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Everything posted by kbuhagiar

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_joint
  2. That would be an expansion joint.
  3. Great pictures, Ed. I had a 1962 Falcon two-door in high school - it was my daily driver. Bought it for $50, replaced the harmonic balancer, and drove it for 2 years. Six cylinder with a three on the tree. One of the best cars I've ever owned.
  4. Attaboy Tim! I must say that my experiences with fellow car guys have been overwhelmingly charitable and positive (except for some of the Corvette folks); however, the P15-D24 is without question the most civilized of all of the auto forums that I participate in.
  5. +1 I had two prom night garters hanging for years in my 68 Cougar GT, until the sun faded them into oblivion. EXCELLENT story, and you should be proud of your daughter for having the foresight to take those pictures.
  6. RobertKB, That is looking really nice! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Scotty T, Congratulations on the new project. Keep us posted on the progress.
  8. Ummm, yes you are. That's fine for you. He found something a little different and fell in love with it. I'm grateful that at least he is putting another old Plymouth back on the road, albeit with the engine of HIS choice. Scotty-t, you heard the man, better forget about it. What were you thinking???:
  9. Hello, Joe, Congratulations on the start-up! Not to be a doomsayer, but a friend of mine years ago had his 67 Nova go up in flames because of a balky solenoid. He was used to popping the hood and either tapping on the solenoid or disconnecting the battery to "fix" it. One day the problem repeated, but the hood stuck closed. Disaster in just a couple of minutes.
  10. Ed, The ad is from the June 1948 Bride & Groom Magazine. Your idea for a wedding anniversary present is AWESOME. I ran it by an expert (my wife of 22 years) and she agrees, you'd score MAJOR romance points. IMHO I think you should spring the $10 bucks plus shipping and go through with it; the results would be priceless. I wish I had thought of it first. Good luck!
  11. I have the Technostalgia fixtures on both corners and in the center of my P15. Love 'em. The workmanship appears to be top-notch, and the lights really pop.
  12. Congratulations! Agreed. I would also inspect the other wires for damage.
  13. I have, several times!
  14. I already checked the NHTSA database - no recall for the spare tire hoist. Thanks anyway!
  15. Hello Folks, I think I dodged a bullet today. The spare tire on my 1997 Chevy S10 pickup came loose from its storage spot under the bed and fell onto the street. Apparently the little winch assembly that holds the spare tire in place on these trucks is notorious for coming unglued (the cable assembly frays and eventually snaps). No damage to either the spare or my truck, and I was able to retrieve all of the broken parts. But I'm thankful because it happened two blocks from my house, at 10 MPH, while negotiating a speed bump, ESPECIALLY since I travel 20 miles every day on the freeway back and forth to work. I would hate to think what would have happened if that gizmo had let loose at 70MPH (OK, maybe 75), with four lanes of traffic behind me. Yikes. Thank goodness for small favors.
  16. aero3113, Most speed shops carry pressure plate bolts, usually sold on a card in packs of 6, by Mr. Gasket or one of the other big names. These look like what you are looking for: http://www.summitracing.com/parts/ARP-150-2201/ The link is for Summit; I'm sure Jegs has them, too. Good luck!
  17. Hello Don, I'm curious about that message you are getting at boot-up for "Windows 8". I can't imagine any scenario where Microsoft would be soliciting average PC users to upgrade to a beta version of their software. Nor am I aware of even an early beta of the next version of Windows being available yet for evaluation, let alone distribution. (Disclaimer - I am by no means an expert, but I am a bit of a PC geek, so I am usually up on these things.) Long story short, FWIW I would be wary of that message - it doesn't sound authentic. Just my 2 cents.
  18. We most certainly should be pursuing other forms of renewable energy. No question about it. I'd even support additional gas taxes to fund these endeavors. In the meantime, why not drill and use what we know we have while pursuing and developing alternate energy sources? I believe our immediate energy concerns far outweigh the risks to our eco-system. Just my 2 cents...
  19. Over 4 bucks a gallon for premium at some stations here in San Francisco. With all the turmoil in the Middle East, it's gonna get a lot higher before it settles back down...
  20. Let us know the outcome!
  21. Thank you. The previous owner did all of the exterior work on the car.
  22. The reason I asked, is I just removed the trunk light from my Club Coupe, and discovered that is actually for a sedan (since it has 'SEDAN' stamped on the underside). However, I would never have known, as it fit so well it appeared to come that way from the factory. Very Interesting...
  23. Hello Folks, With regards to the trunk mounted center stop light on the 46 - 48 Plymouth, I know that there are two separate applications, one for the sedan, and one for the coupe/convertible. Can someone explain the difference between the two? Thanks in advance.
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