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About belvedere

  • Birthday 06/30/1975

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  • My Project Cars
    '57 Plymouth Belvedere


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    old Mopars

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  1. Is AAJ still around? I installed their conversion years ago on my '57 and am happy with it.
  2. Not here to defend Castrol GTX, but it meets SP (latest spec). SP supersedes all previous specs. The SP-rated GTX far exceeds the needs of a 1993 Caravan. https://www.api.org/products-and-services/engine-oil/eolcs-categories-and-classifications/oil-categories#tab-gasoline "For automotive gasoline engines, the latest API Service Category includes the performance properties of each earlier category and can be used to service older engines where earlier category oils were recommended."
  3. I've had good results from Daytona Parts Co. https://daytonaparts.com/
  4. I can only speak from experience...I just suck most of the DOT 3 out of the MC, fill it with DOT 5, and bleed til there's purple at each wheel. Rick Ehrenberg, tech editor of Mopar Action, tells of similar experience. I guess each person should just do what they feel is best for their car. https://www.moparaction.com/2016/03/16/binder_juice/
  5. We'll just have to disagree. I have converted multiple cars and bikes over the last 25 years, and none has had an issue from DOT 5 fluid. One of them is my Kawasaki ZRX1200, which I bought new in 2001 and converted probably a couple years later, and the same fluid is still in there. It will go faster in 2nd gear than our old Mopars will go period, so I'm sure not gonna mess around with brake issues on it. Works great - no mushy feel or other problems - as do my old Mopars with DOT 5. Mfrs don't use it because all cars now have ABS, and DOT 5 is slightly more viscous than glycol-based fluids. Besides , it is quite a bit more expensive, and that adds up over millions of new vehicles. I sure don't understand the "lubricating seals" comment. Most wheel cyl kits come with a little packet of...silicone grease. Apparently those seal mfrs think silicone does a pretty good job.
  6. Do you mean that you applied the brakes with the drum off? If so, don't do that...it will cause problems for you.
  7. From the looks of that rust, yeah, you should rebuild everything. All brake fluid is synthetic, so no worries there. The DOT 3 you have is fine. Personally, I prefer DOT 5 since it doesn't absorb moisture, but everyone has their own preferences.
  8. Have you verified that the gauge is telling the truth? I like to shoot the thermostat housing with an IR thermometer.
  9. Thanks for all the replies...much appreciated! I ended up bargaining with one of the offers a little. After a lot of thinking, praying, and talking with my wife, I accepted it. I will start at a little over 70% of my current pay, which will be tough, but it will increase in steps, and after 9-12 months, I should be at about 90% of current. There is also some potential for growth in the future. It's a mom and pop...I think there's like 10 people working there, including the owner. I know one of the employees (worked with him at another job many years ago), and he loves it there, so that's encouraging. My current boss (who is a really good guy) was very understanding. I will start the new job in a month.
  10. That is wonderful that you had such great results, knuckleharley! Do you mind sharing what type of cancer you had?
  11. When I wanted some rattle cans made up to touch up my engine compartment, I called ABS and gave them the original paint code from 1957. I wasn’t real confident, but to my surprise, it turned out to match well.
  12. I'll try to make this short and to-the-point. My job is stressful to me and I don't enjoy it. I've got 2 job offers, but both pay considerably less than my current job. My wife tells me to take one of them, because she wants me to be happy. I appreciate that, but I can tell that inside she is worried about the cut in pay. We are in a smaller town with limited opportunities, and we will not be moving in the foreseeable future. I know that this is a vague question, and I am the one who has to make the decision, but any general advice from those who may have been in similar situations would be much appreciated!
  13. Good advice above. I’ve carefully tapped in seals with a hammer, going very slowly a bit at a time, but it’s definitely easier and better to use the method described by Sniper and harmony.
  14. I’m guessing they are simply 2 different brands of parts that are made slightly different.
  15. Right, 120 on the balancer, not the fan.
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