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Everything posted by kbuhagiar

  1. I only have ONE of those puppies in my 18 x 20 garage, and I still have to take out a loan every time I use it!
  2. A variation of a popular urban legend. http://www.snopes.com/autos/theft/tickets.asp
  3. Hello, Don, Thanks for the reply. I like the fact that it only goes up to 6000rpm - more realistic.
  4. Andy, thanks for the response. That is exactly the style and size I was thinking about...do you know the manufacturer, or possibly have a picture of the dial? Thanks again.
  5. Actually, I've given up on mounting one in the dash (for now). I'm thinking of mounting a free-standing unit under the dash or even on the steering column. And I need something that incorporates modern technology, i.e. 12-volts and all electronic.
  6. Hello folks, I'm tired of driving my 47 Plymouth without a tach. I've resigned myself to the fact that I cannot incorporate one into my existing dashboard, unless I spend thousands on the Dakota Digital stuff. So, I've decided to go ahead and at least consider installing a free-standing unit. It will have to be electronic (12-volt), classic, understated, and preferably somewhat nostalgic. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions.
  7. Let us know how they work. I'm thinking about replacing my hood springs, since my hood 'sags' a few inches when open (and I'm constantly knockin' my noggin on the hood latch!). If new springs would get me a couple more inches of clearance I'll consider 'springing' for them...!
  8. Your secret is safe with me. PS You have mail.
  9. NICE car! What kind of V8?
  10. Perhaps the switch that 47heaven is looking for is a three-position rotary switch (to control fan speed), with the push-pull function to turn the fan on or off.
  11. Thanks for the input!
  12. Hello Folks, I am in the process of tweaking the cooling system on my 47 Plymouth (with a 350 Chevy engine). The first thing I would like to do is verify the accuracy of the water temperature gauge, which is the stock factory mechanical unit. The engine side of the gauge is threaded into the driver's side cylinder head. I will be using a hand-held infrared thermometer. Question - should I check the temperature right at the head, where the gauge is connected? Or should I check it at some other location? Also, I would love to hear from anyone else who has a 350 Chevy installed in a P15; I'm curious to hear about your cooling system configuration & modifications, and what you consider a 'normal' operating temperature (mine will idle, with both fans going, at around 205-210, according to the gauge). Thanks in advance!
  13. Well, since you asked... I'm sure the car is incredibly well engineered, and it took a lot of guts on the part of Chrysler to mass-market a car as radical as that... ...and I generally like all of Chip Foose's designs... but I cannot STAND that car. There. I said it.
  14. Thank you sir!
  15. Hello folks, Was a defroster an option on the 1947 Plymouth? Reason I am asking is that I was under the dash last night, doing some wiring, and I realized that there did not appear to be any cutouts on the dashboard which could be used to direct air up to the windshield. OR, to put it another way, if I want to add a defroster unit, would I have to cut holes in the dash? (shudder!) Thanks in advance!
  16. Problem solved. Gave it a dose of WD40 and the key finally came out. Thanks to all for the time and trouble. PS To all the locksmiths out there, I know you're only supposed to use graphite for locks, not conventional lubricants. I promise to buy some graphite spray tomorrow.
  17. Hello, fellow Plymouth fanatics, OK, I just got my new (NOS?) replacement trunk lock cylinder from Bernboom. Looks pretty good, as advertised. It arrived with one of the two keys inserted into the lock. The key doesn't want to come out. I've tried turning it all the way in either direction - no good. Is there some sort of trick to getting the key out of there? I fear that this key has sat in this lock for 60-odd years and that perhaps something inside has become fused. Thanks in advance.
  18. Thanks for the info, I had already checked with Steele, they didn't have it. Just as well as it probably would have cost around thirty bucks!
  19. Thanks for the suggestion, but it wouldn't work. The gasket I need is circular, like an o-ring, but the shape is flat, as opposed to an o-ring, which is tubular. What I need is similar to this: Thanks again!
  20. Hello Folks, I am in the process of replacing the trunk lock cylinder on my 47 Plymouth. Unfortunately, the gasket that goes between the lock cylinder and the trunk handle assembly disintegrated upon removal. I checked my parts stock for possible replacements, but all of my stuff is from mostly mid-60's cars and nothing was even close (they were all too large in circumference). I checked with Bernboom, and he doesn't have one. Does anyone know where I could find one of these gaskets? Or if one from another make/model would fit? If necessary, I will resort to some gasket/seal stock and a very sharp blade, but I'd rather not... Thanks in advance!
  21. Besides being the light of my life, my wife is also my biggest supporter of my car-guy tendencies. She never questions my auto-related expenditures, because she knows that as part of the package, all of her vehicles are in top-notch condition. Plus, it's my only vice, it keeps me out of her hair, and she knows if I'm out late it's because I'm working in the garage.
  22. So, has anyone had any luck finding a source for this screw? I just realized I need one for my trunk lock, as a previous owner replaced the original with a cap-head screw. And we have verified that it is a 12-28 thread, oval-head? There seem to be and abundance of taps & dies of that size for sale on Ebay; why can't we find the fasteners to go with them?
  23. Thanks for the responses; as much as I love to buy new tools, I also like making do with what I have and saving a few bucks.
  24. Does it come in a mounting case?
  25. Hello Folks, Came across this on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120619837111&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT It's supposed to be a door & window handle lock pin removal tool for vintage Mopars. I'm curious, as I will be removing both door panels in the next couple of weeks, and would hate to get stuck without the proper tool. Is this sort of tool necessary? Does it make the job easier? Or can I just use a roll pin tool & hammer? Thanks in advance.
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