I read Classic Car magazine and enjoy it very much. It does cover a wide range of years and interests, but I suppose they are trying to appeal to a wider audience.
I personally don't have much interest in '80s cars, however, you also have to realize that cars over 25 years old are considered collectible, and are eligible for antique plates in many states. At the other end of the spectrum, the snootiness of people who are only interested in "full classics" annoys me no end, but they are entitled to their opinions too. I am partial to our old Mopars, but back in the day they were just basic family sedans and inexpensive vehicles used by businessmen. People then, and now, dismissed them as "stodgy."
Live and let live. I hope that Hemmings Classic Car continues for a long time, it is the only mag I know of that gives ink to our cars, and other rapidly disappearing old American cars.