Yes the Modesto ash was found growing in this area and turned out to be a separate species therefore the name. It's a good shade tree that is a staple in wind and grows at a reasonable rate with medium sized leaves that to turn yellow but not any real nice color.
The city here, Modesto, loved the idea of using only the Modesto ash in all new housing developments in the 50's and forward to the 70's until a disease (dutch elm disease, I believe it is) caused all the ash trees to drip sap, many dead limbs falling off etc. The older well established trees do OK but the young ones are by far the worst. They do have a lot of roots that crack and raise sidewalks, driveways and house foundations if too close. Can cause problems in my area where the trees are mostly 65 years old.
My nephew in Vegas bought a new house and did up the landscape like where he grew up in Modesto-grass bushes etc. Bought a tree for the front yard from a local nursery and planted in his front yard. After several months he realized there was a tag on the tree identifying what type of tree he had bought. A Modesto ash!
Now the grass is gone and changed the type of bushes are changed to much less water required -drip system etc., but managed to keep the tree!