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40P10touring sedan

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Everything posted by 40P10touring sedan

  1. A)...ouch{sorry} per your question, only if it's a woody wagon...maybe....
  2. Nice- what size motor, mods, and what mufflers?
  3. ...what he showed!
  4. ...230 crank and rods would bump up the engine size in that block and no-one would know...ok, we would but I won't tell!
  5. Rodney, are you getting the running boards recovered...I want to see those when your done...who's doing them and how much?
  6. As I recall, it comes out of the end of the sterring box, on a straight line from where it ran up the steering shaft to the wheel.
  7. I've seen that car in a mag...a very sweet ride. I envy him with all the driving he's done with her...hope I can do close to that.....
  8. This is all good reading especially since there was a happy ending...I'm looking into a new Dodge Dart end of the year since the RT package isn't out yet....I want a compact car, better mileage, and a mopar. Time to do my homework I guess. Adding to the FM's hassles, long ago I tried a lease since at the time I was trading in at payoff for a new car...thought I'd try something new{silly me}. Got a '96 sebring on a friday, but wednesday they called me in and told me the lease fell through{had good credit-don't get it?}...he wound up insulting me by saying I should have bought a car I could afford - I was sticking to the selling payment of the lease and wouldn't budge one penny{5 yr lease...I dont know why I thought it was a good thing then}...after a half an hour of him trying to beat me up I told him he had 5min to get it right or get me my trade in back. He kept telling me my car was sold- GM financing said it wasn't- wound up they got my price set to a "buy it" and off the lease thing...that's when I found out if the dealer doesn't sign the paperwork they don't have to honor it- always thought they did anyway, wrong! All of 5mos later it was for nothing as the dang car was totalled in the flood of '96 here.
  9. The windings may be suspect but it could be just crud causing this too...I'd pull the sender and clean it, lube it and try again with good grounds..might be just a bad sender and if you know the ohms rating for the gauge/sender you can simply buy a new one. Just a quick thought...get uner the car and follow that lead wire to the gauge and make sure it's not opne grounding somewhere along the way...heck run a temporary wire for now to confirm.
  10. Ebay policy is that you can hire someone to go look at it, but sheesh, if your close by there's no reason that you can't do it...have him call a sherif or local cop over to assist in the viewing if he's that paranoid, otherwise it sounds fishy.. I tried long ago to buy a '68 GP over in michigan and asked the seller to take 2 pics for me to confirm what I thought I saw on the cars kick and rear panels{bad rust} but she wouldn't do it...4 auctions later she finally did and I was right...pretty bad and not worth the asked money. Maybe ask the guy for a ton of pics...tell him exactly what you want to see.
  11. Nice looking, almost like sombreos but with a cap.
  12. Getting that delivery would be a Stil...or whatever chainsaw ya had.
  13. Nice...they're playing the "how much can we get for this job" game. I'd seriously source other shops to either justify the amount or simply to find a more suitable amount for the repair...it's common knowledge that most insurance companies have their own repair shops that they like to do business with but they will work with others. When my towncar was T-boned I went to 3 places but wound up at one that allstate liked dealing with...sad part was they wouldn't fix a lower panel due to some rust perforation even though I said I'd cover it while they were fixing things...wound up taking the full payout and trading it in as was which turned out far better than just getting the car fixed. Maybe just to have the door frame fixed alone could be enough to finish the rest on your own...just a thought. We do get attached to these old relics and hate to let them go but if you ever entertained the idea of another car this may be your window to that with a $15k payout.
  14. Cool, nice thing about paint is if you don't quite like it you simply respray them. Hope to see the results soon!
  15. Ya gotta love ebay- I found two- p/u- http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dodge-Other-Pickups-A100-MOPAR-1964-DODGE-A100-PICKUP-TRUCK-VINTAGE-60S-RATROD-HIPPIE-STYLE-LOVE-/310474247656?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4849b50de8 Van- http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dodge-Other-A100-1969-Dodge-A100-Sportsman-Van-/251166652297?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item3a7ab2f789 ...Ive seen more on there not that long ago...long window vans, trucks...
  16. I drove roughly 6hrs for my 265.
  17. I was going to add that "repairs-touch ups" would be rather difficult using powder coating...why not use simple spray paint...you can change you color too if you get tired of it and touch ups would be far easier....you'd be less poor and possibly happier with the results...just a thought.
  18. Just as an option for myself, can your father do that again?...and what'd he want for his services...if he would....I'm looking for options here.
  19. Depending on how much it cost I'd consider it...I don't mind paying $300-$400 for a modern radio but to dump that much into a "just AM" seems too much for me....looks and function are the call of the day here.
  20. Marty, did you do the radio install in the old case or have someone else do it...interesting idea cept that case is so dang big. As far as the case sides goes, the only difference "I" know of between the 800 and the 802 is the front end- 800s have the split face while 802s are a solid face....my 40 dash runs a verticle piece between the face halves. Tell me what you'd like for those- postage to 60505. -Bob
  21. ...my neighbor's 55...close as I can get - and keep trying to get from him too!
  22. From what my buddy who used to be a salesman told me is that most dealers want to sell what they have off their lot...having to trade or buy another lot's/dealer's vehicle is too much of a hassle for them{not really, but they want it simple...er}. Money is money I figure. No dealer will ever loose money on a deal...any time they make a deal with you they're making money, if they let you walk away after haggeling they were going to cut it close or loose money.
  23. I'd be interested...why junk the block though? I'm in aurora IL..probably an hour and a half from you...
  24. Van or truck?...seen a few from time to time on ebay.
  25. Nice...what brand steelies and what'd they cost ya?
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