  7. ...Let me add that I once owned an 86 GLH turbo with a lil 195hp 2.2 turbo and that car was a blast. Could beat a V8 mustang{LX or GT} in the standing 1/4 allllll day long....go past 1340 feet and that gap started changin in a hurry. I'll always remember that car....and the dreaded wheel hop it had. Folks say that youd need a set of forged pistons and a forged crank for a turbo flathead 6...pistons you can get...a crank, not so much! I think it could be done with cast pieces but that's purely speculation on my part due to a lack of anyone having actually done it and lived to tell us about it. The flathead's lack of high reving would be another issue...once again though, finding a purpose built turbo built for low reving would fix that. Installing the proper sized exhaust {1 1/2"?} would keep it breathing well enough, and setting a waste gate correctly would be essencial....the GLH turbo hit 5psi all day long but peaked just at 7psi....5-6psi is enough I think. I've got a chrysler 265ci 6cyl to play with, so a TBI{s} roughly set for 4 Liters should fit my bill...a smaller motor would require less unless your an overkill kind of person. If I could nail down the TBI{s} and sensors for mine I'd do it in a heartbeat as a bare bones system- crank/ign trigger{HEI dizzy tach sensor lead?}, O2 sensor, amibient air temp or map sensor and I think I'd be good....just haven't put it all together yet.
  8. B&Bs are known to be leakers to start with...adding pressure will only heighten that effect. True, the 54 kaiser, running a Mc Culloch supercharger and a 225ci flathead 6, had a boxed carb, but those are hard to find and costly. Add that the supercharger supposedly takes 30ish HP to run so any HP gained via that would be a possible wash out given a 25% increase from it's use{use the naturaly aspirated oem engine HP numbers and add 25%...isn't much}. Also, "that SC" can't be ran as a blow thru system because the impellor is oiled...the gas in the air going thru it would wash the oil off of the impellor and cause early/increased wear....the carb has to be downstream. Alot of the newer/smaller SC's are the same way- dry and set up for FI ...but you weren't talking about an SC... The turbo type you'd be looking for would be off of an inline 6 diesel...low reving like the flathead 6 engines are and roughly the same Liter capacity...I'd even suggest a TBI in place of the oem carb and some kind of aftermarket ignition to run with it{accell/mallory had add on FI/TBI systems}. An adaptor plate could be made to mount the turbo to the oem single exhaust manifold dump and plumbed up to the fuel input of choice. I've always liked the GM cross fire twin TBI set up...could be used for a twin carb aftermarket flathead 6 manifold.
  9. I keep checking this guy's 05 magnum wagon with a hemi....just can't get past the overall tunnel effect rear viewing of those to get one....yet....otherwise I like them. Wait for a drop top challenger...it'll happen!
  10. What about mid 50's plymouth or chrysler tail lights? {this coming from the guy who wants to run a pair of tombstone taillights on his car, so my styling thoughts may be suspect}
  11. Didn't say ya did sir...."I" just said you can't liken a flathead 6 ...to anything but a flathead 6. Ya love em or hate em...
  12. Boring even if the flathead was modded...maybe there too....they do have that danged rpm limit to get past. I'm keeping a flathead 6 simply to have the "hey, look at that" effect....raw speed, power and performance parts were never part of the equation...you can't liken a flathead 6 to a lil hemi or a small block..she is what she is and to me that's "cool". This is my path to drive down though and not everyone elses choice.
  13. HotrodLono, The ford idea was fine but not without it's added hassles for size...the new 318 idea is an easier project imho -your car though so my opinion counts for squat...lol- I'd keep the donor motor trans and rear end all together and try to de smog the car as much as possible so you don't have to try and mount all or any of that stuff in your car. This isn't the AARC, or we'd all be over there with our 100% stock cars...in this forum you have found the fairly purists{and more power to them} and those of us who build what we like of our cars. Build yours however you like but do stay around for the rest of us, who like you, "tweek" alittle. Your among more friends than enemies! BTW, if I did ever go for a ford power plant my choices would be either the 351C or a 400M with the added stroke...but that's me...last car I played with 10yrs ago was a 70 cougar from bakersfield.
  14. How high are you planning to go up the inside of the firewall?
  15. I'll echo she's a 41....single high wheel opening curve with the usual 41 lower triple lines on the bottom of the fender side. 40's have dual high curved lines with no lower lines.
  16. ...army?
  17. ...well, it is a heater after all, so alittle "excess heat" wouldn't hurt...
  18. ...obamacare...sorry, had to........
  19. I was told that wisconsin folks just park on the roof when the garage door gets too covered up with snow...
  20. Hah, I was 14yrs old with a hand shovel...must've taken 2hrs to clear the short drive and carve out the rest of the stationwagon parked just off of the street - the snow plow was kind enough to sideswipe the wagon when plowing the road...man dad was furious{70 catalina wagon-didn't make it look any worse really}. That year I was able to climb up the TV antenna mast{triangle tube type} and sled off of the roof....till dad busted me and told me to go shovel the drive.
  21. ...yeah, try driving I-88 thru decalb in the middle of winter, the potholes get so big the semi's avoid them...ah, our toll money hard at work!{yes, you hear sarcasm}
  22. I'm 230lbs so I'll spare ya the request for the lap...I'd like a new center s/s nose strip...the long one....for my 40, a new hubcap for the spare, a full set of matching trim rings{16" please}.... ....we'll leave ya some really good cookies or cheese and crackers...heck, if you come up with the s/s strip I'd leave both!!!
  23. Welcome aboard, soooooo.......what do ya drive? ...you can tell mine by my name...
  24. "Post Reply" on the lower left of the posting line if you want everyone to see it, or as advised, click on the user's name and use PM{personnal message} or the email addy given, but not everyone gives out they're email addy. Edit-BTW{by the way}...welcome aboard!
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