This is all good reading especially since there was a happy ending...I'm looking into a new Dodge Dart end of the year since the RT package isn't out yet....I want a compact car, better mileage, and a mopar. Time to do my homework I guess.
Adding to the FM's hassles, long ago I tried a lease since at the time I was trading in at payoff for a new car...thought I'd try something new{silly me}. Got a '96 sebring on a friday, but wednesday they called me in and told me the lease fell through{had good credit-don't get it?}...he wound up insulting me by saying I should have bought a car I could afford - I was sticking to the selling payment of the lease and wouldn't budge one penny{5 yr lease...I dont know why I thought it was a good thing then}...after a half an hour of him trying to beat me up I told him he had 5min to get it right or get me my trade in back. He kept telling me my car was sold- GM financing said it wasn't- wound up they got my price set to a "buy it" and off the lease thing...that's when I found out if the dealer doesn't sign the paperwork they don't have to honor it- always thought they did anyway, wrong! All of 5mos later it was for nothing as the dang car was totalled in the flood of '96 here.